Chapter 7

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Stephanie's POV

All the boys and Alexis eventually come in the water along with Matt and I. We have so much fun and just play random games and go boogieboarding for a couple hours. 

We are now laying on the beach just chilling. 

"Hey, do you guys wanna go on the boardwalk with us?" Cameron asks as him and Alexis stand up.

We all say yes and head to the boardwalk. When we get there we first get icecream then just start to walk around. 

"Bro! Let's all get pennyboards!" Nash yells while pointing towards a skateboard store.

"Yes!" Matt yells and we walk inside.

There are so many different colored pennyboards, it's actually pretty awesome. I end up getting a light blue one with pink wheels and Matt gets a green one with orange wheels. Alexis gets a pink one with yellow wheels and Cameron gets a green one with blue wheels. The rest of the boys get one too and we just start riding them down the boardwalk.

It's so much fun. I feel the wind blowing through my hair and the sun shining down on the ocean. Matt's in front of me riding next to Taylor, while I was next to Alexis.

None of us are talking, we're just enjoying the nice day while riding along the boardwalk passing people. 

Some girls start to notice the boys and they start screaming. Taylor and Hayes stop riding and take some pictures with fans along with Cameron, Nash, Matt, Aaron and Carter. Jack, Jack and Shawn were in some surf shop looking at clothes. 

Me and Alexis decide to go sit on a bench while the boys were meeting their fans. "I can't even believe this is happening." Alexis says, "We are hanging out with the magcon boys and pennyboarding down a boardwalk along a beach. Like how amazing is that?!" 

"I know, it's crazy." I say and look over at Matt who's laughing with Taylor. 

"Taylor is sooo cute." Alexis smiles, noticing that I was looking over at them. 

"Taylor?" I ask, turning back to Alexis. "What about you and Cameron?" 

"I can like more than one guy!" Alexis laughs.

I see Matt start to walk over to me. I look at Alexis again, "Well, make good choices!" I laugh as I stand up, while grabbing my pennyboard.

I walk up to Matt and I notice that he was smiling. "Can I take you somewhere?" He asks.

I smile back, "Of course." We put our penny boards back on the ground and start riding along. I follow Matt all the way down the boardwalk and we end up arriving at an amusment park at the end. 

"Do you like rollercoasters?" Matt asks me as we stop before going through the entrance. 

"I love them!" I smile.

"Perfect." He answers, "Let's go!" He grabs my hand and pulls me into the park at the end of the boardwalk. 

We end up riding all the rollercoasters and pretty much every other ride. The sun was starting to set along the beach, so the sky was an orange color. It was so pretty. The last ride we decide to ride was the Ferris Wheel. We wait in line and eventually get in a cart and the ride starts to move.

"That is so gorgeous." I say, pointing towards the beach and the sunset.

Matt looks at me and smiles, "Yeah it is." 

We were sitting next to eachother and are legs ended up touching. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach. "I still have something planned for us tonight." Matt smiles.

"What is it?" I ask, even though I know he won't tell me.

"I can't ruin the surprise!" He laughs.

I feel a gust of wind and since it's getting late, it was a little cold. I shiver, "It's getting colder out." I say and cross my arms.

Matt turns towards me and reaches his arm around my waist and pulls me closer into him. "Better?" He asks quietly in my ear.

I rest my head on his shoulder and smile, "Much better."

When the ride is over, me and Matt continue to walk along the boardwalk. Now, it was dark and the moon was out. But, the lights from the boardwalk made it seem prettier. I wasn't sure where the rest of the boys or Lex were, but I didn't care. I was with Matt and that's all that mattered to me right now.

Matt takes my hand in his as we walk and I feel our fingers interlock. I can't help but smile, "Where are we going now?" I ask him. 

"Well...I hope your hungry!" Matt says.

"I'm starving!" 

"Good, because that's where were eating." Matt stops walking and points to a gorgeous boat connected to a dock just off the boardwalk. The lights refelect off the boat onto the water and I can't believe it. It was just so big. Almost like a cruise ship, but no where near as big.

"Oh my god Matt." I stop and just stare at the boat. "Was this your surprise?!" I ask and look at him. 

"Yup." He smiles. "My dad is good friends with a guy who owns these types of boats and he said he would rent one for us for the night." 

"Wow, that's amazing." I say. Our hands are still interlocked and Matt starts walking up the ramp to get onto the boat and I follow along.

When we get inside, it was huge. I notice that there's a table with some plates and drinks on it. Matt walks over to it and pulls out a chair, "Ladies first." He says with a slight laugh.

"Why thank you sir!" I say jokingly in my best british accent and sit down. Matt sits down right across from me. 

"So, what's for dinner?" I ask him.

"Chicken fingers!" He laughs and stands up walking into the kitchen area to grab the food that was already made by the chef. He walks back out carrying a huge plate of chicken fingers in one hand and a bunch of sauces like ranch, ketchup, & barbeque sauce in the other hand and sits them down on the table.

"Mmmmmm." I say, looking at the food. "What a fancy dinner for such a nice boat!" I say sarcasticly and laugh.

"Heyyy, everybody loves chicken fingers." Matt says as we start to eat.


HOPE YOU GUYS ARE LIKING IT!! I have this whole week off of school so I will probably be updating a LOT, and it will get more interesting i promise!!

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