Chapter 55

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Matt's POV

After Steph goes downstairs, I get dressed for the day. I put a little bit of gel in the front of my hair to spike it. I start to think about Steph and how I really like her. I want to ask her to be my girlfriend again, but I'm nervous to whether she would say yes or not. I had to ask her at the perfect time and perfect moment, but I had no idea when.

When she told me about Lily and how they were gonna hang out tonight, I got really nervous. I never told her this, but Lily is a very good liar and she can trick people into doing anything. Believe me.. I would know. I went into the bathroom to splash a little bit of water in my face to wake me up. I walked downstairs to see Steph, Alexis and Lily all sitting on the couch laughing. 

"Matt, come join us!" Lily yells and looks at me from the couch. I look over at Steph and she nods her head and I immediately don't like the thought of them two hanging out. 

"Uhm, Steph can I talk to you." I say and I see a look of worry on her face. Totally ignoring Lily, me and Steph walk out of the living room and into the kitchen. 

"Is something wrong?" She asks and looks up at me.

"No, nothing's wrong." I lie.

"Then what is it?" She asks, confused

"Uhm..uh..I ....Let's not go to the beach today." I say, stumbling over my words.

"Where do you wanna go?" She asks.

"I have a few places in mind." I say and I see her face soften up a bit as she smiles.

"Okay." She finally agrees, with a smile on her face. 

All of a sudden it sounds like elephants running down the stairs and in comes all the boys with their beach stuff. "Beach time!" Taylor yells and jumps up hitting the top of the doorway as he comes in. The rest follow behind him all laughing to eachother.

"You guys are coming right?" Taylor asks, pointing at me and Matt standing in the kitchen.

"No actually. We have other plans." I say to him and Steph nods, agreeing with me. 

"Oh, alright." He says. "You guys ready to leave?!" He shouts through the house, grabbing everyones attention. They all leave, grabbing their bags and towels then head to the beach. That leaves just Steph and I in the house.

I grab the car keys off the hook and look at Steph. "Ready?" I ask and she smiles, shaking her head yes. 

Stephanie's POV

Matt opens the door for me as I climb into the passenger seat. He shuts it and then gets in on the other side, starting the car. We start driving down the road and I am dying to know where he is taking me. "Where are we going?" I ask, not expecting an answer.

"You'll see." He says, and I was right. No answer. "You'll love it."

I turn to look at him as he's got on arm on the wheel and the other hanging out the window. "You've been there before?" I ask.

He turns down the music playing, so that we can actually talk. Which is nice. "Yeah. I used to love this place when I was younger." He admits.

"Did you used to live here or something?" I ask. I didn't know every single thing about Matt, but I liked that I was getting to know him better day by day. 

"No, my grandma lived here and we would come stay with her every summer. After she passed away a couple years ago, we stopped coming and I haven't been to this place since." He says.

"Were you really close with your grandma?" I ask, wondering. It must've been his grandma on his dads side of the family because his other grandma just recently passed away a couple months ago.

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now