Chapter 25

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Stephanie's POV

I lay my towel out on the sand right next to Matt's and then lay on my stomach so that I could get some sun on my back.

"Did you put sunscreen on?" Matt asks, while sitting on his towel next to me. Of course he would ask that.

"Ugh." I sit back up and reach for the sunscreen. Matt reaches for the bottle also but grabs it before I could. 

"Don't worry, I got it." He smiles, "Lay back down." 

I smile and lay back down on my stomach, when I feel Matt's hand rub up and down my back and underneath my bathing suit straps. "Thanks." I smile and close my eyes.

He starts rubbing the lotion in slower. "No problem babe." He says and then lays down right next to me. 

His arm was wraps around my back as we're laying down and suddenly, I feel his hand tighten around my waist as he pulls me closer to him. "It's such a nice day out." He smiles.

"Yeah it is." I say quietly, but still stare into his gorgeous eyes. I notice that he was staring at me also and he just had a big smile on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask and giggle.

He pauses for a moment and then finally answers. "Because you're beautiful." He says.

I can't help but blush. I smile again, but this time really big. "Thank you." I say.

Matt laughs and looks at me again, "Now kiss me." 

And with that, I wrap my hand around his neck and pull myself in to connect our lips. Matt deepens the kiss, but I pull away before anything more could happen. I mean we were at the beach and the rest of the boys were with us, so I didn't want it to get too intense. 

"Get a room next time." Jack G laughs as he's sat in a beach chair right next to us. 

Matt just laughs and sits up as he wraps his arms around his knees. I continue to lay down to soak in the sun and try to get a tan. The guys were all laying on beach towels next to each other and I think some of them were even sleeping.

"Oh my god, are you Cameron Dallas?" I hear 2 girls say, as they run up to Cam who was laying down. I turn my head towards them and I see Cameron sit up and smile.

"Yes I am." He says and laughs. 

"Can we get a picture with you??" They ask, getting all excited. 

"Of course!" He stands up. They all get a picture together and the girls were freaking out and they eventually got a picture with the other guys. 

After they leave, Matt asks me if I want to go to the boardwalk with him and I say yes. It's getting late, so the sun was just about to set. "Do you want ice cream?" He asks.

"Yes!!" I say. Matt smiles and interlocks his fingers with mine as we walk up to the boardwalk. When we get to the ice cream place, Matt order cookie dough and then asks me what I want.

"Do you remember what I got that one night we went out together?" I ask and smile, waiting to see if he remembered. 

He thinks for a second but then finally answers. "Mint!" He say and smiles. I laugh and nod my head. "She'll have mint." Matt says to the guy working. He gets us both our ice cream cones and we continue walking down the boardwalk while enjoying our cones. 

"Can I try yours?" I ask and look at Matt. 

"Only if I can try yours." He laughs.

I hand him my ice cream as he hands his over to me. Before we actually grabbed each others, Matt shoves his ice cream right in my face. "Oh my god!!" I yell. But before doing anything about it, I take my ice cream and shove it right back in his face.

Matt starts laughing and wipes his face with his hand, "Why is it that whenever we have ice cream, it ends up in each others face?" 

"I don't know, but it makes it more fun to eat!" I laugh. We both sit down and clean our faces off. We continue eating all that was left as we just stare at the beach and the sunset. We sit so close next to each other, that our legs were right up against one another and his arm was wrapped around my waist. It was probably the best feeling ever.

"We're gonna have such a fun time here in Cali.." I say and lean my head on his shoulder. 

"Yeah we are." Matt says. "And it's only the beginning." he smiles, while tightening his grip around me.

"Can I tell you something?" I ask him and he shakes his head yes. "Okay well, I just wanted to let you know that I'm really happy that I got to be able to come here with you." I say and lift my head off his shoulder to look at him. 

He smiles and looks back at me. "And can I tell you something?" he asks and I laugh and shake my head yes. "Well first off, You're gorgeous and I'm so glad that you're here with me. I love you so much, Steph." He pauses. "Wow that sounded so cheesy." I hear him mumble to himself.

"No that wasn't cheesy at all!" I say, "And I love you too." I smile and lean in to him to rest my head on his shoulder again. He then kisses my head and holds me tighter. 

"You ready for a big day tomorrow?" He asks. 

"What are we doing?" I ask, confused.

"Hmmm, you'll see." He says, then smiles. "You like parties right?" 

"Oh my god." I laugh, remembering what happened at the last party we went to together.

"Trust me, it won't be like the last one." He says and that makes me smile.

"It better not be!" I say and stand up off the bench. I pull Matt up with me and wrap my arms around his one arm as we walk back down to the beach to get all of our stuff. I thought about it and I figured tomorrow would be a fun day...


Oooooh, what do you think will happen tomorrow? ;)

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