Chapter 24

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Stephanie's POV

"SHAAWWWNNN!!" Matt yells with his high pitched voice and runs over to him. It's been about 3 weeks since we last saw the guys, so they were all really happy to see eachother in the airport. 

"YO CAMERON!" I hear someone yell from behind me, when all of a sudden Nash storms past me and runs over and jumps on Cameron. They were all laughing and talking. 

Eventually, all the boys and me were together again. Matt, Shawn, Carter, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Aaron, Taylor, Jack, Jack and me. And no Alexis..

There were a bunch of screaming fans outside waiting for the boys to come out. Security guards had to come and block us, so they wouldn't get mobbed. It was weird for me because I wasn't quite used to that yet. A lot of their fans were starting to find out who I was because of what Matt tweeted. Ever since we started dating, I've been getting a lot of hate. But, it doesn't really bother me because all I care about is Matt and if we're fine, then that's all that matters to me.

We get outside and go to the limo after the boys get some pictures with their fans. The ride to the hotel was so loud but it was really fun. Matt was making a bunch of vines of Cameron twerking in the limo and it was just hilarious. 

When we finally get to the hotel, it was huge and it was literally right on the beach. Perfect. Everyone got out, got their luggage and went inside to check in and get our rooms. All of us were on the same floor, which was good. We run up to the rooms and pick who we wanted to room with. It ends up being Cameron, Nash, Shawn and Taylor in a room. Aaron, Jack and Jack in another room. And Carter, Matt and me in another room. 2 of the rooms were connected, so everyone was probably gonna switch back and forth, while our room was right across the hall.

Our view from the hotel room was over-looking the beach and it was amazing. I set all my stuff down on the bed and walk out on the balcony and just stare at the gorgeous blue water. 

All of a sudden, I feel arms wrap around my waist from behind me. I jump and turn my head to see that it was Matt. "Scared?" He laughs.

"No!" I say, "I actually liked it" I smile, while wrapping his arms back around my waist. He kisses my cheek and holds me tighter as we both look out at the beach. 

"So what are we gonna do the rest of the day?" I ask and lean my head on him.

"Hmmm.. we'll probably just hang out around San Diego with the boys." He says. "Well, unless you wanna do something else."  

"No thats fine!" I smile and turn to face him, "When is Magcon?" 

"It's in 2 days" He says and holds my hand. "Trust me, we'll have plenty of time to be alone together." Matt says as if he was reading my mind.

"Okay good." I lean in to hug him. He wraps his arms around me again and pulls me in tighter. He pulls his head away so that we were face to face. It was so quiet and all you could hear were the waves of the ocean. The sun was shining down off the water and it was just the prettiest thing. Matt leans in closer and our foreheads were almost touching. "I love you." He says and smiles. 

My jaw drops open and my heart begins to race. My face is probably beat red right now. That's the first time Matt has ever said that to me and I couldn't believe it. He means so much to me and I never want to let him go. Therefore, I smile back at him, "I love you too." I say, quietly. He leans in and slowly connects our lips.

"WOOOAAAAHHHH." Carter yells just as he walks into the hotel room and sees us on the balcony. Me and Matt quickly seperate our lips and turn to see Carter. "Great. I have to share a room with a couple while I'm single." He sighs and plop on the bed as me and Matt walk back into the room and laugh.

"Aw don't worry bro, Shawn is in the other room if you want to go sleep with him." Matt laughs.

"Ha ha very funny." Carter fake laughs. "I'll just find a girl at the beach later." he shrugs.

"Alright, you do that." Matt laughs. "What are the guys doing?" he asks.

"I don't even know. They're all down in the lobby." Carter answers. "Wanna go see?" 

"Yeah let's go!" Matt says, as us 3 walk out of the room and down the elevator to the lobby. 

We walk in the lobby and all the boys were spread out all over the place. Some were on the couch watching TV and others were just messing around.

"Steph!" I hear someone call. When I look behind me, it's Nash.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Come here, quick." He says and grabs my arm to pull me with him. Matt just walks with Carter to go talk to Jack and Jack, so he doesn't even notice.

"Is something wrong?" I ask Nash, as we began walking down a hallway. 

"No, just look." Nash says and stops by a door to look through the window. "It's Cameron." He points.

I stand on my tippy toes to look through the window and I see Cameron sitting down and talking on the phone. "Who's he talking to?" I ask and look back at Nash.

"Alexis." He says, "They've been talking like everyday."

"Are you serious?" I ask, "I haven't even talked to her since Florida!" 

"Yeah, she's been calling Cam a lot. He told me that they're planning to meet up again." he says and rolls his eyes.

"Wow. And not once has she called me to see how I was doing." I sigh.

"Well, maybe you should call her. I mean she was in rehab." Nash says and I sigh again.

"I mean I guess so." I say. "Ugh it just sucks, ya know? We used to be soo close and now I feel like we're just strangers." I frown.

"Don't worry Steph, you guys will work things out." He says, trying to comfort me.

I laugh, "Thanks Nash." 

We walk back to the lobby and eventually Cameron comes back too. I sit next to Matt on the couch as he wraps his arm around me. I smile and lean my head on his shoulder. 

"GUYS LETS GO TO THE BEACH!" Taylor yells and everyone looks at him. 

"Yas let's go!!" Nash yells back. We all agree on going and then go up to our rooms to get our beach stuff and head out of the hotel.


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been so busy with school :(

I hope you like the new cover! 

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