Chapter 27

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Matt's POV

So today's the day of the party. It wasn't gonna be a huge party, but the rest of the boys just wanted to have one before Magcon and to invite some of their friends here in Cali. I heard it was supposed to be down on the beach and there would be fireworks, a campfire, sparklers, and all that stuff. So yeah, I'm pretty pumped for it. 

Stephanie's in the shower right now and me and Carter just arrived back from the interview and we just layed down on the beds and went on our phones. 

"Bro, I really need to get a girl tonight." Carter says and looks up from his phone.

I laugh and turn towards him, "Seriously?" 

"Yes! I'm not kidding dude!" He says and sits up. 

"Alright, alright." I say and laugh. "I know some girls who live in LA that I could invite. Sound cool?" I ask him.

"Really? Thanks man!" he says, "I'll repay you sooner or later."  

"Ohhh you better." I say, joking around with him. 

"Oh yeah that's right I forgot to tell you." Carter continues, "So my friends are up here for the summer and one of the girls is like your biggest fan." he laughs.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah. Maybe I could introduce you to her tonight? She'd love that." he says.

"Yeah no problem!" I answer. I always love meeting new fans, it makes me realize how far I've come and how much all the support really means. 

The door opens to the bathroom and Steph comes walking out, looking... well, amazing. "Who's next?" She asks, referring to the next person using the bathroom to get ready. 

"Me!" Carter yells and jumps off the bed and goes into the bathroom then shuts the door. 

I stand up and walk over to Steph, who's dressed casual but still looking really good. Since this party wasn't 'big' we didn't have to dress up. I just have on shorts with a black t-shirt which was what I was wearing for the interview, while Steph wore dark short shorts and a light blue tank top with her hair straightened nice and long. 

"You look nice!" She says and smiles, while kissing me on the cheek. 

"And you also look nice." I say, but this time I plant a kiss on her lips quickly. I then pull her in for a hug and feel her arms wrap around my waist.

"How was the interview?" She asks and pulls away to look at me. 

"It was good! I get asked like the same questions all the time though." I say and laugh.

"Like what?" She asks.

"Like... how do you come up with Vine ideas.." I pause, "do you currently have a 'bae' at the moment.." I say and smile, while grabbing her waist with my hand. 

"Aww." She blushs. "And what did you say?" 

"I said, yes, I do currently have a bae right now." I smirk. "And I love her so much." I say and lean in to kiss her. 

She leans forward and I feel our lips connect for a moment. When we pull away, she has the biggest smile on her face.

"And I love you too." She smirks.

Stephanie's POV

After Matt tells me about his interview and what he said, it makes me in such a better mood and I was so excited for this party. 

It's now 8:00 and we all finish getting ready and walk out into the hallway to meet up with the other boys. When I walk out of the door and see Nash, I smile because it made me think of this morning. We made eye contact and he just smiled and did a little wave to me and I did the same back.

We all make our way out of the hotel and get a couple of taxi's to take us to the beach, where the party was being held. 

I sit in the backseat with Matt and he reaches his hand for mine and intertwines our fingers together. I lean my head on his shoulder and wrap my arms around his one arm. 

When we finally get there, the beach seems pretty packed with people. The setting was gorgeous though. There were tiki torches lined up all along the beach and a gigantic fire in the middle with chairs all around it. 

We all walk down on the beach and right away some of the boys go right to the coolers and grabbed some drinks. Alcoholic drinks, of course. "Want one babe?" Matt asks me. 

"No, I'm good. I don't want to drink tonight." I say, making the smart decision. 

"Why not?" He asks.

"Because I actually want to enjoy this night." I smile. 

"Aww, you're so cute." He says, "But I'm still gonna have one." he grabs the drink and I laugh.

"Let's go sit down over there." Matt says and points to some chairs over by the fire. 

"Okay." I say, smiling. 

We sit down and Matt opens up his drink and takes a big sip. "Ahhhh." he says, "So good."

I laugh and was about to say something but Matt's phone started ringing. He looks down at it and sees the name on the front. "It's Carter." 

"Hey bro!" Matt answers the call.

It was quiet for a moment, because I couldn't here what Carter was saying.

"Oh they are?" Matt asks, "Alright man, I'll be right over."

I glance over at Matt as he stands up. "Carter wants me to go with him for a minute, so I'll be right back." he says.

"Alright, I'll be here." I smile, slightly.

"Love you." Matt smirks and quick kisses me on the cheek. I roll my eyes at him, but smile back.

"Ditto!" I yell as he walks away. 

I sit there alone and just stare into the campfire and watch the flames get bigger and brighter. It has already been 10 minutes and Matt still hasn't come back yet. What is he doing? I thought to myself. 

Another 10 minutes pass and I was getting really bored just sitting there. I firgured that me and Matt would be together this whole time and do fun stuff, but I guess not. 

I get up off the chair and start walking closer to the water. It gets colder as I get farther away from the fire, but it also gets less crowded and more quiet and I liked that. I cross my arms because I start to get goosebumps from the cool night wind that was blowing. I let the water touch my toes, while I was lightly kicking the wet sand with my feet. 

Once in awhile I would look up at the sky and just glare at the moon and how gorgeous it was reflecting off the water. 

"Steph?" I hear someone say from behind me.

I quickly turn around and saw that Nash was walking towards me. "Hey." I say, smiling. 

"Why are you alone?" He asks and stands next to me. 

"I don't know honestly. Matt drifted away and said that he had to go with Carter somewhere and he hasn't come back." I reply. "Sooo, I just came down here because I like it." I smile. 

"Yeah it is pretty nice right here." He says and glances at me. "Woah Steph, you're shivering!" he says and laughs. "Here, I got you." Nash says, then takes his hoodie off to give it to me. "You can wear it." He says, smiling. I grab it from him, then pull it over my head and put my arms through the sleeves. It was big on me, but it was perfect. 

"Thank you so much Nash." I say and cuddle up in it. It was so warm and it even smelled like cologne. I sit down on the sand and just stare out into the water. 

"No problem." He says and takes a seat next to me. "Anything for you." He smiles.


omggg, so Nash is in the picture now :o


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