Chapter 26

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Stephanie's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone alarm going off. Shit, I forgot to turn it off yesterday. I open my eyes and reach over and grab my phone to turn the noise off. 

I look around the hotel room and nobody else was in here, just me. I already knew that Matt wasn't gonna be here this morning because he said he had an interview about Magcon, and Carter was going with him. So I guess I was on my own until the party.

I walk to the bathroom and clean up my hair and face. I brush my hair and teeth and put on just a touch of makeup, then go back to lay in my bed and watch tv.

About 15 minutes later, I hear a knock on my door. I was confused as to who it might be, but I get up anyways and open the door. 

It was Nash, along with Cameron. "Hey Steph" Nash says. "Where's Matt?" he asks, while looking in the room. 

"Him and Carter went to an interview at the place where Magcon is being held. I guess Bart is there too." I shrug. 

"Oh alright... So are you doing anything right now?" he asks. "Me and Cam were just gonna head out and get some breakfast, so we stopped by to see if you wanted to come" he says and Cam smiles.

"Yeah sure!" I say, excitingly. "Let me just get my bag." I hurry back into the room to grab my bag and money. 

"Oh, no need to bring money." Nash says, "I've got it covered." 

"Nash don't. I can pay for myself." I laugh.

"No no no. I'm the guy, therefore I'm going to pay for the girl." he smirks.

I laugh, but then smile. "Awwh how sweet of you." I say, "But I'm still gonna bring my money." I say and Nash laughs.

We walk out of the hotel and get a taxi to take us to a nice breakfast place. We find a restaurant and decide to go in. It was a nice place and the food smelled amazing. We sit down in a booth, near a window and the waitress comes to get our drink orders. When our drinks come, we order our food and now we're just waiting. 

"Are you excited for tonight?" Cameron asks, as him and Nash were sitting across from me. 

"Um, yeah I guess so." I say, kind of hesitating. 

"You don't seem to excited." Cameron laughs. 

"No, I am!" I pause, "Where is the party even at?" I ask.

"It's at a beach, right outside of San Diego." Nash says, "I heard that it's a really nice one too." 

"Yeah, and there's supposed to be a huge campfire, fireworks, sparklers, and all that fun stuff." Cameron says, "It'll be sick bro."

"Oh wow, that does seem really fun!" I smile, "Hopefully Matt will get back on time." 

"I'm sure he will." Cameron says and Nash just nods his head. 

"So you guys are pretty serious, huh?" Nash asks.

I smile and glance down at the table. "Yeah we are." I blush.

"Aw she's blushing!" Cameron points out. 

"Stop it Cam!" I push his hand away, jokingly. 

"Adorable." Nash says in a deep tone with no emotion at all. 

"Woah, is Nash jealous?" Cameron asks and laughs.

"What no!" Nash covers his face with his hands and leans down on the table. 

I start laughing and look over at him. "Awh" I say, quietly. I reach over and grab his hands and try to pull them off of his face. "Nasshhhh" I whine, as he refuses to remove them.

"Bro stop." Cameron says to Nash and he finally uncovers his face from his hands. "What's wrong?" he asks.

"Its nothing." Nash says.

"C'mon Nash. Why did you get so weird when we brought Matt into the conversation?" I ask.

He was quiet for a moment, but then finally spoke. "I don't know. It's just, I feel like Matt will hurt you somehow and that he won't treat you right." he shrugs, "Just saying." 

"..And the truth comes out." Cameron says quietly. 

"Well, thank you for looking out for me Nash. It really means a lot." I smile.

"And just know that I'll always be here for you, okay?" he says.

"And me!" Cameron adds in.

I laugh, "Thanks guys." 

Our food finally comes and we're all so excited to dig in. We have a bunch of laughs while we were eating and I hear some really great stories about previous Magcon's. Nash and Cameron's friendship was literally amazing and it made me wish I had a bestfriend like that. 

After we eat, we were all so full. Nash pays the bill and I thank him and give him a hug when we stand up and leave. When we get to the hotel, it was almost time for me to start getting ready for tonight. Nash and Cameron went into their room and I went to mine which was right across the hall. 

"See ya soon!" Nash yells from his room before we shut the doors. 

"See ya!" I wave back at him and then close the door. I pick out the outfit I was gonna wear and bring it into the bathroom with me. I then turn on the shower, and hop in. Now, I was even more excited for tonight. 


Sorry I haven't updated in awhile ahhh, I've been so busy with school :( But once it's done, then I'll have a lot more time to post!

I really hope you guys are enjoying the story :)


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