Chapter 59

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Matt's POV


"Do you want to hang out with us for the rest of the party?" One of the girls asked me.

"Ummm, I can't. I have to get back to my girlfr-" I started to say but she interuptted me. "C'mon! Just have a couple drinks with us, no big deal!" She said.

"Alright, just one drink." I said and turned to Carter, giving him a dirty look as he just laughed. 

I knew it was a bad decision and that I had to get back to Steph, but it's just one drink. What could possibly go wrong? 

I noticed that the girl slipped something in my drink, but I didn't even care to think at the moment. She handed it to me with a smile as I lifted it to my lips taking a sip. I felt it tingle going down my throat and I continued drinking it.

"Wanna go somewhere more quiet?" I heard a girl whisper in my ear. I think her name was Lily. I started to get really dizzy and I couldn't even remember where I was was. 

"Dude are you alright?" I think Carter asked me, I'm not sure.

"Yeah." I slur the word, feeling like I was going to pass out.

"We're gonna go over there." Lily says and points over to the dark parking lot where all the cars are.

Another girl latches onto Carter and begins walking in that direction, while the other girls follow. God, why must girls feel the need to walk in groups. I don't understand.

I feel Lily's hand connect with mine as she follows them to the dark space. All of a sudden, I'm pushed up against a car and by this point I have no idea what's even going on. She takes my hands and wraps them around her waist. I can't even move a muscle right now.. I just feel useless and dead.

"Kiss me." She whispers inches from my face, running her fingers through my hair.

"What, no-" I try to say, but I don't even know if the words came out. I suddenly feel her lips against mine and I can't even move away. What the fuck did that girl slip in my drink?

I fall to the ground, unable to stand anymore. Lily pushes me to sit up straight, while leaning against the car. My eyes are half way shut and I don't even know what she's doing. I feel her hands touch my lower stomach and unzipper my shorts, pulling them down to my ankles. She sits on top of me with a knee on each side of my thighs, as she reaches down to take my boxers off.

"You're lucky I brought a condom." She says and rolls her eyes.

"Stop-" I say and try to push her off me, but I'm too weak. There is no way in hell I'm getting out of here.

About 5 minutes later of her being on top of me, she finally gets off and throws the used condom under a car. My shorts are pulled back up and she tries standing me up to my feet. She takes my hand in hers again and continues to kiss me. Once she pulls away, I see a smile appear on her face. I feel so drained right now and I hate that I can't do anything about it. 

"Stephanie, wait!!!" I hear a familiar voice yell in the parking lot. For some reason, hearing her name wakes me up a little bit. I start breathing heavy, but I am able to push out of Lily's grip and somehow make it back down to the beach.

What the hell just happened.

After I tell Steph everything that happened that night, it breaks my heart to see her cry like this. I try to comfort her but she pushes me away as I lean in. 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now