Chapter 38

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Stephanie's POV

I hear a knock on my door and I eventually stand up to go open it. When I open it, I see Alexis standing there.

"Hey." I say and try to smile. "Where's Cam?" 

"He went back to his room." She says, smiling. "He's so amazing."

We walk into the room and sit across from each other on opposite beds. "So what did you guys talk about?" I ask.

"Pretty much everything." She says, "And I apologized for everything I did to him."

"Aw well that's good!" I say, "I really hope things work out between you two."

"Thanks." She smiles, "So...Tell me why Matt tweeted that." She changes the subject onto me.

"Tweeted what?" I ask, pretending I didn't see it.

"C'mon, you know what I'm talking about. The tweet about relationships and lies." She reminds me, "Are you guys alright?"

I shake my head no and look down. I tell her everything that happened between us and included every detail, even what happened with me and Nash. 

"Can I give you some advice?" She asks, after I was finished and I shake my head yes. "Well, you obviously know that I hooked up with Taylor while I was with Cameron. To be honest, I didn't even have a thing for Taylor at all. I just thought he was really hot." She says and I laugh.

"But anyways, when Cameron found out he would never text me back or answer my calls. After I was out of rehab, he finally gave in and talked to me. We ended up talking on the phone everyday and he eventually forgave me..for having sex with one of his bestfriends." She says. 

She continues on, "Matt may move on, hook up with other girls, or whatever and you have to except that if you guys are broken up. But I promise you, he will give in sooner or later. And if you actually have feelings for Nash, you have to do whatever you think is right. But just remember, who was the one you first laid eyes on that day we were at the pool..." 

I take a deep breath and close my eyes for a second. "I am so glad to have my bestfriend back." I say and stand up to give her a hug. "Thank you so much Lex." I say into her shoulder. 

"No problem. I'm glad to have my bestfriend back too." She smiles.

A few hours go by of us just being lazy. We pretty much just lay in bed and watch TV all night. Then I hear my phone go off and I check to see what it was. It was a text from Matt.

Matt: Just landed, I'll be at the hotel soon.

I didn't reply to him because I figured that I would just meet him down in the lobby. "Matt just arrived..I'm gonna go meet him in the lobby." I tell Alexis and get up. 

"Good luck." She says and gives me two thumbs up and I just laugh. 

I walk out of the room, into the elevator and down to the lobby. I find a place to sit and I just wait for him to come, I was honestly shaking so bad.

Through the entrance of the hotel, I see a taxi pull up. Matt gets out of it and gets his suitcase from the trunk, then makes his way in through the doors. I stand up when I see him walking in. When he looks up, we both make eye contact and I start walking closer to him. 

Right when we get close to each other, at the same time we both wrap our arms around one another. He holds me tight as I rest my head on his shoulder. He pulls away after a few seconds and just look at the ground.  

"I should probably go get unpacked." He says, "I'm staying with Cam and Nash."

"Oh..okay." I say. "I'll be up in a little bit."

"Alright." Matt says, then walks past me to go to the elevator. Once the elevator door shuts, I walk out of the lobby and down a hallway. 

I turn around the corner and see the door to the pool. I stop walking and just stare into the window and look at the pool. I start to remember the first day me and Alexis came here. She forgot her phone in the room and had to run back up to get it, while I continued walking towards the pool. I remember turning the corner and running into someone. And that somone was Matt. The second we made eye contact, I felt a drop in my stomach. I remember thinking how cute he was when he introduced himself. Then when Nash came calling for Matt to come back to the pool, I knew that they looked familiar. 

I open the door to the pool and walk in. But, I quickly stop walking when I see Nash sitting in one of the chairs and Taylor and Aaron in the pool. I guess they wanted to go night swimming or something.

"Oh hey Steph!" Aaron yells from the pool. Nash quickly turns around in his chair and looks at me, while I just smile and wave at them.

I walk over to Nash and sit down in a chair right next to him. I lean my head against the back of it and just look at him. 

"You alright?" He asks.

I sigh loudly, "Matt just got here."

"Oh." He looks away. 

I turn my head to watch Taylor and Aaron mess around in the pool. 

"How are things with you two..." He finally says.

"Not very good." I shrug, "But..oh well."

"So yesterday...when you said that you really liked me." Nash says. "Were you just kidding?"

I turne my head to look at him and his blue eyes make contact with mine. "No." I say, "I wasn't kidding." 

"I was always there for you.." He says, as his voice got quieter.

I close my eyes trying to take everything in, then open them again. "I know, Nash...I know." 

"YOOOO MATT, WHATS UP BRO!" I hear Taylor yell from the pool. 

I quickly turn around and see Matt and Cameron walking in. I notice Matt's eyes glance over at me and Nash sitting next to eachother. I stand up quickly and walk away from Nash over to another chair.

Cameron walks over to Nash, while Matt comes over towards me. He sits down his towel and phone on the table right next to me. 

"You act like I didn't just notice you sitting with Nash." He says, while taking his shirt off. 

"It was nothing." I say. 

"Well, it didn't seem like nothing..." He rolls his eyes. 

"Can we just talk about this tomorrow?" I sigh. "It's getting late anyways.. I'm going to bed." I say sternly and stand up.

"Whatever." Matt walks over to get in the pool. 

It makes me mad that he's acting like that. But, I just turn around and walk out. I go up the elevator and into my room. Alexis was already sleeping because it was like 11:30. I brush my teeth, turn the lights off and then crawl into my bed.

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now