Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning to see Alexis on the other bed. I must've sat up too fast because I get dizzy for a few seconds. I look down and realize I'm still wearing all the same clothes from yesterday. 

Ohhh yeah, duh. I forgot that Matt took me back here last night because I got sick. I thought. I stand up and walk to the bathroom and change into sweatpants then go back to sit on my bed. 

About 10 minutes later Alexis wakes up and sees that I'm watching TV. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?" She asks in her morning voice as her hair is a mess.

I laugh, "So much better. I don't even know what happened or how I got sick. But oh well." I say, "How was the rest of Magcon?" 

"Good." She shrugs.

Knowing Alexis, she would've started freaking out and telling me about everything that happened and fangirling like crazy..but she didn't for some reason. I don't worry about it though.

"What are the plans for today?" I ask her.

"I kind of want to go to the beach and maybe walk around the boardwalk!" She says, standing up. "And, um, I kind of want Cameron to come too." she adds.

"Oh, that's fine. Maybe I'll see if Matt will come." I reach for my phone.

I unlock my phone seeing that I already have a text from him. 

Matt: Good morning, hope you're feeling better :)

I smile so big and decide to text him back.

Me: I'm feeling a lot better, thanks to you :) Me and Alexis are going to the beach today, do you and the boys wanna come?

He texts back right away.

Matt: Yeah we'll meet you at your room in about an hour.

Yay! I thought. 

"Hey Lex!" I call her as she's in the bathroom.

She walks out the second she hears me, "Whats up?"

"The boys will be here in about an hour." I tell her.

"Okay!" She smiles and we start to get dressed into the same bathing suit we wore at the pool the first night we came here.

I leave my hair naturally wavy since we were gonna be at the beach all day. I put my sunglasses on just as I hear a knock on the door. 

Matt's POV

After last night I suddenly feel closer to Stephanie. I almost blew it when I told her that she had to be feeling better by today, because I secretly have something planned for us later tonight. But good thing she fell asleep and I didn't have to ruin the surprise. 

I made sure to text her this morning so see if she was feeling better. And she was, so that's good. She also asked if we wanted to go to the beach with her today and I said yes, of course.

I know it may be early, but I was starting to like Stephanie. I just like everything about her. Her smile, her hair, her eyes, her personality..

"Dude, what are you staring at?" Nash laughs and looks at me, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Oh." I look around, "Nothing." I laugh and stand up. I have my blue swimming trunks on along with a white tank top and my sunglasses. The rest of the boys are pretty much wearing the same thing except Taylor, who has his bandana on.

We all walk out the door, onto the elevator and down to Steph's room. As we get there, Cameron knocks on the door.

Stephanie's POV

I open the door to see Cameron and all of the boys behind him. 

"Hey!" I say, giving him a hug. 

"Hey! You seem like you're feeling a lot better, yeah?" Cam says to me.

"Yeah I am." I smile and glance over at Matt. 

"Cameron!!" Alexis yells and runs up, passing me to hug him.

We walk out of the room and I shut the door. We start walking down the hallway and I walk right over to Matt. "Hi." I smile and nudge him with my elbow.

"Hey babe." He smiles also. We let everybody walk ahead of us as we just tagged along in the back. 

"How long did you stay last night?" I ask him.

"Well, I fell asleep then I woke up at around 1 and so I decided to let you sleep alone." He says.

"Aww. You know you could've stayed all night!" I look up at him. He's a few inches taller than me.

"Maybe another night." He smiles and his cheeks get pink. 

We walk out of the hotel and make our way towards the beach. As we get there, we lay our towels out on the sand and put on sunscreen/tanning lotion. It was such a sunny day out, it was amazing. 

"Wanna go in the water with me?" Matt asks just as I sit down on my towel.

"Nah, I need to get tan first." I lay down and stretch my legs out.

"C'mon pleeaseee." Matt begs.

"No!" I laugh and close my eyes enjoying the sun. 

"Fine." Matt stands up and walks towards the water by himself.

"Wow you're sooo mean." Shawn jokes. 

I sit up and lean on my elbows while watching Matt walk to the water.

"Haha watch this." I say to Shawn and stand up. 

I start running down the sand and when I get closer to Matt, I jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist.

"Woahhh!" He says and turns his head around, seeing that it was me on his back. "I knew you would do that!" Matt starts laughing while wrapping his arms around my legs.

"Yeah right!" I laugh. Matt runs into the water with me still on his back. I scream when he jumps in and puls me under with him. 

We splash water on each other and then just float on our backs looking up at the sky, while talking.

"You're not busy tonight, right?" Matt asks.

"Nope. Why?" 

"Just wondering." He smiles.

"Matt!" I stop floating on my back and turn towards him. "Tell me!" I grab his arm and pull him closer.

We were eye to eye in the water. "You'll see!" He says.

"Why do you have to be so complicated." I pout and push away from him. He grabs my arm again and pulls me close to him so we were chest to chest. "Just trust me." I feel his breath on me.

I smile really big, "Okay."


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! But thanks for 200+ reads! I will be updating a lot from now on so keep reading and let me know how you like it! :)

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now