Chapter 61

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(Make sure to go read my other book I'm starting called "Forever"! I even made a trailer to go along with it, so please go check it out!)

Stephanie's POV

I woke up early in the morning to someone knocking on the front door. I check the time and realize that it's 3 AM. Who would be knocking on the door this early? I was kind of nervous to go open it alone, but I didn't want to wake anybody else up. 

As I walk down the stairs, the knocking gets louder so I quickly run to the door and finally open it. My eyes widen when I see Lily standing there, looking terrible.

"Oh my god, are you okay? Where have you been? It's been like 4 days!" I freak out and ask her a million questions.

"I'm fine." Tears start to come to her eyes, as I drag her into the house and shut the door. I lead her to the living room to sit on the couch. More tears come to her eyes and she finally lets them out.

"Lily, please tell me what happened. I need to know what's going on." I tell her.

She sniffs and finally speaks up, "Well, after you left the club the other night... the guy I was with took me back to his place." She begins and I cringe when I think about how disgusting that guy looked. "Everything was going fine at first but then..." She cries even more and doesn't finish.

"Lily please." I beg and put my hands on her shoulders for her to continue.

"More guys started to come to his place.." She wipes her cheeks, "I thought I trusted him, but I was drunk and didn't know what was going on. The guys locked me in the room and started doing awful things to me.." She closes her eyes when she thinks about it.

"Like what?" I quietly ask.

"They started beating me up.." She covers her face with her hands, "I tried calling the cops but they took my phone and broke it." She begins to take her jacket off and I gasp when I see her arms. There were bruises everywhere and deep cuts. She then lifts up her shirt revealing her stomach and my mouth drops. Her whole stomach is black and blue and I bet it hurts like hell.

"How did you get out?" I ask, feeling so bad for her.

"Jake came." She simply replies, "He took me back to his house and cleaned me up a bit and I stayed there for a few days that's why I didn't come back. I'm so sorry I dragged you along to that club with me.."

"Aw don't worry about it. Are you okay though?" Even though I don't like this girl in front of me, it worries me what happened to her. Those guys could've done much worse if Jake never came.

"Yeah I'm better." She shrugs, "I'm just exhausted."

"You should go get some rest." I give her a small smile and lean in to hug her. "I'm glad you're okay." I say into her shoulder and then pull away.

"You're a really good friend." She says and stands up to go to her room. I lean back up against the couch and think about the time how she took control of Matt. I wouldn't really consider her a very good friend, but I'll just agree with her for now.

I walk back up the stairs and quietly open the door to Matt's room. I didn't sleep with him last night because he stayed up really late with the boys and I was so tired. His room is so dark when I walk in, that I almost trip over the clothes on the floor. I eventually run into the bed and stub my toe at the corner of it and I try my best not to screech, so I just cover my mouth and hope that the pain will go away. I crawl onto his bed right next to him and slowly lay down. I kind of want to wake him, but yet he looks so cute with his eyes closed and his lips parted. 

I hear him moan and turn over on his side, facing me. I run my fingers along his cheek and notice how his eyes flutter open. He pulls his eyebrows together and sits up, still looking at me. "Were you in here all night?" He questions and rubs his eyes.

I giggle and lay my head on his pillow, "No I just came in." 

"Oh." He smiles and lays his head back down, next to me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." I smile and bite my lip, reaching up to touch his face again. I rub my thumb slowly across his bottom lip as he grabs me by my waist. 

"Did you have a bad dream?" He smirks and I shake my head.

"I just wanted to see you." I smile. Even though that's not the real reason I'm in here, I just didn't feel like telling him about Lily right now because I didn't want him to worry. I just want this time right now to be about us.

"You're so cute." He laughs and pulls me into him, as I wrap my legs around his. I rest my head on his chest and he rests his on my head. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, as I feel Matt's fingers running through my hair. This is the most comfortable position to be with him and I eventually drift off to sleep.


Matt's POV

"Wake up!!!" I hear someone yell as the lights in my room turn on, and a pillow is thrown at me. I slowly open my eyes trying to avoid the brightness as I feel Steph cuddle into me and pull the blanket over her face. Aaron runs out of the room and starts yelling in the hallway for everyone else to wake up. I laugh and look down at Steph and gently pull the blanket off of her. She moans and covers her face with her hands.

"It's too early." She mumbles.

"It's noon." I laugh and climb out of bed, but she pulls me back down.

"Don't go." She pouts.

I smile and lean down to kiss her forehead. I then grab her hands and pull her out of the bed, so she can stand up. When she stands up, she stumbles into me and I wrap my arms around her, "Are you drunk?" I joke and I hear her giggle into my shoulder.

"Maybe." She smirks, but I can tell she's lying. There's no way she's drunk, she's always like this is the mornings. 

"The boys wanna go mini golfing and go-karting today." I say and then watch her frown as she sits back down on the bed, "You don't wanna go?" 

"I want to spend the day with you." She pouts, for the millionth time. 

"We'll be together all day babe." I laugh and reach for her hands.

"I meant alone." She states.

"C'mon, it will be fun." I squeeze her hands tighter and kneel in front of her, between her legs.

She stares into my eyes for a second and then looks away. I reach for her chin and turn her face back to look at me. I plant a soft kiss on her lips and pull away. A smile appears on her face which makes me smile also, "Okay." She says, biting her lip. Ugh it drives me crazy when she does that, it makes me want her even more.

I run my hand down her neck and lean in to kiss her again, but this time more intense. Her mouth opens wider allowing me to access more and our tongues intertwine. Her hands grab the back of my neck as mine run down to her waist, and up her shirt. I grip tighter, pulling her closer as her legs wrap around my waist. I stand up with her still on me and push her down on the bed as our lips are still connected. I put my body on her as one hand holds me up for support. She reaches down for the end of her shirt and pulls it up as we part our lips. She throws it on the ground and goes right back to kiss me.

My fingertips run along the black lace of her bra as I move my lips down to her neck. "Shut the door." She mumbles, almost a whisper. I slowly pull away and quick kiss her on the tip of her nose, then run over to shut the door. When I come back to the bed, she smiles at me and grabs my neck to pull me into her again. God, I love when she does that.

She reaches down to pull off my shorts, since my shirt is already off. I help her to get them off quicker, leaving just my boxers on. Her fingers run down my back as I pull her shorts off also. She kicks them off with her feet as our mouths connect again. I pull away and look into her beautiful blue eyes, "Are you sure?" I quietly ask.

She nods her head and looks back at me, "Yes." She softly says and reaches behind her to unclip her bra. 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now