Chapter 66

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Stephanie's POV

It's now the last day of all of us being together. 

Jack, Jack, Aaron, Shawn, Nash, Hayes, Cameron, Matt, Taylor, Carter, Dillon, Alexis and I all sit down together in the living room and reminisce about the times we've had here in Florida. And even in San Diego for awhile.

I lean my head on Matt's shoulder as he wraps his arm around me. "So what's the deal with Magcon?" Alexis asks.

I hear a chuckle from a few of the guys. "It's over." Taylor blurts out, "Such bullshit."

"Our manager kept making deals with us, but they weren't happening." Cameron says, "He was just in it for the money."

"So what are you guys gonna do now?" I ask, joining the conversation as Matt's hand runs along my arm.

"I don't know." Taylor sighs, "But we're still a family and that's all that matters." Everyone agrees with him. 

"Dude, twitter's blowing up right now." Nash laughs, looking at his phone. "They think we're breaking up."

"It's not that we're breaking up as a group. We're all still gonna hang out and stuff, we just won't be apart of Magcon." Cameron says and Taylor nods his head.

"I love you guys." Taylor stands up and opens his arms. The rest of us stand up also, and all join in on a group hug. Laughs fill the air as all of us sit back down.

"Shawn's gonna be selling out stadiums all around the world pretty soon." Matt says next to me, and pouts but smiles afterwards.

"I wish." Shawn laughs, shaking his head.

"Are you two going back to school?" Carter asks, pointing at me and Alexis.

We look at each other and she nods her head, "Yeah." She looks down at her lap, sighing. I agree with her and say, "Yeah." quietly. Matt's arm tightens around me as he pulls me closer, leaning his head on mine.

"Where's Lily been?" Nash asks.

Everyone turns to look at me and I don't know why. I guess they expect me to know, since I was the one who last hung out with her. "I have no idea." I answer honestly, "She came back to the house last week and like 3 in the morning and I haven't seen her since. She must've left before anyone else saw her."

"That's weird." Cameron says, "Well, good thing no one liked her." Everyone laughs and I do as well. We have one last dinner together and then all go up to our rooms to finish packing. When I'm done, I walk over to Matt's room just as he shoves everything in and zips it up. 

I walk around his room, taking one last look at everything. When I stand in front of his dresser, I notice a picture frame with a picture inside. I grab it to get a closer look. Tears start to come to my eyes when I see me and Matt underwater, kissing. I remember that day so clearly and laugh at how Nash took the picture for us. We look so happy together.

It's insane that when Alexis and I first came to Florida, we would've never guessed that this would've happened. Little did we know, we would both end up dating one of the Magcon boys. It's still kind of crazy to think about. Who knew that they would end up falling for a fan. That's like every girls dream come true.

"Are you gonna bring this?" I turn around to face Matt, with the picture in my hand. He looks up at me and stands up.

He smiles as he walks over and takes the picture, looking at it closely. "I would never forget this." He says, as I wipe the tear from my eye before it falls down my cheek. He sets it on top of his bag and comes back over to me, wrapping his arms around my back.

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