Chapter 85

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Stephanie's POV

"Matt!" The second I see him behind bars, I run up to him and grip tightly on the metal that's seperating us. He stands up and wraps his hands around mine, leaning his head on the bars touching his forehead to mine. "What happened." I whisper, almost too quiet for even me to hear. 

"Baby." He whispers, his voice softer than mine. I notice a small tear roll down his face, ever so slightly which makes me heart break. I just need to know what's going on and what he's thinking right now. 

"How long will you be in here?" My voice cracks.

Nash and Cameron are both waiting in the waiting room. Originally it was just gonna be Nash who was coming, but Cameron felt left out so he made Nash take him too. 

"It's only a holding cell." He sighs, still talking quietly. "I'm leaving today."

I sigh in relief and hold his hands even tighter. I just want to hug him so bad, but these damn bars are in the way. "You scared me so bad last night." I whisper, our faces still inches apart. "So what exactly happened?"

"I'll explain everything later.." He pauses, "It's not good Steph."

I suddenly get even more scared and my mind races. Although, I have no idea what's about to hit me. 

"Get me out of here." Matt whines, leaning his forehead on the bars.

I slowly rub my thumb in circles on his hand to calm him down, "I will babe." I sigh, closing my eyes.


"So, he's all good? No more paperwork?" Nash asks, obviously impatient and ready to leave. I wouldn't blame him, this place is kind of scary.

My arms are gripped around Matt's arm and my head is leaned on his shoulder as he finishes signing the paperwork. He's still in his clothes from last night and they're pretty dirty, but I don't mind. I'm just glad he's safe and back in my arms. 

"You guys are all set!" The woman at the front desk says after taking back all the papers Matt just signed, "Enjoy your day." She says, giving us a friendly smile. 

When we leave, we all climb back into the car and Nash drives. I sit in the backseat with Matt and I can just tell by the way that he's sitting, that he's exhausted. It looks like he's about to fall asleep any second. He leans his head back, sighs, and just stares out the window as we drive. 

I scoot up closer to him and lean my head on his shoulder, while reaching up to lightly kiss his cheek. He slightly smiles and turns his head to kiss my forehead, then turns back to look out the window. I reach my hand into his lap and grab his hands to reassure him that he's gonna be okay. Whatever happened last night, will go away. 

"I love you." I whisper very quietly in his ear, so that Nash and Cam can't hear. They're talking about some football game in the front seat, so they're not paying attention anyways. 

Matt turns his head to look back down at me and whispers back, "I love you so much." He says, emphasizing the so. He leans his face down slightly and connects his lips to mine for a few seconds, then pulls away. 

"I heard that!" Cameron yells and quickly turns around to look at us, making Matt and I laugh. "Hey, keep your hands where I can see them!" He lifts an eyebrow, pointing a finger at both of us. 

And with that, Matt unlocks his fingers with mine and shoves his middle finger in Cameron's face. "Can you see them now?!" Matt laughs along with Cameron, Nash quietly laughing to himself. 

When we arrive back to our place, I follow Matt straight up to his bedroom. I shut the door behind us and plop down on his bed as he walks straight over to his dresser. He pulls his dirty black shirt over his head and throws it on the ground, then looks up at me. 

I stare back at him, wondering if he's gonna say anything, but he doesn't. He just sighs and looks back down and opens his dresser drawer, pulling out a red flannel. "I'm taking a shower." He mumbles and walks to the bathroom thats connects to his room.

I watch him walk in and shut the door behind him. As bad as I want to go knock on the door and ask if he's okay, I don't. I just let him be and lay back down on his bed, resting my head on his pillow. 

After about 15 minutes, I notice that Matt hasn't even turned the water on yet. I would've been able to hear it, but I hear nothing. I slowly get off his bed and walk over to the bathroom door, softly knocking on it. He doesn't answer.

I lean my head in the crack and close my eyes, "Matt, can I come in?" 

No answer.

"Matt, please." I breathe out. "Talk to me. I need to know what happened last night and why you're acting so weird all of a sudden." 

Suddenly, the door opens, causing me to stubble a bit from leaning against it.

When I look up at Matt, I can tell that he's been crying. His face is red and his eyes are bloodshot and swollen. When he sees the surprised look on my face, he falls right into me. His arms wrap around me and he hugs me tightly, crying into my shoulder. 

"It's Lily." His voice cracks.


"Lily. She's back and I saw her last night." He sniffles, "With Alexis."

"Wait, what? How?" I back away from him and lean up against the wall, confused. "Alexis is in New York." 

Matt shakes his head, "Not anymore."

"What happened? Did they hurt you?" I ask, beginning to freak out.

"They drugged me, obviously." He sighs, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. 

"But why?" I pull my eyebrows together.

Matt stays silent and leans up against the sink, not making eye contact with me.

"Tell me." I force, walking closer to him.

"Shower with me." Matt whispers, reaching his hand to grab my waist. He pulls me against him and buries his head in my neck, softly kissing my skin. 

"Tell me." I whine, leaning my head back as he keeps kissing my neck. 

"Shower with me and I'll tell you." He mumbles into my neck.

"Matt." I whine again, pushing him away from me to make eye contact. 

He rolls his eyes and leans against the sink again, frustrated. Crossing his arms, he looks back up at me. "It's because of you." He says, "Lily's doing all of this, because of you."



PLEASE CHECK OUT THE FIC "LITTLE WHITE LIES" THAT I'M WRITING (search the username @xgrungeharry and you'll find it!)


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