Chapter 8

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Stephanie's POV

When we were done eating, Matt shows me around the boat. It has 3 floors. The bottom deck is the main floor with the kitchen, the 2nd deck is like a living room area and the top deck was like a lookout area and a bedroom. It was absolutley gorgeous.

Matt walks me up to the top floor and we sit down near a window looking out at the water. "I had a really fun time today." Matt smiles and looks at me.

"Yeah me too." I smile back at him.

We were enjoying the view of the ocean when Matt stands up and walks over towards the bed. I turn to look at him, "Are we spending the night in here?" 

"Yup!" Matt yells and bellyflops onto the bed. I laughs and stand up to walk over to him.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" I pout and see that he is pretty much stretched across the whole bed. 

"You can sleep here." Matt says and sits up, "I can just sleep on the floor if you think it's weird." He laughs.

"It's not weird." I sit down on the bed next to him.

"You sure?" He smirks. "Let's see here... Should I sleep in the same bed as a cute girl? or.. Sleep on the floor all by myself?" He pauses. "Floor it is!" 

"Matt!!" I laugh and push him. "I said it wasn't weird!" 

Matt starts laughing too and we start to push each other just playing around. Then, he grabs my waist and pulls me on top of him as he lays down. It's quiet for a moment, but it's not awkward.

"Your eyes are really pretty." Matt whispers as I was laying on top of him and we were face to face. He pushes my hair behind my ear and then puts his hand around my neck. 

"Thanks." I try not to blush as I look into his eyes. His other hand makes its way around my waist and pulls me closer to him. 

"I really wanna kiss you." He says, his voice getting softer as our foreheads were almost touching. 

"Go ahead." I whisper.

Matt slowly leans in and I feel our lips touch. He tightens his grip around me and makes the kissing more intense. We turn over on the bed, so now Matt was on top of me. I run my hands down his torso and reach for the end of his shirt. I feel his tongue invade my mouth and I can't help but smile while he's doing that. Just as I pull his shirt off, I hear my phone ring.

"Shit." I quickly push Matt off of me and hop off the bed to get my phone.

"Hello?" I answer and then turn around to look back at Matt, who was just laying down smiling to himself. I giggle.

"Stephanie? Hey, It's mom!" My mom says to me through the phone.

"Oh! Hi mom."  

"What are you doing? How's Florida?" She asks.

"Um it's good. I'm just hanging with Lex in the hotel room right now watching a movie!" I say, trying to hide the fact that I just made out with Matt Espinosa.... in a boat...on a bed. 

"Well that's great!" She says, "Your father and I miss you and we hope you're having a good time!"

It was really late, so I have no idea why my mom decided to call me now instead of during the day. 

"Miss you too! Okay, I have to go now, bye love you!" I say and hang up really fast and then sigh really loudly as I throw my phone on the ground. 

"Aw was that your mom?" Matt asks and laughs. 

"Yup. She just HAD to call right now? Ugh." I laugh and lay back down on the bed next to Matt and rest my head on the pillow. 

"Yeah, uhm that was interesting." Matt says, referring to what just happened between us a few minutes ago.

I smile, "Yeah, but I liked it." I say and get underneath the comforters to get more comfortable. Matt gets underneath them too and scoots closer to me.

"I liked it too." He says and smiles. "Goodnight." He lightly kisses me on the forehead then turns around to go to sleep. 

"Goodnight." I blush and then close my eyes, falling asleep.



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