Chapter 56

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Stephanie's POV

A shock of electricity travels through my body and it feels like there is a pit in my stomach. I look up into Matt's gorgeous eyes and a smile forms on my face. 

"So?..." Matt waits for a reply. 

Memories from the past couple months start running through my mind. Meeting Matt in the hotel the first day me and Lex arrived to Florida. Playing truth or dare in the boys' room. Getting sick at the first Magcon and running into the bathroom. Going cliff diving with Matt. The first night we went out on a date and he took me in a boat. Getting drunk at his friends party and almost having sex in the bathroom. And laying in his arms on the beach after what happened between me and Nash. So many memories that occured just a couple months ago and I can't help but give him this answer..

"Yes." The words finally come out of my mouth, leaving Matt speechless at first. 

Without saying anything back, I feel Matt's arms wrap around me pulling me into his chest. I relax in his arms and he holds me tighter. "I missed this so much." He says quietly in my ear. 

I close my eyes as my head rests on his shoulder. "I missed it too." I whisper back.

I feel Matt pull away from me to look at my face. I can tell that he really wants to say something, but nothing comes out of his mouth.

"What?" I ask, trying to get it out of him. 

"Nothing...uhm.. it's just." He hesitates.

"Matt tell me." I force.

"Summer's almost over.." He finally spits out.

I close my eyes and sigh, trying not to process the thought of going back to New York.. without Matt. I don't want anything to do with school and I dread going back to see all the familiar faces, the familiar faces that I despise. 

I finally open my eyes to look at him. "I don't want to leave." I admit, and look down.

"I don't want to leave either, trust me." He says.

"What about Magcon?" I ask.

"I don't even know to be honest. It's not really working out..." He says, and I look at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Just shit going on with our manager. But don't worry about it." He says.

"Oh." I say. I see Matt start to move on the rock and plop back into the water. When he comes back up, he reaches for my hands and drags me in with him. 

"I just want to have fun, so let's not think about school." He says and smiles at me, as we start to swim closer to the water falling in front of us. 

I agree with him and when we go back underneath the waterfall into the lake, we swim around for a good half hour. We eventually climb back out onto the grass and just sit there, admiring the view. I lay down on my back, looking up at the sky just as Matt moves his body next to mine. He lays on his side facing me, while his elbow is holding him up.

I look into his eyes and see a smile creep on his face. He reaches his hand over my stomach, rubbing his fingers on my skin. I get chills just by him touching me and it makes my heart flutter. His hand slowly moves down my stomach as he leans his face in kissing my neck. My breathing starts to increase as his hand goes further down, but stops just under my bathing suit bottoms. Why must he do this to me.

I tilt his chin up with my fingers to pull him away from my neck, even though I love the feeling. He responds by pressing his lips against mine. I smile into the kiss as he intenses it and moves his hand to my inner thigh grabbing it tight. I grip his neck pulling him on top of me and continue interlocking our tongues. He holds himself up with his arm as he's on top of me, as I run my hands down his chest feeling his perfect skin. 

We were both still wet from the water, but it honestly made this so much better. I suddenly hear a ringing coming from my shorts that were laying on the grass. Matt slowly parts his lips from mine to look at me. 

"Um, I think that's my phone." I say to him, as our heads both look in the direction of the ringing.

"Whoever it is can leave a voicemail." He says and leans back in to kiss me.

As much as I want to continue, it's really driving me crazy and I want to know who it is. Who knows, something could be going wrong. Someone could be hurt and I wouldn't know. I quickly scramble underneath Matt as he rolls back over on his side and rolls his eyes. 

"Fine. Answer it." He says.

I give him a playful smile and run over to answer my phone with a simple, "Hello?"

"Steph! I thought we were gonna hang out, where are you?" I hear Lily say from the other end. I quickly pull my phone back to look at the time and almost panic as I start to put my clothes back on. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry. I'll be back soon, I promise!" I say, rushing to pull my shorts up.

"Alright, that's fine! I was planning on leaving at 7." She says and it's 5:30 right now. That means I have an hour and a half to get ready for wherever Lily wants to take me. 

"Okay I'll see you soon." I say and hang up, throwing my shirt over my head. 

"Who was that?" Matt asks, standing up and also putting his shirt back on. 

"Lily. We have to leave in an hour and half." I say. 

"Oh. Alright." Matt says and grabs his keys off the ground. "I guess we could go now."

We both get back in the car and drive back to the house. As soon as Matt parks the car, I get out as fast as I can running up to my room to take a shower. I feel bad leaving so quickly while me and Matt were at the waterfall. But I had no clue that we spent almost all day there, I just lost track of time. 

By the time I get out of the shower, it's 6:15. That leaves me just enough time to get dressed, do my makeup and hair and leave. I have my towel wrapped around my body just as I see the door open. Lily walks in and it startles me. She tells me how much time we have left and how she's gonna have a taxi take us to wherever we're going.

"Okay." I say. "Um, what should I wear?" 

"A dress." She says, smiling. I walk to my closet and pull out a long, blue, prom dress that I'm not sure why I have. "No way." She says, walking over to me. 

I give her a weird look as she starts going through my dresses. She finally pulls one out that I have never worn in my life. "This one." She says, smiling at her decision.

I grab the short black dress out of her hands and look at it. "This is way too revealing." I say, reaching to put it back but she stops me.

"C'mon Steph! It'll look gorgeous on you." She says, handing it back to me.

I roll my eyes and grab it out of her hand again. "Fine." I say. It was kind of weird hanging with Lily, but maybe I just got the wrong first impression about her. She's actually really nice and seems like a good friend.

I walk into my bathroom and shut the door as I begin to change into the dress. I look in the mirror after I put it on and cringe at how tight and short it is on me. It makes me chest pop out more, so I guess it's not a bad thing.. right? 

I start blowdrying my hair and when I'm finished, I curl it leaving big loops hanging at the end. I put all my makeup on and I am finally done. When I walk back out, Lily is sitting on my bed.

"Too much?" I ask, showing her the dress on me.

"No! It looks perfect!" She says. "Be prepared for the best night of your life." 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now