Chapter 30

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Matt's POV

I wake up later that morning and notice that Stephanie was sleeping right next to me. Even though absolutely nothing happened between me and that girl last night at the party, I still felt guilty. I wanted to hang out with Steph last night, but I made Carter a promise. I noticed that her and Nash have been hanging out a lot and to be honest, it kind of makes me mad. Stephanie is mine and I won't let anyone hurt her, including me. 

I turn over on my side to face Steph as she was still sleeping. I reach my hand over to her and lightly play with her hair. Her eyes slowly open and she look straight at me. I see a smile creep on her face. "Morning babe." I say, quietly.

"Morning." She yawns and wipes her eyes.

"Let's take a walk on the beach, okay?" I whisper to her because Carter is still sleeping. 

"Okay." She whispers back, smiling. 

We both get out of bed and change into different clothes and then head out of the room. When we walk out of the hotel, the beach is just across the street. 

I grab her hand as we step foot on the sand. We continue walking closer to the water and just make our way down the shore. 

It's quiet for a moment, but Steph finally speaks up, "You ready for Magcon today?" She asks.

I smile and look at her as we keep walking hand and hand, "Of course." I say. "Are you?"

She smiles back at me and nods her head, "Yes." She laughs. 

I hold her hand tighter and I see a smile appear on her face. 

"Maybe we can do something tonight." I say, "After Magcon."

"Hmm, like what?" She asks.

"I don't know." I say and laugh, "You can pick."

"Alright then." She shurgs, "How bout we just go see a movie..?" 

"Okay, what movie?" I ask. 

"The Fault in Our Stars!" She says and smiles. 

"Are you serious." I stop walking to look at her, "That's like a chick flick."

"Awwh c'mon!" She grabs my arm, jumping up and down. "Please?" She pouts her lips.

"Alright, fine." I sigh.

"Didn't you read the book anyways?" She asks, looking at me curiously.

I pause for a moment. "I mean.. yeah. but still." I say and kind of laugh.

"So then you should be excited for the movie!" She smiles. 

"I am!" I say, "There's just gonna be soo many girls there." 

"Oh my god, you're used to that type of stuff though." She says, laughing.

"I know I know, but I'd rather just be alone with you." I say. 

"So.. what are you trying to say?" She asks.

"Well..." I pause. "I might know this guy..." I smirk before finishing.

"Yeah?" She asks.

"He can probably rent out the theater for us tonight." I say, smiling.


"Mhmmm." I say, nodding my head and smiling.

"Oh my god Matt, you're amazing!" She says and wraps her arms around me.

I wrap my arms around her also and hold her tight as she rests her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head, then she leans back and looks up at me. Our arms were still wrapped around eachother as our eyes were connected. 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now