Chapter 2

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Stephanie's POV

I put on my navy blue bikini with my short jean shorts and a crop top over top of it and brush my long blonde hair, then walk out of the bathroom to see if Alexis is ready yet. She has on a black bikini with high waisted shorts and a really cute tank top over top. "Ready?" I ask, getting excited.

"Yup!" She answers. We grab our towels and head out of the room.

Just as we get to the elevator Alexis stops. "Shit! I forgot my phone." She says. "You can just meet me at the pool, I'll be down there in a couple minutes!" She turns around running back to the room. I laugh because she always ends up forgetting something. 

I make my way out of the elevator, into the lobby, then down a hall to get to the pool. I grab my phone and start to scroll through one of the apps while I walk down the long hallway. There's a lot of noise coming from the pool room and I silently groan to myself. I hate when there's a bunch of other people in the pool because it's always so loud and there's splashing everywhere. I'm not really a big people person, I like my space. 

As I turn around the corner, I run into this guy and my towels and phone fall out of my arms and onto the ground.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry!" He says as we both kneel down to grab my stuff.

"Oh, it's fine." I fix my hair quickly, realizing that he's kind of cute. I pick up the towels and he hands me my phone. I quickly check my phone screen, praying that it didn't crack. And when I see that it's not cracked, I mentally cheer for myself. When I look back at him, he's a few inches taller than me which forces me to look up.

"Thanks." I blush. His dirty blonde hair spikes up in the front and he stands in front of me, shirtless. He's even a little wet, so he must've just got out of the pool. I have to force myself to look into his eyes, not his body. That would be a little weird, since I don't even know who he is. 

He looks at me with his brownish/hazel eyes, "I'm Matthew." He smiles. 

"Hi, I'm Stephanie." I reply, awkwardly. I bite my lip to try to hide my smile. I'm always so awkward when it comes to guys, so right now I don't even know what to say. Part of me wants to just walk past him and go into the pool, but the other part wants to keep talking to him. But just at he's about to say something, the door to the pool room opens and another boy comes out.

"Yo Matt, C'mon! We're waiting for you!" The guy says. He's soaking wet and his dark hair is pushed back off his forehead. His bright blue eyes look at me and then back at Matt in confusion. I look through the window to the pool and I think there are about 9 other boys in the pool playing some game. 

"Hang on Nash!" Matt yells as the other guy runs back into the pool, letting the door slam behind him.

Nash? That name sounds really familiar. I pull my eyebrows together, looking back into the room at all the boys. Suddenly, something inside of me clicks. I know who these boys are.

"Are you coming in the pool?" Matt asks, pulling me from my thoughts. He begins to open the door, but I hesitate to walk in. 

"Yeah, I'm just waiting for my friend.. Uhh, so I'll be right back actually." I say, turning around quickly and speed walking down the hall to find Alexis.

Matt goes back into the pool area while I run around to find Alexis. I finally see her walk out of the elevator and I run up to her.

"Woah what's wrong with you?" She asks me, knowing that I look out of breath. I grab her arm and we run back to the pool area and I point through the window.

"Do any of those boys look familiar to you?" I ask.

"OH MY GOD!!" Alexis screams almost causing my ears to fall off. She's not pacing back and forth and I can't help but laugh, "I can't believe this. Those are the magcon boys. my FUTURE HUSBAND IS IN THERE." She says and I continue to laugh.

"C'mon let's go in." I open the door and walk closer to the pool, setting my stuff on a chair near the pool. Alexis follows me and covers her mouth the whole time trying not to scream again. She's walking so slow and she can't take her eyes off of all the boys, so I have to walk back over to her and drag her to walk faster. 

"Hey ladies!" I hear someone say in the pool while whistling. I'm pretty sure that was Taylor Caniff. We take our shirts and shorts off leaving just our bikinis on. 

"Cameron!!" Alexis screams.

Oh my god, what is she doing. I quickly cover my face, already embarrassed. I somehow knew that she was going to do this.

"Can I get a picture with you?!" She asks excitingly as Cameron climbs out of the pool. The way the water drips off of his tan skin makes him look so hot. I quickly tear my eyes away from him when we make eye contact. I hope he didn't just catch me staring at his abs.  

"Of course babe." He smiles and puts his arm around her waist as Alexis takes a picture of them two.

"Thank you so much!" She says.

"What's your name, cutie?" Cameron asks.

"Alexis." She has the biggest smile on her face. 

"Well Alexis, come swimming with me." He smiles and grabs her hand and they walk away. They would actually make a cute couple. Alexis has really long brown hair and blue eyes and Cameron was so hot.

I sit at the edge of the pool with my feet in the water when all of a sudden someone comes up to me and spashes me with water. I scream because of the coldness before I realize that it's Matt...

"Matt!!" I yell. He was laughing so hard and I notice how cute his laugh is, "What was that for?" I yell again while trying to splash water back at him with my feet. 

He grabs my arms and pulls me into the pool, "I like messing around with cute girls." He smiles at me.

"Awwwwh how cute." I laugh as I push his head under water. He comes back up and splashes me with water again.

"Stop flirting!!" I hear Cameron yell from the other side of the pool and Alexis was laughing. 

We spend about an hour at the pool and we end up playing a bunch of games. Cameron insisted that we play Marco Polo, so when he yelled Marco, Alexis screamed Polo and she didn't even move when she was supposed to. She obviously just wanted Cameron to touch her, and he did. Me and Matt played with noodles and he showed me a cool trick where if you get water inside and blow through one hole, it comes flying out the other. So the whole time we were just squirting water at the others. 

When we eventually get tired of swimming around, all of us climb out and dry out in the sun for a little bit. Me and Alexis walk over to our chairs, while all the guys go to theirs on the other side of the pool. After laying out for a bit, Alexis sits up really quick when she spots Cameron and Nash walking towards us.

"Are you girls busy right now?" Cameron asks, running his fingers through his wet hair. 

"Nope." Alexis answers right away, smiling.

"You should come chill with us in our room, maybe play some games." Cameron shrugs and looks over at Nash, who's agreeing with him.

"Wait, you guys are staying here too?" I ask. I feel dumb for asking such a stupid question, but it's the first thing that came to my mind. 

"Yeah were on the 9th floor." Nash smiles.

Just as I'm about to say no to them, Alexis answers first.

"Yes!!" She replies right away, already standing up to get her stuff ready. I turn to look at her and pull my eyebrows together. We barely know these guys and she already wants to go into their hotel room?

Well... this should be interesting. 

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