Chapter 60

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(If any of you guys are 5SOS fans or love Luke Hemmings, you should check out my new story! It's called "Forever" and I really want to continue on with that, so please please please go read that and vote!!)

Stephanie's POV

"You do realize that pacing back and forth isn't gonna solve anything, right?" Matt laughs, as he's laying on his bed with his arms crossed behind his head.

"I know, I know." I ignore him and continue pacing in front of him. I hear him laugh and scoot to the end of the bed, grabbing my hands.

"Stephanie." He says, trying to make eye contact.

"Matthew." I finally look down at him and stop moving. 

His grip tightens as he pulls me down to sit next to him. He turns to face me as I just stare at the blank wall. "I thought you didn't like Lily anyways?" He asks, still holding my hands and rubbing his thumb along my skin. 

"I don't." 

"Then why do you care so much?" His voice is softer.

"Because Matt. It's been three days since she took me to the club and she hasn't showed up since. Last time I saw her she was so drunk and it worries me what could've happened to her." I say and shrug my shoulders.

"I'm sure she's fine." He leans in closer, moving a piece of hair out of my face. 

Without saying anything, I just nod my head and lean into Matt as he wraps his arms around me. His hand rubs slowly up and down my back as I take in the scent of his cologne, which smells so good. "One more week." I whisper into him, kind of hoping he didn't hear me. But I'm wrong. He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me back to look at him.

"Matt, I really don't want to leave. I feel like we just got situated.." I sigh.

He nods his head and looks away from me, not saying anything. "We'll work something out." He says, quietly.

I shake my head and force myself not to tear up. "How? I can't just not go to school. You know that, right?" I assure him. 

"I know. It's just..." He stops mid sentence and I look at him waiting for him to finish, but he doesn't.

"It's just what?" I pull my eyebrows together and tilt my head.

He sighs loudly and I get more confused by the second. "I'm not going back to school." He spits out.

"What?" The word flys out of my mouth.

"I'm gonna take online classes." He tries not to make eye contact.

"So where are you gonna go then??" I ask, literally confused by all of this.

"Steph I was going to tell you all of this. Please don't be mad." He doesn't answer my question.

"Are you moving somewhere?"

He nods his head and looks down at his lap. I knew it. He was always acting so weird whenever I would bring this conversation up. He would try to ignore it and would change the subject or say "lets talk about it later." This is bullshit. Why couldn't he just tell me?

"LA." His voice quietly says.

I stand up from the bed and walk towards the door. I don't want to talk to him right now. He knew about this for so long.

"Steph!" He yells, catching me before I reach his door. His hand wraps around my wrist, stopping me from moving. "Just hear me out, okay?" He says, inches from my face.

I pull away from his grip and cross my arms in front of my chest. "Talk." 

"About a month ago Nash, Cam and Carter all talked about getting an apartment in LA. They asked me to move in with them and I didn't agree at first because at the time, I was still gonna go to school in the fall. They all talked me into online school because that's what they do." He takes a breath before continuing, "Plus, everything with Magcon just blew up so fast and we've gained so much following that I don't think public school would be good for me.." He gets quieter as he comes to an end. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier."

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