Chapter 31

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Stephanie's POV

"Where'd you go?" Matt asks as I walk back into the room.

", I just had to talk to Nash." I say and sit next to him on the bed.

"About what?" Matt asks.

"Nothing really. Just about the party and stuff." I say.

"Oh, okay then." Matt pauses, "So, I called the guy who can rent out the movie theater for us tonight and he said that he would do it." 

"Really?!" I ask, getting excited. "Oh my gosh, I can't wait." I smile. 

"Me too." Matt smirks.

All of a sudden, the door bursts open and all the boys come running in and some of them jump on the bed. 

"You know there's a thing called 'knocking' right?" Matt asks and starts to laugh at how loud they are. 

"You guys ready for Magcon today?!" Taylor yells out and plops down on the bed. 

"Hell yeah!" Jack Gilinsky yells.

I look over at Nash who was just leaning up against the wall not saying a word. I quickly glance at the floor when his eyes make contact with mine. Why is he acting like this? Usually Nash is one of the loudest people in the room, but now, he hasn't even said one word. 

"Do you guys want to get something to eat before we head to Magcon?" Shawn asks and we all agreed. 

We decide to go to a restaurant just down the street. We get a table for all of us and I sit down next to Matt, of course. Then, we all order our food and just wait. 

"So where are we all gonna go after our time here in San Diego?" Cameron asks.

Since Magcon is today and tomorrow, we still didn't know the next location because we had about a couple months in between.

"Dude we should all go on a vacation together or something." Carter says.

"But where?" Aaron asks.

"I kind of want to go back to Florida." Carter shrugs, "It was really fun there."

I see Cameron glance down, "I don't know bro."  

Right away, I knew he was thinking about Alexis. "It's okay Cam." I say and reach my hand across the table to hold his arm, as he looks up at me and smiles.

"Florida sounds good!" Matt says and smiles, "What do you think Nash?" 

Nash quickly looks up at everyone. He seems totally out of it, "Um, yeah..sure." 

"Sweet! So Florida it is!" Taylor says, loudly.

Eventually, all of our food comes. We finish eating and then head out the door and make our way to where Magcon is being held. 

When we get there, everything was being set up and no fans were there yet. All the boys run up on stage and just start messing around. They play music and start making vines. I see a chair next to the stage, so I just decide to sit down and watch them.

"Steph, come be in a vine with us!" Matt yells to me from the stage.

I laugh and start to stand up to walk up on stage, but just as I stand up my phone starts ringing. I grab it out of my pocket and look at the name on my lock screen. Alexis.

"Um, hang on Matt. I have to take this!" I yell to him and point at my phone, then turn around to go to a quieter area.

I go to the boys' dressing room since nobody else was in there. I sit down on the couch and finally answer the call. "Hello?" 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now