Chapter 11

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Matt's POV 

I wake up and see that I have a text from Steph from last night. 

S: Goodnight <3 I need to talk to you tomorrow. 

I smile at the heart she put. But I was confused as to why she needed to talk. I figure it would be about Alexis because of what happened last night with Cam.

I get up and get dressed in a pair of shorts, vans, and just a grey hoodie. I try to be quiet because Cam and Nash are still sleeping. Carter probably went back to his room last night. I walk out of the room and I text Stephanie back.

M: Good morning. I'm coming over now :)

She instantly replies and it makes me smile.

S: Okay :)

When I get to her room, I knock on the door and she lets me in. I give her a hug and walk in to sit on the bed as she stands up in front of me pacing back and forth.

"So tell me what happened" I say, referring to Alexis.

"Well, she got pissed at me for calling her out about lying." She says to start, "It's like she's keeping a secret from me or something." Steph sighs and sits down next to me. 

I think back to a couple days ago when it was just me and Cam in the room together. We got to talking and he said that Alexis is the first girl that he's really falling for. They were so attached to eachother ever since that day at the pool. But lately, Alexis has been 'ignoring' him but Cam hasn't really noticed yet.

"So where did she sleep last night?" I ask Steph, wondering if she knows.

"I don't know." She answers and lays her head on my shoulder.

"You know what. Let's not worry about it right now, okay?" I say, trying to cheer her up. Since that doesn't work I stand up and pull her up with me. I turn her around so she's facing me and then I pick her up and sit back down on the bed with her legs wrapped around my waist.

I hear her giggle and say, "Is this your way of cheering me up?" She smiles, leaning her forehead against mine. 

"Maybe." I smirk and then grab her neck and pull her lips against mine. I move my hands down her sides and down her thighs as I was pushing my tongue farther in her mouth. Her hands wrap around my head and I feel her fingers go through my hair. This was possibly the best feeling ever. 

Stephanie's POV

This makeout session with Matt is just what I needed right now, but I know that I have something to do. Therefore, I pull away from his lips. I look at him and just pause for a moment, "I need to go find my bestfriend." I say and climb off of Matt and stand up. "Come with me?" I pout my lips and reach out for him to grab my hands.

"Anything for you babe." Matt takes my hands and we walk out of the room. 

"I have no idea where she could be." I sigh and look at Matt as we were standing out in the hallway.

"Well, she's not in my room with Nash or Cam. So maybe the other boys' room?" He says.

"Yes, good idea." I say and we make our way up the elevator and decide to go to Carter's room first that he shares with Jack and Jack. 

It's early in the morning so everyone is still probably sleeping. Matt has the room keys to all the other guys' rooms so he made sure to grab them for me. We walk into Carter, Jack G & Jack J's room and it's a mess. Food and plastic cups on the floor, pillows and blankets everywhere, shit on the walls and when we walk in farther we see that they are spread out all over the beds along with Shawn and Aaron sleeping. 

"Looks like a party went on in here last night." Matt whispers to me. We check the bathroom, which is also a mess. The shower curtain is on the ground and there is gross stuff in the tub. "The house cleaner lady is gonna be pissed." Matt whispers to me again.

"Did you know that they were gonna have like a party or whatever?" I ask Matt quietly and he shakes his head no. 

This room connects to another room which was Shawn, Aaron and Taylor's room. We quietly sneak into that room and close the door behind us. It's dead silent in here and the room is no where near as messy as the other room. When I look up from the ground, my eyes make contact with something else. 

I pause what I'm doing and I can't believe what I see. "Oh. my. God." I hear Matt whisper behind me. The only thing that's on the ground in this room is clothes. Alexis's clothes. Her shirt, her pants, her underwear and her bra. I slowly walk closer to the bed to see that some other boys' arm is wrapped around her body holding her tight while they are both sound asleep. It was Taylor. Taylor Caniff. 


Haha sorry I left you guys with a cliff hanger! Trust me, it gets better ;) 

Thanks for 600+ reads! <3

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