Chapter 16

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Stephanie's POV

Matt and I went jetskiing pretty much all day and it was so fun. We each had our own jetskiis and once in awhile we would race eachother through the water. We just laughed and had a really good time.

After the long day we spent at the beach, me and Matt decided to just go back to my hotel room.

I walk through the door to the room and sigh loudly as I plopped down on the bed. "You okay?" Matt asks, seeming that something was wrong.

"Yeah I'm fine...I just don't want to leave in 2 days." I pout as Matt sits next to me on the bed.

"Well mayb-" Matt was cut off by the sound of the hotel door opening and Alexis walking inside. We both glance up at her quickly and she just stares at us.

"What?" Alexis snaps. 

She's carrying a dark bag around her shoulder and she looks so pale and sick. "What's wrong with you?" I ask, standing up and walking over to her getting a closer look.

"Why do you assume that something's wrong?" She rolls her eyes.

"Because you look like a mess!" I say. Her hair isn't even brushed, she smells bad and she looks sick as hell. 

"Well, I'm perfectly fine. Just leave me alone. I came in here to get something and now I'm leaving. So bye." She says and walks out the door. 

I turn around and look at Matt. He shrugs his shoulders and is speechless. What is wrong with her? I thought. "What's the point of even planning this birthday party for her tomorrow? It's stupid." I say and sit next to Matt again.

"It's for Cam. C'mon, you still have to do it." He says. "Plus, she is your bestfriend."

I sigh again and agreed. "Fine, I'll still do it.... but only for Cameron." 

After a few hours of watching TV with Matt, going on twitter, and just talking we decide to go to bed. "Ok I'm gonna go up to my room now. Goodnight babe." Matt says and kisses me on the cheek. 

"Goodnight." I say back at him and smiled.


I get up early in the morning and start to set up the party. I decide that I was gonna throw the party in the pool area of the hotel. I go down to the pool and put all the decorations up by myself. Eventually, I text Matt to see if he can come help me. When he comes down, he brings Cameron and Nash to help setup also. Matt and Cam put up all the tables and chairs, while me and Nash hang up giant banners, lights and decorations. The place actually looks really pretty when it's finally done. 

The party's gonna be held at night but we decide to decorate it now just because. When we're all finished we just sit down and talk. Cam was telling us how he was going to ask Alexis to be his girlfriend. It was really cute actually.

We pretty much just waste the whole day doing nothing. We were all waiting for night to come for the surprise party.

When the time finally came, everyone that the boys and I invited came. The pool area was filled with people and it was so crowded. There was a stage to the side, and there were lights hanging all around the place with tiki torches along side of the pool. There was a whole table filled with drinks and punch and another whole table filled with food and snacks. Now this was a real party.

9 p.m. is the time that Cam would text Alexis letting her know to come down to the pool. She has no idea about this party, she probably just thinks that her and Cam are gonna go for a swim.

Everyone's hiding behind chairs and random things, kneeling down. It was 9:00 and Cameron texts Alexis. I'm sitting next to Matt and I see him turn and smile to me. "This is gonna be fun." He says and smiles.

"Yeah it is." I whisper.

Cameron was getting anxious when the clock turned to 9:10 and she still wasn't here. I look around making sure that Taylor is here and not sneaking around with Alexis. I see him hiding and talking to another girl, which was good i guess.

We wait for awhile and she still hasn't showed up. It's now 9:50 and Alexis is nowhere to be seen. I see Cameron walk over to me and Matt. "Do you know where she is?" He asks.

"I have no idea, sorry Cam." I say, feeling bad for him.

We wait for 10 more minutes, and nothing. Everyone stops being quiet and continues to talk. "What the hell is wrong with this girl?" I say to Matt. "She doesn't even show up to her own party, that shows what a real bitch she is." 

"Did you try calling her?" Matt asks and I nod my head, "Well maybe you should try again." 

Just as I go to grab my phone, it starts ringing. "Someone's calling me." I say, confused.

"Who is it??" Matt asks me and sits up straighter.

"It's Alexis." I say, looking down at the contact name on the screen of my phone.

"Answer it!" Matt says, quickly.

"Hello?" I answer, seeming kind of worried. I hear a deep, man voice talking back to me on the other end.

"Hello, yes, is this Stephanie?" The man says.

"Yes it is, may I ask who's calling?" I ask, starting to shake.

"Hi, this is the Police Station. I'm calling to say that your friend Alexis has been caught doing drugs. We found her in a car that was crashed on the side of the street. She's okay, but she had many drugs in her possesion. We would like you to understand that this situation hasn't just started. Your friend has an addiction and she needs to be cured." he spoke, leaving me speechless. I can't believe it, I drop my phone and tears run down my face all at once.

"Stephanie!!" Matt yells and picks the phone up off the ground and starts talking. He must've heard everything the man said. People at the party start to notice and one by one they run over and surround me and Matt. 

"Where is Alexis now??" Matt asks the Officer through the phone.

"She is currently in a jail cell right now. But, she needs intense therapy and possibly rehab. This drug addiction seems like it's been going on for awhile now. Has Alexis been acting different lately?" The man asks and Matt agrees with him and says yes. The police officer gives us more details and eventually we hang up the phone.

"Bro, where's Cameron." Matt asks after hanging up the phone.

"I think he went somewhere by himself, he needed alone time i guess." Carter says, "He heard the whole conversation."


Yay new chapter!! Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I've been busy with traveling and schoolwork ugh. but I will update again tomorrow! hope you enjoy :) thanks for 1.6k reads!

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