Chapter 83

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Stephanie's POV

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom!" I hear Matt yell from behind me, while squeezing my sides. Everyone was crowded around us and lights from the stage were moving all over the place.

"Wait!" I turn around and grab his arm before he has a chance to slip away. When I see his face through the dim lighting, I pout. "Don't go."

"I'm only going to the bathroom babe." He smirks, "I'll be right back."

I sigh as our hands seperate, watching him walk out of the crowd. I was now left alone and I couldn't find any of the other guys around me, so I started pushing through people in search of a familiar face. Once I got to the other side of the stage, I stepped out of the mob of people and I was practically out of breath. I found the nearest bench and decided to sit down, while I waited for Matt. 

I started scrolling through my phone, when I noticed something strange. In the distance I saw red and blue lights flashing and a few people running away from the stage. Probably just some dumb underage kids who got caught drinking. I looked back down at my phone and figured it was no big deal. 

I suddenly feel hands touch my shoulders, which makes me flinch and turn to see who it is. "Nash!" I laugh when I see him, "Geez, you scared me." I say as he hops over the bench and sits down next to me.

"Enjoying the concert?" He asks, smiling at me.  

"Yeah it's really great." I smile back at him.

"Where's Matt? I thought he was with you?" He questions, looking back at the crowd.

I sigh and look at my phone, "The bathroom. He's been gone for like 15 minutes." 

"Probably just a long line, don't worry." He stands up and looks down at me, "Hungry?"

I look back at the crowd one more time in search of Matt, but don't see him. "Maybe I should go find him." I say and stand up.

"I'm sure he'd call if something was wrong." Nash says, "C'mon lets go get something to eat." He says, beginning to walk away.

For a second, I thought about turning around and going back through the crowd to find Matt. But Nash was right, if something was wrong, he would call. So with that, I followed Nash to the boardwalk. 

The walk was silent between Nash and I as we finally got to the top of the boardwalk and sat down at a table. Nash offered to buy me something to eat, but I told him I wasn't hungry.

"Are you sure?" He asks, standing up from the table. "Because I don't mind buying you something."

"I'm sure." I nod my head and smile.

"Alright." He says and walks away to go find some food. I sigh for the millionth time and rest my elbow on the table, resting my head on my hand. I look back out at the beach and from this view, I can pretty much see everyone at the concert. I notice that the cops are still there and I squint my eyes to try to see what exactly they're doing.

It's now been about 30 minutes since Matt's been gone, and I'm actually starting to get a little worried. Nash finally comes back to the table, carrying a huge plate of nachos with cheese on the side. "Hey Nash?" I ask, the second he sits down.

"Yeah?" He pulls his eyebrows together and looks at me, confused. "Please don't tell me you're hungry now. I mean if you are, that's fine! I can go get you something-" He begins to stand up again but I stop him.

"No!" I lean over a grab him arm, "I'm fine, really." I laugh, but then glance back towards the beach. "I'm just wondering.. why are the cops here?"

After stuffing chips in his mouth, he looks in the direction I'm looking in and finishes chewing. "There's always police at these types of events." He shrugs, "You know, just to make sure things aren't getting out of hand."

"Oh." I say quietly.

"Want some nachos?" He asks and points to his plate.

"Um, no thanks." I say and politely smile at him, "I think I'm gonna go find Matt."

"Wait." He says, stuffing more and more chips in his mouth. "I'll come with you." He says quickly.

"You sure?" I ask.

After swallowing the very last chip, he looks up at me, "I'm sure."


Me and Nash search around the beach for a good 10 minutes and there's still no sight of Matt. I stop walking and pull out my phone and decide to call him, while Nash waits right next to me. 



"Did he answer?" Nash asks.




"Nope." I sigh and hang up once it reaches his voicemail. "Where the hell is he?"

"Maybe he's-" Nash begins to say, but then stops. I wait for him to continue but he doesn't.

"Maybe he's what?" I question and cross my arms.

"Well, uh, remember that one night at that party and we went to go look for Matt and we saw him in the parking lot-" Nash says but I hold my hand up.

"Don't." I close my eyes, "He's not cheating on me, I know Matt."

"It was just a thought." Nash shrugs.

"No no, I know, it's fine." I shake my head and breathe out slowly, "I'm just worried Nash, something just doesn't feel right."



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