Chapter 76

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Matt's POV

"How was your Christmas, babe?" I ask Steph, finally pulling away from the hug that seemed like it lasted for hours.

"Good." She blushes, then wraps her arms around me again.

I just arrived back in New York at the train station on this cold night. It was snowing like crazy outside and I'm just so glad that I get to go back to California tomorrow. Especially with Stephanie...

When we get back to her house, I notice how Steph has her suitcases already lined up by the door and ready to go for the morning. Just as I'm about to sit down on the couch, Steph grabs my hand and pulls me down towards her.

"Let's go to my room." She whispers in my ear.

Without hesitating, I smile and follow her up the stairs and into her bedroom. We make our way into her room and she quickly runs to the corner and holds her hands behind her back. 

"Sit down." She laughs and points to her bed.

"What are you doing?" I ask, sitting at the edge of the bed but still facing her. 

"Well.." She begins, slowly walking towards me. "Since we didn't get to spend Christmas together, I have a late present for you." She smiles and slowly takes the seat next to me on her bed.

"Steph, you didn't ha-"

"Shh." She puts her finger up to my lips, "I wanted to." She smiles.

She finally pulls her other hand away from her back and brings it out in front of her. She then grabs my left wrist and suddenly wraps a thin leather braclet around it. When she's done, I lift up my wrist to get a better look at it. "What's it say?" I ask, squinting my eyes at the engraved letters.

"M & S." She says, blushing. "Our initials."

I start laughing quietly and she pouts, "You don't like it?" She slouches.

"No no no, baby, I love it." I grab her shoulders quickly and look into her eyes, "It's perfect."

She finally smiles again and looks at me, "Good, because I have the same one." She then pulls the bracelet out of her pocket and ties it around her right wrist. 

"Too bad it didn't say S & M." I laugh again.

Her eyebrows pull together and she cocks her head, obviously confused. "Rihanna." I laugh, "You've never heard that song?" 

"Oh my god Matt." She laughs and nudges my arm. "Sex and men?"

I throw my head back laughing and then grab her and pull her on top of me. "I love you so much." I smile and kiss her forehead. 

"I love you too." She giggles, running her fingers through my hair.

"Thank you for the gift." I whisper and lightly kiss her neck. "I got you something too." I say, grabbing her waist and lifting her off of me. I walk over to my suitcase laying on the floor and unzipper it.

"A dinosaur?" She laughs and watches as I pull the stuffed animal out of my bag. I stand back up and walk over to her, setting the soft animal on her lap. "Awh Matt, it's so cute!" She smiles and hugs it tightly.

"Now every night you sleep, you can think of me." I smile and pull her in for a hug.

"But, I'll have you right next to me won't I?" She laughs and pulls away from the hug to look at me.

"Of course babe." I move a piece of hair out of her eyes and slowly lean in to kiss her.

"Thank you for the present." She whispers just before our lips touch.

"Mhmm." I moan into her mouth as I deepen the kiss. She grabs my neck and pulls me down on the bed to lay on top of her. I hold myself up with my arm as my other one is gripping her waist tight. 

"We should get to bed." She says in between breaths, stumbling her words. I laugh and continue to kiss her, but then eventually pull away while grabbing her hand. I pull her off the bed with me and wrap my arm around her waist, guiding her to the bathroom. 

We both stand at the sink, brushing our teeth while laughing at each other in the mirror. "Don't watch me!" She says, her mouth full off toothpaste as she's about to spit.

"Don't worry, you still look hot." I laugh.

After we get cleaned up, I follow Steph back into her bedroom. I cuddle up next to her under the covers, pulling her body closer to mine. After a couple of stupid comments to each other, we finally fall asleep..


"Are you sure you have everything?" Steph's mom asks, just as we're about to walk into the airport.

"Yes mom." Steph laughs, leaning in to give her mother a hug goodbye.

"Have a blast sweetie, make sure you get all of your school work done okay? I love you so much." Her mom says and hugs her one more time.

"I love you too, mom." Steph smiles, then walks back over towards me.

"Take good care of my daughter." Her mom smiles and leans in to give me a hug, "I trust you, Matt." She says into me.

"She'll be fine, she's in good hands." I smile and quick wink at Steph next to me, causing her to giggle.

Me and Steph eventually make it through security and now we're just waiting for our plane to arrive. We buy a couple of subs to eat while we're waiting. When the plane arrives, we finally board it. Steph takes the window seat and I slide in next her, while some old guy sits on the other side of me. He's already passed out before the plane even takes off.. which is good for us, I guess.

"I can't believe this is actually happening.." Steph says quietly, staring out the window at the clouds as the sun is beginning to rise. She slowly rests her head on my shoulder, while I grab her hand and intertwine our fingers.

I lean my head against hers and smile, "I know." I whisper then lightly kiss her head. 

"I'm tired." She sighs.

"Go to sleep babe." I say softly, wrapping my arm around her so she's in a more comfortable position.

With that, her eyes flutter close and she drifts off to sleep as I continue to stare out at the window. The plane ride is about 5 and a half hours and surprisingly, Steph sleeps almost the whole way there. I dozed off a few times, but I couldn't sleep for more than 20 minutes. I was just so excited to get back to LA, especially with my girl.

"Matt, wake up!" I feel Steph shake me as she points out the window. 

"I wasn't sleeping." I lie and open my eyes.

"Yeah, okay whatever." She rolls her eyes and laughs. "We're here!" She smiles and looks back out the window, pointing at all the palm trees. 

"We're here." I repeat and rest my chin on her shoulder as our eyes continue to stare out the window at the city below us.

We're finally here..

(Sorry I haven't updated in awhile! I've been so busy with school and I've been exhausted ugh. But i think I will definitely do a sequel to this because I have some good ideas! So please vote and comment :))

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now