Chapter 36

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Stephanie's POV

When the plane ride was finally over, we make our way into the airport to get all of our luggage. Everyone was so excited about being here in Florida, but for some reason..I wasn't. Once I get my suitcase, I just wait for everyone else's to come.

"Um, I'll be right back." I tell Nash.

"Okay, I'll be here." He says.

I smile at him and then walk over to a less crowded area, where the boys couldn't see me and sit down. I pull my phone out and decide to call someone.

It kept ringing, but finally there was an answer. 

"Hello?" I hear a soft voice say. 

"...Hi Matt." I say, quietly.

"Oh, hi." 

"I just landed in Florida.." I say, "And I wanted to call you."

"Yeah, I feel like we haven't talked in awhile." He says.

"Why didn't you tell me you had to go back home?" I ask.

"I tried." He says, "I came to the hotel and you weren't there, then I tried calling you and you never answered..... Where were you?"

"Um.." I pause, wondering if I should tell the truth or not. But since it's Matt, I can't lie to him, "I was at the beach." I finally say after a moment of silence. 

"With Nash?" He asks, starting to sound sad.

I couldn't believe it. How did he know? I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "How did you find out?" I ask, quietly. 

"I knew it." He says, getting more mad. "What happened while you guys were there, and don't lie to me Steph." 

My eyes begin to get watery. I don't want to lose Matt. "Nothing." I say and sigh, "Nothing happened." I hate lying to Matt.

"...Oh, So you didn't kiss him?" He asks, not sounding conviced. 

I wipe my eyes with my hand, "No." 

"Bullshit." He says right away, "I saw the picture, stop lying."

And right then, I lost it. "Matt, please." I say, starting to cry.

"No, I'm done." He says, "You could've just told me, you didn't have to lie about it." He pauses, "I can't stand when people lie to me."

"Matt I-"

"I'm flying into Florida tonight.  I can't be with someone who cheats on me, I'm sorry. I'm done." He finally says and hangs up.

I drop my phone and cover my face with my hands. For some reason, I knew this would happen...but not like this. The tears keep strolling down my face and they wouldn't stop. But, I finally lift my head up to wipe the tears. All of a sudden, I see Cameron walking up to me.

"Steph?" He asks, getting closer. "What's wrong?"

I stand up and without saying anything, I feel Cam's arms wrap around my body. He holds me tight and I continue to cry into his shoulder. Cameron always knew how to comfort people. He was just a really genuine guy and I liked that.

"I think Matt just broke up with me.." I say, as my voice was shaking. 

"What? Why?" Cameron asks, pulling away to look at me. 

I see the rest of the boys with their suitcases coming towards us, "Um.. I can't tell you." I say, quickly wiping my eyes so that they wouldn't see me crying. 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now