Chapter 78

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(I love that gif so much asdfhklkl like it's perf. I think I might start putting gifs at the beginning of each chapter just because yeah idk it looks cool. but anyways back to the story..!)

Stephanie's POV

"Where are we going?" I laugh as Matt drags me off the bed and into the hallway. 

"I have to show you around LA!" He yells, still dragging me out of the room and down the stairs. He stops and turns towards me before walking out the door, "I should probably get my sunglasses." He laughs and runs back up the stairs quickly while I just wait for him.

"Hurry up!" I yell up to him and laugh as he almost trips down the stairs from running too fast. He puts on  his sunglasses, fixes his hair and then smiles at me. "Where are you gonna take me?" I ask.

He shrugs, "I don't know, but I have an idea." He smirks, then opens the door and walks out with me following behind him. 

When we get outside, Matt leads me into a parking garage and gets into a black convertible. I get in the passenger seat, surprised by how nice this car is. Supposedly, it isn't his car. Him, Nash, Cam and Carter all share a couple cars within them all, and this so happens to be one of them. We pull out of the garage and begin driving down the road.

About 20 minutes go by of me and Matt singing at the top of our lungs to a bunch of Miley Cyrus songs, with the wind blowing my hair all over the place. Eventually we turn the music down and Matt makes me bring up a map on our phone to see exactly where we're going. 

"Type in Rivera." Matt says while still driving, "That's the name of the restaurant."

I type in the name like Matt says and wait for the results. "Uh.. Matt?" I start to laugh slowly. 

"What? Are we close?" He quickly looks over at me with one hand on the wheel.

I shake my head and laugh even more, "Nope, not even close. We're going the total opposite direction." By now, I can't even tell where we are right now. There's barely any cars on this road and it looks like we're in the middle of nowhere. 

"Are you sure?" Matt quickly pulls to the side of the road and stops the car. He grabs the phone out of my hand and takes a look himself. I try to stop my laugh by covering up my mouth with my hand, but I still can't help it. Of course Matt would get lost. "You've got to be kidding me." Matt drops the phone in his lap and leans his head against the steering wheel, while hitting it with his fist. 

"It's fine, it's fine." I try to calm him down, but another laugh sneaks out of my mouth. "We can find our way back somehow." I shrug. I grab my phone back and look at the map once again. "Just keep driving straight and take a right at this road." I say, pointing to the map. 

Matt sighs and leans back, starting the car back up. He looks over at me and I smile at him, trying to lighten the mood. He finally laughs and reaches over to put his hand on my thigh as he continues driving. 

"Turn right!" I yell before Matt passes by the road. He laughs as he turns the wheel, making a quick turn to the right. 

"Are you sure this is the right road?" Matt asks, probably noticing how this road isn't even really a real road. It's just.. dirt.

"Umm.." I grab my phone again and double check the map. "Shit." I mumble and Matt's head quickly turns to look at me, "No service." I sigh, setting my phone back down. 

"Oh my god." Matt stares back ahead and begins to panic, "We're lost!"

I lean my head against the window, sighing really loudly. "We're not lost." I lie. We are totally lost, I just don't want to admit it.

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now