Chapter 23

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Stephanie's POV

The days start to pass by really quick. 

The morning after the party, I was a mess. I had the worst headache and was throwing up all day, but thankfully Matt was right by my side the whole time. He told me that Cameron called while I was sleeping and he told me the whole conversation. I was so glad that Cameron wasn't mad at any of us for not telling him about Taylor. But then, I started to think about Alexis. I really missed her.. I miss having my bestfriend always with me.

There were now 4 days left until the next Magcon. I told Matt that I wanted to go back home back to New York for a couple days, so right away we packed all of our stuff and left.

It wasn't that long of a drive from Virginia to New York so Matt's mom was kind enough to drive us there. 

When we get there, my parents acted like they haven't seen me in forever. I walk in the front door carrying all my bags with Matt right behind me.

"Hi! You must me Matt, I'm Stephanie's mom but you can call me Tracy!" My mom says and hugs Matt.

"It's very nice to meet you." Matt smiles, hugging her back. 

We make our way through the house and up the stairs. I walk into my bedroom and drop all my luggage on the carpet and flop onto my bed. Matt laughs as he looks around my room at everything on the walls.

"Wow, your room is so... girly." He says. The walls were light teal and I had sooo many posters of random things. It was mainly 'beach-themed' though.

"Thanks!" I laugh.

Matt lays on my bed next to me and rests his head by my arm. I lay my head on top of his head as he holds my hand and rubs his thumb along mine. "Don't worry, we won't be here for very long. I just wanted to visit my parents." I say, softly. 

"I'll do anything you want, babe." He says and kisses the top of my hand. 

"Oh really? I'm getting kind of hungry, mind making me a sandwich?" I ask, jokingly. 

"Yeah sure." Matt says and was about to get up. 

"What, no!" I say and grab his arm and pull him back down next to me. "I was just kidding!" I laugh.

Matt starts laughing, "Oh. Well I would've done it anyways." He shrugs. 

"Awwh." I blush and grab his shirt to pull him closer. We lay back down next to each other and I rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm so excited for Cali." 

"Yeah me too, it's gonna be sick." Matt says. "I can't wait to see the guys again. It's been awhile." 

I hesitate for a second. "Yeah.." I say, quietly and look down. 

Matt notices and he looks at me. "You okay?" 

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I pause. "It's just... I miss Alexis." 

Matt intertwines his fingers with mine and holds my hand tight. "We'll see her soon, don't worry." he assures me. 

"I hope so. We kind of ended off on a bad note." I sigh.

"Let's just not worry about it now, okay? Let's just get pumped for Cali." He lifts my chin up towards him. 

"Okay." I say and half smile. He leans in and I feel his lips softly touch mine.


After the days went by, it was finally time to board the plane to San Diego, California. I say goodbye to my parents once again. It was weird because me and Matt were standing in the same spot of the airport where me and Alexis were standing before we left for Florida. And now, instead of Alexis, I was with Matt. Matthew Espinosa. Someone who I would've never thought I'd end up with. But it was a good thing Alexis was obsessed with Magcon, otherwise I would've never found out about them and I probably wouldn't of met Matt.

We sit in the waiting area and wait till we board our plane. My phone starts vibrating and I quickly reach for it and answer the call.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Heyyyy Steph, it's Nash." he says on the other line.

"Oh hey! Whats up?" I ask.

I feel Matt nudge me on the arm and I look over, "Who is it?" He whispers to me and I whisper back that it was Nash.

"Are you guys on your way to Cali yet?" He asks.

"Yeah we're boarding the plane soon, and the flight is about 5 hours." I say.

"Oh alright!" he says. "Well me, Hayes and Carter just got here and we're in the airport now."

"Is it crazy there?" I ask. Knowing that they're all social media famous, I wouldn't be surprised if a bunch of fans showed up at the airport waiting for them.

"Yeah it's crazy. I can already see a whole crowd outside.. so I guess I'll see you guys soon!" he says. 

"Okay. Bye Nash!" I say and hang up. 

"Ahhh I'm so excited!" Matt says, looking through pictures on his phone from the last Magcon. It makes me smile at how dedicated he was to all of this and his fans. 

"You're so cute." I smile at him. He smiles back and quickly kisses me. 

We finally board the plane and off we were to San Diego. 




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