Chapter 46

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Stephanie's POV

I sit there, not knowing how to answer that question. I look down and play with my hands awkwardly. 

"Do you?" Matt asks.

I look up at him and still don't say anything. "Look Matt." I finally say. "Me and Nash got really close the past couple of weeks.."

"I know." Matt says, "So do you have feelings for him?"

I look back down and sigh. "What happens if I say yes..." I say quietly. I didn't love Nash, but I have to admit that I did catch some feelings for him. But honestly, nothing could compare to the way I feel about Matt. I will never like Nash the way I like Matt. Never.

Matt stands up and comes over to sit next to me on my bed. He grabs my hands and looks me in the eyes. "Then I would do anything to fight for you and make you mine." . 

I look him in the eyes and try to smile, "I hope so." I say. "Are you mad?" 

"No I'm not mad, I understand." He says and squeezes my hand tighter. "But don't you realize I want you more than anyone..."

I nod my head and smile at him. I lightly push him off the bed so that he would go back to his. "Ok it's your turn now!" I laugh. 

He sits back down on his bed and grabs a skittle from the bag. He throws it up in the air and as it comes back down and misses his mouth. 

"Yes!" I smile. 

He shakes his head and picks the skittle up and eats it. "Ask me." 

"Truth or dare?" I smirk.

"Dare." He says.

I smile, "Fine. I dare you to go end whatever you had with Lily."  

"Alright, but she's gonna be so pissed." Matt says and stands up.

"Good." I say, "Break her heart."

"What do you want me to say?" He asks, as we walk to the door.

"Tell her we've been hooking up this whole time and you never had feelings for her."  

Matt shrugs his shoulders like it's no big deal. "Sure." He opens the door to walk out as I follow behind. 

We walk to Carter's room and knock on the door. When he opens the door for us, he says to come in.

"Matt!" Lily yells and runs up to give him a hug. She looks at me and just smiles. "Did you change your mind about wanting to stay the night with me?" She asks.

"Um, I actually need to talk to you.." He says, "In private."

"Oh. Okay!" She shrugs, as they walk into the bathroom and shut the door. 

I stand there as Carter, Aaron and Taylor just stare at me. "Hey." I wave. 

"Come sit down!" Taylor says and I walk over to sit by him. "So are you excited to move in to our new house tomorrow?" He asks.

"Yes, oh my god I can't wait!" I smile. 

"Are you and Matt back together?" Carter asks, totally changing the subject.


"Oh. Then why did he need to talk to Lily?" He asks. 

"Uhhh.." I start to say, but was interupted by the sound of the bathroom door opening. 

"Are you serious??!!!" Lily screams, storming out with Matt behind her. "YOU." She yells and pointed at me.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"YOU'RE SUCH A SLUT!" She yells and smacks me straight across the face. My jaw drops open and I stand up as fast as I could.

"What the hell was that for!" I yell and push her. 

"For hooking up with my boyfriend!!" She yells and pushes me back.

"FYI, Matt never liked you!" I yell and get into her face. 

"Girls, girls." Taylor stands up. "Enough." 

"Well maybe she should stop being a WHORE and actually commit to one guy!!" She yells and moves closer to me, getting ready to hit me. 

"Go ahead. Hit me one more time, see what happens." I lift my eyebrows at her. 

"Fine." She smiles. As she lifts her arm, Matt grabs her to try to pull her back but she smacks me right across the face again, but this time a lot harder.

I yell and touch my hand to my face where she hit me. "Lily, stop!" Matt yells, and runs up to me. He wraps his arms around me to see if I was okay, but I get out of his grip and go right up to Lily and push her to the ground. 

She jumps right back up and grabs my hair and pulls it. I yell and start to hit her. We start to get into a physical fight, but the boys get in between us and start yelling to break it up.

Matt has his arms wrapped around my waist, and finally pulls me back as Carter does the same to Lily. "I hate you!" Lily yells and points at me. 

I stand up straighter and fix my hair, as Matt finally lets go of me. I don't even answer her, I just walk past her to the door with Matt behind me.

"You're gonna pay for this!" She yells, as Carter is still holding her back. "I always win." She says with an angry look on her face. 

"C'mon Matt, let's go." I say, ignoring her and then open the door. We both walk out and let the door slam behind us.

When we get into our room, I crash onto the bed... without realizing there was a bunch of junk food underneath me. "What is wrong with that girl." I shake my head.

"Dude that was some crazy shit that just happened." Matt says and opens another bag of chips.

I laugh and reach to grab a red bull, "Maybe we should stop playing that game."  

"Yeah." Matt laughs, "Good idea."

I chug down the redbull in about 2 minutes and Matt just looks at me in shock. "Damn girl!" 

"What?" I ask and laugh, "I'm thirsty!"

"Well obviously!" Matt reaches for a redbull also. He starts to drink his, but doesn't chug it like I did. "Hey, maybe tomorrow we should hang out." He says, acting serious now.

"I'd like that." I smile, "Like old times."

"Yeah, like old times." He says, smiling. 

All of a sudden, we hear these loud booming noises. We both look at each other confused. "What was that?" I ask, quietly. When we hear it again, we both sprint out of the hotel room. We get into the hallway, and the noises were louder.

"Steph come here!" Matt yells, running to the other end of the hallway to the balcony outside. I run over to him and lean up against the edge, looking up at the sky.

Fireworks lit up the sky in all different colors as the ocean and beach were right below them. The sky was so dark, which made the colors look gorgeous. I smile and lean my head on Matt's shoulder, as he puts his arm around me. 

"It's so pretty." I say, still smiling as Matt holds me tighter.


Awww so what do you think of Matt and Steph now?! Yay or nay?

Hope you all like :)

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