Chapter 81

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Stephanie's POV

I wake up to Matt's arm hung over my body and our legs intertwined. Normally, I wouldn't mind this position because it's really comfortable, but I'm starting to get really hot and I need to get up. I slowly lift his arm off of me and climb out of the comforters. When I turn around to look back at Matt, his face is buried in the pillow and his hair is sticking in all different directions which makes me giggle. 

After I throw on some clothes of mine that were on the floor, I quietly open the door. When I hear Matt groan, I stop moving and look at him. He moves around in the bed, bringing his arm back to his chest and stays silent again. I smile and make my way out of his room and down the stairs, into the kitchen. 

I'm surprised when I see Cameron standing in front of the stove, beginning to cook some breakfast. "Awh, you're making breakfast just for me? How sweet." I joke, scaring him as I come up behind him.

He laughs and nudges me, "Or nah." He says, after clicking his tongue making a popping noise. 

"Wow, thanks." I roll my eyes and laugh, "Oh and by the way, nobody says that anymore." I say, referring to the or nah. 

"Oh c'mon. Magcon like.. invented that." He laughs as he lays the bacon down to sizzle. "Is everyone else sleeping?" 


"Good. Now we can gossip." He smirks and turns around to look at me.

"Oh really?" I lift my eyebrows at him, sitting down at the table across from the counter. "I think I read somewhere on Twitter that Carter's pregnant." I say, trying to hold back my laugh. 

Cameron starts laughing really hard, which makes me join in. "Yeah, and I read that Matt's gay and is dating Nash."

"No way! He's cheating on me!" I laugh even harder. It's crazy the things you see on Twitter. The fans are crazy, for sure. But I honestly love them. I can be a fangirl at times too, I mean, who isn't? 

Once our laughter dies down, I decide that this is a good time to actually talk to Cam. "Hey Cam?" I ask, as he pours the eggs in the pan.


"What happened with you and Alexis?" I curiously ask, hoping he won't get mad at me for bringing this up so sudden. 

He sighs and looks down. After about a minute of silence and me awkwardly waiting for a reply, he finally speaks up. "I really liked her." He admits, quietly. "That night when she called me, I was just so confused. I thought she liked me too. I thought we could make this work."

Wait what?

"Wait wait wait." I hold up my hands, "I thought you broke up with her?"

"What?" He turns to face me, "She broke up with me."

I run my hands down my face and try to process all of this. I replay the night of Winterball through my head and I can just picture Alexis crying her eyes out after the phonecall. She specifically told me that Cameron broke up with her because he was seeing another girl, named Madison. 

"Are you sure you didn't break up with her?" I ask and half laugh in confusion. 

"I'm positive. I was actually supposed to go with Matt to New York, but she called before I had a chance and ended it." He sighs. "I have no idea why, we were so... happy."

"Awh Cam." I pout and stand up to walk over to him. I wrap my arms around his waist and give him a hug as he begins to get sad. I hate seeing Cameron sad. 

"What did she say to you?" He asks, after I pull away from him and sit back down. 

"Well, the night of Winterball she got a call. She started crying and told me you ended it with her because you met another girl. She seemed really upset." I say honestly, remembering that night like it was yesterday.

"That's bullshit!" He yells and slams his hand on the table, making me jump a little. 

"Why would she lie?" I ask.

He runs his fingers through his hair and sighs, "Listen Steph, there's something you need to know.." He talks quieter and sits down next to me. I pull my eyebrows together and stare at him, waiting for what he has to say. "I think she's with Lily."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Like, I think they're teaming up or something I don't know." He says, "Have you gotten any of those weird texts lately?"

"No, why?" I'm honestly so confused at what he's trying to get at.

"Remember over the summer when we got those pictures sent to our phones? Like.. the one of you and Nash." He says, very quietly so that no one else could hear. Which they probably can't since they're sleeping.

"Yeah." I shake my head, remembering that day. It was awful when I had to tell Matt the truth, I never want to go through that again. "You think Lily did all of that?" 

He shakes his head up and down, "And now she's trying to get Alexis on her side. She's bad Steph, really bad." 

"That explains the club." Everything is finally start to piece together. But, is Alexis really getting involved with Lily? My mind begins to wonder that if this whole time, Alexis was just faking being a friend to me. After her whole 'drug problem' she came back and just seemed like the old Alexis again. My bestfriend. But now I'm starting to wonder, was it all just a game with her and Lily?

"Maybe that's why she lied to you at Winterball." He shrugs, "I just don't understand.."

"What don't you understand?"

"She told me she loved me.." He looks down and picks at his fingernails, "Then the next day it all went downhill and I was left sitting in my room, so confused. It just didn't seem like the Alexis that I knew."


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