Chapter 33

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Stephanie's POV

I wait in my room for Nash to come and finally he does. I open the door for him and he makes his way in.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask as we sit down. "I saw your tweet this morning.."

"I just felt really shitty this morning, and woke up with a bad headache." He shrugs as he runs his fingers through his hair. He seems perfectly fine to me so it kind of confused me.

"Oh. Did you go to Magcon at all?" I ask.

"Yeah but when I got there, I wanted to leave. So the limo just drove me back here." He says, "Why didn't you go?"

"I didn't feel like it. I just wanted to get ready to leave for Florida. I'm sooo excited!" I say.

"Yeah, I am too." Nash smiles. 

I smile back and just play with my fingers awkwardly. 

Nash notices and finally he stands up. "Let's go do something!" He holds his hand out for me to grab.

I take his hand to stand up. "What do you want to do?" I ask.

"You know what I've always wanted to do?" He asks me.


"Surfing." He says, "Let's go rent some boards!"

"Oh my god, yes!" I say and jump up and down.

We both get changed into our swim suits, then walk out of the room and out the hotel down to the beach. We find a little surf shop and rent two surfboards. When we get on the beach and onto the sand, we set down our bags/ towels and take our clothes off. I was in my bikini, while Nash was in his trunks. 

"Ready?" He asks.

"Yup!" I answer him and reach down to grab my surfboard as he does the same.

We make our way into the ocean and once it gets deep enough, we lay down on our boards and start to paddle farther out. It was a calm day out in the water and the waves weren't that big, which was a good thing. 

"I'm gonna suck at this." Nash laughs as we were paddling.

"So am I!" I laugh.

Nash looks over at me on my board, then all of a sudden he splashes me with water.

"Nash!" I say, loudly. "What was that for?!" 

"You looked a little dry." He smirks.

And with that, I splash water back at him and we just start laughing. 

"Oh look at that wave!" Nash yells and points. "Think I could get it?" He asks.

"Go for it!" 

He starts paddling faster ahead of me towards the wave. Once he gets to it, he turns the board around and starts paddling harder as the wave is right behind him. Finally, the wave gets to him and just at the right moment, Nash goes to go stand up on his board. Just as he stands up, he loses balance and wipes out.

"Good try!!" I yell to him as his head comes back above water.

He lays back down on his board and paddles over to me, laughing. "Wow, what a wipeout!" He laughs.

"I'll show you how it's done." I wink at him and start to paddle away.

I see a wave coming and I get into position. Since I've surfed before, I knew what I had to do. Just as the wave starts to lift me up, I push off the board with my hands and jump into position with my left leg in front and my right leg behind. It felt amazing to stand up and ride a wave perfectly. "Wooooo!!!!" I scream, while throwing my hands up in the air.

After the wave is done, I jump off the board and into the water. I swim over to where Nash is and sit down on my board and he does the same. 

"Nice job Steph!" He says, "But I could sooo do better."

"Oh, yeah right!" I laugh, "I could beat you anyday."

"Oh please. I challenge you to a surf competition."

"And when will that happen?" I ask.

"Hmmm I don't know. Maybe when we're in Florida!" He says.

"You're on." I smirk.

"Can't wait." He smiles.

We sit on our boards in the water for a little bit and just relax as the sun shines down on us. 

"It's such a nice day out." I say and close my eyes, leaning back to get some sun.

" really is." Nash says, "....But not for long!" He yells and just as I open my eyes, Nash flips my board over causing me to fall into the water.

When I come back up to catch my breath, Nash was sitting on his board laughing as hard as he could. "That was hilarious!" He says, almost choking from laughing so hard.

"Oh really?" I ask, "Because this is even more hilarious." I reach over to grab his board to flip him over. But of course, I wasn't strong enough to flip him over, so he just sits there laughing while I'm still in the water. 

"Awh you can't flip me over?" He smirks, "Poor thing."

"Ugh I hate you." I say and try to push myself back onto my board, but I couldn't because we were too deep in the water and I didn't have anything to push my feet off of. I try another time, but I just couldn't get myself up.

"Nash, I can't get back on my board." I sigh, while trying again. 

"Just come here." He reaches his hand out to me.

I take his hand as he pulls me up onto his board with him. Now we're both sitting on his surfboard facing eachother, while I'm totally soaked.

"Thanks." I laugh.

"No problem." He says, smiling. "I'm so gonna beat you in that surf competition." 

"No way!" I say and nudge his shoulder.

"It's true!" He says, laughing. All of a sudden, he starts tickling me on my stomach and I start laughing really hard.

"Nash don't!!" I yell, laughing.

"Ooooh you're so ticklish!" He says, while still doing it.

It almost causes me to fall off back into the water, but Nash catches me. His arms were now around my waist and our bodies were pretty much touching, that's how close we were. Our eyes meet and I see him glance down at my lips. 

I slowly run my fingers down his chest as he leans our foreheads together. I see him close his eyes and lean forward and I start to do the same.

"Wait." I whisper, just as our lips were a centimeter apart.

"C'mon, you know you want to." Nash whispers back, as our eyes were still closed.

"But Matt." I say, so quietly that barely any noise came out.

"He doesn't have to know." Nash says, just as quiet. "Please."

I reach my hand slowly around his neck and breathe out. "Okay." I whisper.

Nash finally leans in again and I feel our lips finally connect. 


omg omg, i'm fangirling so hard right now because I love Nash. <3


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