Chapter 17

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Stephanie's POV

I can't take it anymore. I wanna go back home. I wanna leave this place. The whole reason I came to Florida was to spend time with my bestfriend and have a good time. But, she ruined it for me. I was so mad that I never knew about her 'addiction'. This is bullshit. I thought to myself as I slam the door to my hotel room. 

I kneel down on the ground next to my suitcase and start to throw all of my clothes into it as tears are streaming down my face.

I hear Matt knock on the door but I refuse to let him in because I'm so upset about Alexis. "C'mon Steph, let me in." He says through the door.

I start to cry harder, "I can't." I cover my face with my hands. "Matt I'm leaving, I can't stand it here anymore. I'm flying back home." I say through my hands. 

"Please can I just talk to you, you don't need to do this." Matt says. I finally stand up and open the door for him. The second he sees me, he pulls me into his arms as tight as he can. My head falls on his shoulder and tears were dripping on his shirt. "Please don't go." Matt says into my hair as he hugs me tighter.

"I have to." I say, my voice shaking.

"No you don't Steph." Matt says, pulling away from me. "We'll talk about this in the morning, okay? Just get some rest babe." he says and gives me one last hug before going to his room.

No matter what Matt says, I already knew my decision. I was gonna go to the airport in the morning and leave.

I finish packing my bag and zipper it up and then set it by the door. 


-the next morning-

Today's the day. The day I will no longer see my bestfriend, the boys, and... Matt. I got up, got changed and headed out the door. I wasn't gonna tell Matt because I didn't want him to be upset. 

When I walk to the elevator, it opens and when I look up I see Nash. He's by himself in the elevator. Why was he up so early? 

"Steph? Where are you going?" He asks as I walk in the elevator with him.

"Nowhere. Where are you going?" I ask him, trying to get off topic. 

"To get breakfast, I'm starving." He laughs.

"Oh." I say and look at the ground.

The elevator opens and I walk out first and Nash was behind me. "Hey, you should come get breakfast with me!" He says.

I think about it for a second. "Um no, its fine. I have to get somewhere anyways." I say and walk towards to main door of the hotel.

"Alright, see you later then." He says and walks towards the continental breakfast. Little did he know..that he wasn't going to see me again.

I arrive at the airport and check in, then I walk to the gate where the plane was. I still have about an hour until everyone boarded the plane, so I just sit down in one of the seats and wait.

Matt's POV

Right when I wake up, I walk to Stephanie's room and knock on the door but there's no answer. "Steph?" I ask through the crack of the door but no one answers. So, I decide to text her and after a few minutes, no answer. I call her and it goes to voicemail. I start to panic because I have no idea where she could be. 

I search the hallway and nothing. I go down to the lobby to see if she's there but she's not. I notice that Nash is eating breakfast in the breakfast area of the hotel, so I walk over to him. 

"Did you see Stephanie at all this morning?" I ask and sit across from him. He has a mouth full of food, but he talks anyways.

"Yeah I was in the elevator with her." He swallows his food and continues, "she had her suitcase with her and when we got to the lobby I asked her if she wanted to have breakfast, but she said she couldn't because she had something else to do." Nash says and shoves more food back in his mouth. "Then she just walked out the door." 

Oh my god. I thought. I stand up so fast that the chair falls from beneath me. I know exactly where she is now. I run as fast as I can out of the hotel and get a taxi to take me to the airport. My legs were shaking so bad while I was in the taxi and I couldn't stand it any longer, I needed to be with her.

I sprint out of the car and into the airport. I search all over the place and look for which gates were flying into New York. I was running past all the gates filled with people. I see one gate that was starting to board passengers and I stop to look. There she is. 

"Stephanie!!" I yell through the airport. Her head turns quickly after she hears me scream. I run up to her and I'm totally out of breath.

"Matt, what the hell are you doing?!" She asks, seeming surprised that I was here.

"I'm not letting you do this. You can't go home already." I grab her arm. 

"Excuse me miss, but you have to board the plane now." A flight attendant says to Stephanie.

"One second." Steph says, and turns back towards me. "Matt, I told you. I lost my bestfriend, everything is falling apart and I don't think I can do this anymore." She starts to say and I see a tear fall down her cheek. "My parents are waiting for me back home. I have to go."

"Come with me instead!" I say quickly because she turns around. "You can stay at my house with me and come with me to the next Magcon. Please Steph." I look into her watery eyes. "You don't have to go home, I promise." I say quieter. "Please. What can I do to make you not get on that plane?" I ask.

She wipes her eyes and looks up at me. Before she can say anything, I pull myself into her and grab her neck and plant my lips on hers. I feel her arms wrap around my body and it makes me smile. I pull away and look into her eyes. 

"So when are we gonna leave?" She asks and smiles afterwards, then wipes her tears again. 

"Well, I can't take you to my house and have you meet my parents without you being my girlfriend.." I say and she looks at me confused.

"What do you mean?" She asks and scrunches her eyebrows together. 

"Stephanie, will you please be my girlfriend?" I ask and look at her, smiling.


Wooooooo, i loved this chapter :) SO close to 2k reads YAY. 

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