Chapter 71

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Stephanie's POV

Today's the day of Winterball. I honestly don't want to go anymore, but my mother is forcing me to which just makes me even more mad. I had school today and I'm exhausted, therefore I just want to sleep the rest of the night since Christmas break starts tomorrow. But, I already have my dress on which means.. I have to go.

"I want to get a picture of all of you girls!" My mom runs to the back of the living room with her camera, as me and a few other friends stand in front of the fireplace. My friend, Emma is wearing a black dress as she stands next to me. Another girl has on a light purple dress, like the one I wanted at the store but my mom told me no. I don't understand why though, because it was my choice. But oh well, I can't change it now.

I stand in the middle and smile as my mom snaps like a million pictures. "You girls look so gorgeous!" She smiles, taking one last picture. I honestly don't even think I was paying attention when she took that one.

"Thanks mom." I give her a small hug, before leaving. 

"Emma's driving right?" She asks and I nod my head, "Be safe and have fun!"

I laugh and grab my black northface jacket off the hook by the door. It's still snowing out and I didn't want to freeze. "Bye." I wave to her and follow the rest of the girls out to the car. I climb into the backseat, since one of the girls complained that she wanted to sit in front. I didn't really care where I sat anyways. I just wanted to get this night over with and go back home and go to sleep.


Matt's POV

"I look awful." I mumble to myself as I stand in front of the mirror in my hotel room. I have on a black suit, with a black underneath shirt, tucked into black dress pants. And to top it off.. a white tie. Just plain and simple, since Steph's mom told me to wear white to match her dress.

I run back into the bathroom quickly and put some gel in my hair, making it spike up in the front. "Much better." I say outloud as I stare into the mirror again. This is the same exact outfit I wore on the red carpet at the VMA's, but I somehow feel more nervous in it right now. I'm nervous about what Steph's reaction is gonna be. Is she gonna be surprised? Is she gonna be mad? 

I check the time on my phone and realize that I have to get there soon. I start to panic as I begin to go over everything in my head. "Okay, so I have to secretly sneak in through the back." I talk, while pacing back and forth. "The spotlight will shine on her..." I repeat the words that I'm gonna say to her in my head over and over again. This has to be perfect.

I check the time again and finally speed walk out of the room, but checking how I look in the mirror one last time. A bunch of girls were waiting for me in the lobby because somehow they found out through Twitter that I was here. It actually amazes me how fast things spread around.

"Matt, can I get a picture with you?"

"Why are you so dressed up?"

"Where are the rest of the guys?"

"Matt, I love you!!"

As much as I hate to do it, I pass by all of them. I yell "I love you!" back to the girl and quickly go outside and get inside the nearest Taxi. I hate being like that to my fans because I wouldn't be here without them and I love them so much. But this is important. I didn't want anyone to know I was here, especially Steph. This was supposed to be a huge surprise after four months of not seeing her and I couldn't have it be ruined by her finding out through Twitter. I knew that the fans would eventually understand.

I gave the driver directions to the school and as we start driving, I begin going over the steps of what to do in my head again. I couldn't wait to see her face when I walked into that gym.


Stephanie's POV

I stand near the table filled with food and pour myself a glass of fruit punch. As I drink it, I look around the gym and admire how well the decorating committee did. Everything is white. All white. A giant disco ball hung in the middle of the dance floor and spun around making it look like the place was moving as the lights flickered off everything. Fake snow fell from up above, to make it seem like it was actually snowing. It's pretty amazing if you ask me. It just seems like a winter wonderland and my dress fits right in. 

I see Alexis standing alone on the other side of the gym, so I decide to walk up to her. The last time we talked was probably two or three months ago. I don't even know what happened exactly, but we were both just so upset over not being able to be with our boyfriends that we kind of split off in different directions. 

"Hey." I walk up to her, giving her a small smile. She wore a red, strapless dress almost like mine and it looked perfect on her as it complemented her long brown hair. 

"Hey." She says back and smiles, but then looks down like something is wrong.

"Are you alright?" I pull my eyebrows together and analyze her face, knowing that there was most definitely something wrong. I know Alexis. I can tell when something's up just by looking at her facial expression.

"Steph." She lets out a small cry and leans into me. I'm confused at first, but I try comforting her as she cries into my shoulder.

"Lex, what's wrong?" I place my hands on her shoulders and lean back to look at her face, noticing that her makeup is now ruined.

"It's Cameron." Her eyes squeeze shut at the mention of his name as she lifts her hand up to wipe away her tears, "He just broke up with me."

I was surprised when I found out they were still dating not that long ago, because keeping a long distance relationship is a lot harder than you think. Not being able to touch each other or kiss each other for a long time, just sucks. Trust me, I would know the feeling. "What happened?" I quietly ask, not wanting to upset her even more.

"I guess he's seeing another girl." She sniffs and wipes her nose, "Madison."

My heart just breaks for Alexis because just thinking about Matt being with another girl crushes me. I pull her in for another hug and tell her that everything will be fine and that someday she'll find a guy better than Cameron. She didn't believe me, but it was worth a try. 

"Aw Steph, I've missed you." She wipes her face for the hundreth time and looks at me. "Why did we stop talking?" She pouts.

"I guess boys just get in the way of everything." I shrug, making her laugh. 

"Well, I'm gonna go get cleaned up in the bathroom." She laughs, realizing how ruined her makeup is. "I'll be back out soon." She smiles, then walks away.

I sigh and lean up against the wall, watching as everybody slow dances on the dance floor while some old Taylor Swift song plays. A cute guy that I've never seen before comes up to me and holds out his hand, asking me to dance with him. He must be a freshman.

I smile and take his hand anyways, following him out to the middle of the floor. He's just a little bit taller than me, but not as tall compared to Matt. Matt's like a whole head taller than me, but I honestly love that. I've got to stop thinking about Matt, my brain tells me. The boy wraps his arms around my waist as I set mine on his shoulder, while awkwardly looking past him at the other people in the same position. 

"You're really pretty." The boy says and smiles at me.

I laugh a little, "Um thanks."

After the song is over, I take my hands off of him and begin to walk off the floor. Suddenly the spotlight hits me and I stop walking and look around, confused. Everyone around me that was just dancing, backs away and leaves me standing in the middle of the floor.

What the hell is going on?


sorry I left off on a cliffhanger, but I'll probably update again tomorrow so don't worry! make sure to vote and comment and check out my other book :))

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now