Chapter 43

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Stephanie's POV

The rest of the morning consists of all the boys taking showers and getting ready while me, Lex, and Lily just watch TV while waiting for them. When they're done getting ready, Taylor wanted all of us to go look at the beach house and see what we thought of it. We leave the hotel and get a ride to the place. The neighborhood was really fancy, palm trees everywhere and it was really calm. 

We pull through a gate and into the driveway of this giant house, with the ocean right behind it. It was so nice that there was a wrap around driveway with a fountain in the middle. We all get out of the car and the ones who haven't seen it yet just stand there in shock of how gorgeous it was. 

"I already want it." I laugh. 

"You have to see the inside though!" Taylor leads the way through the front doors. 

When you walk into the house there's a huge chandelier hanging high from the ceiling and then two sets of staircases, one to the left and one to the right. They eventually curve and connect in the middle on a second floor. If you walk through the staircases, you eventually get to a living room and kitchen that overlooks the ocean. It was gorgeous. 

If you go through some hallways there's a door that leads to a basement. The basement contained a huge movie theater room, with a giant flat screen TV and reclining chairs set up like at the movies. There were 2 other floors in the house with stairs leading up to them. One floor had all of the rooms on it and the very top floor was just like a game/chill area.

"So what do you guys think?" Taylor asks, "Should we get it?"

"Yes!!" Nash says.

We all agree on chipping in to help pay to rent this house for the summer. It may take awhile to get the money, but we didn't care.

"Oh, and we also get a couple cars." Taylor smiles, as we all walk out of the front door and see 2 gorgeous looking convertibles in the driveway. A black one and a white one. 

"Wow." I say, just staring at them.

"I know right." Taylor laughs. We eventually make the deal with the realtor and then some of us head back to the hotel. Taylor and a couple others go with the realtor to sign off on the house, so that we could officially move in tomorrow for the rest of the summer. We were all very excited.

Nash, Matt, Lily and I ride home together since we were gonna go on our 'double date' later tonight. We talk about which restaurant to go to and we finally come up with one. We choose a really nice steak and seafood place.

When we get back to the hotel, everyone decides to go in the pool. Me, Lily, and Alexis all go into our room to get changed into our bathing suits, while the guys went to change into theirs. We grab our towels and wrap them around our body then head down to the pool. 

The boys were already there when we walk in. We pick a table and chairs to put all of our towels and phones on and then we lay on the chairs to watch the boys. Although Lily already jumped in the pool to be with Matt..

"You guys aren't coming in??" Cameron yells from the pool. 

Alexis starts laughing, "Nope!" 

"Are you serious." Cameron rolls his eyes.

"Why not??" Nash yells, as he was next to Cam.

"Because we don't want to get our hair wet, duh!" I say, obviously lying. 

Cam and Nash look at each other, smile, and then jump out of the pool and come running towards us soaking wet. 

"Noooooo!!!!" Me and Alexis scream and then huddle up, covering our faces. 

All of a sudden, I feel Nash's arms wrap around my body and lift me up over his shoulder. Cameron does the same thing to Alexis and then at the same time, Nash and Cam jump into the pool with us on their shoulders. 

We scream as the water splashes and under we went. Our heads pop back up and we just laugh so hard. I turn around to face Nash and I notice that Matt and Lily are behind him, with their faces awfully close to each other. My face went from a smile to a frown in less than a second.

Nash notices the look on my face, so he turns around to see. Lily grabs Matt's neck and pulls him closer to her as Matts arms were wrapped around her. 

Nash turns back around to face me and just smiles.

"Why are you smiling?" I ask. 

"Because.." He says and swims closer to me, grabbing my waist. "You want to make him jealous right?" He asks and I nod my head yes. 

He then pulls me in and connects our lips together, unexpectedly. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, so that Matt would notice. I lightly open my eyes during the kiss to see if he was looking... and he was definitely looking. I pull away and look at Nash, smiling. "Good?" He asks.

"Perfect." I reply and glance at Matt. Right when I look over at him, he pulls Lily against him and they began to kiss also. His hands were all over her and my mouth just drops. I wanted that to be me..

Right away, I climb out of the pool and lay back down on my towel on the chair, by myself. Matt notices and quickly pulls away from Lily and gets out of the pool also. He walks straight passed me, grabs his towel, and walks out the door back into the hotel. 

I sit there, just watching everybody else messing around in the pool and jumping in over and over again. I finally stand up, grab my towel, and walk out also.


Should I start making longer chapters? 

Comment what you think so farrr :)

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