Chapter 29

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Stephanie's POV

"Nash, take me home right now please." I say, while pacing back and forth. We're now standing on the beach again and both of us were out of breath from running.  

"I'll call somebody to pick us up." Nash says, realizing that we took a taxi here. 

Before answering him, I fall right into his arms and hold him as tight as I could while trying not to shed another tear. "Why." I say, my voice shaking. "Why would he do that to me?" I ask. Nash holds me tighter and I cry into his shoulder. 

"I don't know Steph." He says quietly. "But, we should probably get back to the hotel now." He says and slowly pulls me off of him. I nod my head and he calls a taxi to come pick us up. We don't tell anybody we're leaving because the party wasn't even over yet, so we just left.

When we get back to the hotel, I was exhausted. We go up the elevator and start to walk down the hallway to our rooms, and it was dead silent. 

We get to our rooms and Nash goes to walk into his, but I grab his hand before he could open the door. "Wait for me." I say, "I have to get changed, then I want to go to your room." 

"Alright. Just come on in when you're done." He says.

With that, I quickly go into my room that I share with Matt and Carter. I get some leggings to change in to along with Nash's hoodie that I was still wearing. It was so comfortable. I stand in the room and just look around. When I see Matt's suitcase and all his clothes laying on the floor, it makes me smile. It sucks that I'm not with him right now but it also pisses me off what I saw, therefore he's the one who needs to fix this. Not me. 

I walk out of the room and into Nash's room. He's sitting on his bed on his computer and when he sees me he looks up and smiles. "Nice hoodie." 

"Thanks." I laugh and jump on the bed next to him, cuddling up in the blankets. 

"Are you mad at all?" He asks, closing his laptop and turning towards me. 

I sigh, "Yeah. I just don't really wanna talk about it right now though." I look down. "Can I sleep in here tonight?" I ask. 

"Of course." Nash smiles, "Wanna watch a movie?" 

"Yes!!" I say loudly and lay down underneath the covers and rest my head on a pillow. About 5 minutes into the movie, I was already passed out with Nash's arms around me. 

When the movie was already over, my eyes start to slowly open. The room is pitch black, except for the tv, which is just a grey screen since the movie ended. I turn my head around and see that Nash is sleeping right next to me. But, I also notice something else. It wasn't just Nash and I in here. Taylor and Cameron were also in here, but they were sleeping in the other bed. I quickly glance at the clock and it was like 3 in the morning, which means Matt is probably back in the other room. 

I slowly crawl out of the bed, trying not to make any sound. Luckily none of the boys hear me and were still sound asleep. I snuck out the door and across the hall and slowly went into my room.

It was also pitch black in here, except one thing. I walk more into the room and notice that Matt is awake, while on his phone laying down. The light from his phone was reflecting off of his face and all of a sudden, I see him glance up at me standing there. 

"Steph?" He whispers and sits up, trying not to wake Carter. 

"Hi." I whisper back and slowly sit down at the edge of the bed. 

It was silent for a moment, but he finally spoke up. "Can we talk in the hall?" He whispers. I nod my head and we both stand up and walk out of the room. Right away, I sit down up against the wall and wrap my arms around my legs, without even making eye contact with Matt. He stood up across from me, up against the other wall and just stared at the ground. 

"I'm sorry, babe." He says, quietly and looks at me.

"Sorry's not gonna cut it." I say, still not making eye contact with him.

"But can I tell you something Steph?" He says and I don't reply. "What you saw. That was nothing. We didn't even do anything." he says and walks over to sit next to me.

"Wait, so you didn't kiss her?" I ask and finally turn to look him in the eyes, while mine were watery.

"God no!" Matt laughs, "She was just a fan who wanted a hug!"

I play with my fingers and don't say anything. "Who were the other girls you were with?" I ask.

"All those girls were there for Carter, seriously. He asked me to invite some girls for him, so I did. That's all." He says.

I sigh and look at him again. "I was so excited to spend the night with you and you just totally ditched me.." 

"I know, I shouldn't have." He sighs, "But I can make it up to you, I promise." Matt says and reaches his hand over to wipe the tears off my cheek.

"You better, because Nash was there for me last night and you weren't." I say, telling the truth.

"I know, I know.." Matt says, "You're even wearing his sweater.."

I look down quickly and look back up. "Um, yeah, about that." I hesitate, "I was cold at the party."

"Well here, let me fix that." Matt says and takes the ends of the hoodie and pulls it off over my head, leaving just my tank top. 

"Well, that didn't make it any better." I say and laugh. 

"I wasn't done yet!" Matt says, smiling. He takes my hand and pulls me up off the ground and we walk back into the room. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me underneath the covers with him and wraps his arms around me, holding me tight.

"Warmer now?" He whispers in my ear.

"Much warmer." I smile and close my eyes.


Team Matt or Team Nash?

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