Chapter 40

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Stephanie's POV

After me and Nash kiss some more, we finally stop.

"I've been waiting for that to happen for so long now." Nash laughs.

I smile and look up at him, "We can't get too serious though." I remind him. 

"Let's sit down for a second." Nash pulls me down to sit next to him on the floor. "I've been thinking a lot lately... and I really think that you should be with Matt and not me.."

I look at him confused, "Why?"  

"I've noticed the way he looks at you... like you're his whole world." He sighs, "He really loves you." 

"Wow, I wouldn't expect that coming from you." I laugh, "But what about us?"

"I will always like you Steph. And who knows maybe someday we'll end up together." He shrugs, "But, Matt is one of my bestfriends and he really needs you right now.. he even told me."

"Then why would he be talking to another girl right now?.." I ask.

"Probably to make you jealous." Nash laughs. 

Of course, that's exactly what Jack told me too. I sigh and look into his gorgeous eyes. "So you don't mind helping me make him jealous?" I ask, feeling bad that I'm pretty much using him. 

"I just want what's best for you, that's all." He says, "And if that means helping you win back Matt, then I'm fine with it I guess."

"You're amazing Nash." I lean in to give him a hug. 

He laughs and hugs me back. "It's gonna be awkward because we're staying in the same room." Nash leans back. 

"You'll be fine." I smile. 

The rest of the day we all just hang out together, go to the beach, walk on the same boardwalk from before and just enjoy Florida. All of us, including Alexis decide to go out to dinner tonight. We get a table that fits all 11 of us and sit down. We all have seperate conversations going on with one another, but Taylor speaks up and we all come into one conversation.

"So, I was thinking..." Taylor says, "Maybe we could get a beach house down here for all of us! Instead of staying in a hotel for the rest of summer."

"Dude that would be so awesome!" Carter chimes in.

Every once in awhile me and Matt would make eye contact from across the table, but I would just quickly look away. I sat in between Alexis and Nash and we all agreed on getting a house. 

"Maybe some of us could go house hunting tomorrow?" Taylor asks. 

"Yeah, I will!" Cameron says, and Alexis agrees. 

"I will too!" Carter says. 

"Um, I have plans." Matt quickly says. 

"Yeah me too." I say, right after Matt and we both just glare at each other. 

"Alright then so Cam, Lex, and Carter." Taylor says, "Anyone else?"

"I don't think I'm doing anything, so sure!" Shawn says with Aaron agreeing.

"Yeah we'll come." Jack and Jack say. 

"Nash?" Taylor asks. 

"Um.." Nash looks at me. I nudge him under the table and mouth no. "I have plans too." 

"Alright then. So I'll just text you guys if we find something." Taylor says. 

We all agree and finally eat when we get our food. Once we're done, we all decide to go back to the hotel. Cameron invites Alexis to stay with him in his room for the night. Nash invites me also, but I tell him no because I figured it would be better just to sleep in my room. Plus, it would've been awkward with Matt there.

It's now almost midnight and I was just sitting in my room all alone, watching a movie. I wasn't that tired and whenever I tried to fall asleep, I couldn't. 

I hear a knock on the door and I figured that it would be Alexis, so I get up out of bed to go open it. I open the door and my eyes widen when I see who it is. 

"Hey." Matt says, standing there. 

"Hi..." I half smile, "What are you doing here?" 

"Um, do you think I could stay in here tonight?" He asks, "The boys were being really loud and annoying and I couldn't sleep.." 

I turn around and look at the other bed in the room, then turn back to look at him. "Yeah, I guess." I say and open the door wider for him to come in. 

"Thanks." He walks in.

We both sit down on opposite beds and just stare at the tv. "Oh hey, this is the same movie we watched that one night in the hotel room together." He says and smiles. 

"You remember that?" I ask, laughing. 

"Yeah because we ended up falling asleep together and never finished it." He says and laughs.

I nod my head and smile at those memories. "Good times.." I mumble to myself. "Well, I'm getting kind of tired so we should probably go to bed." I say, obviously lying because I couldn't fall asleep earlier. 

"Yeah good idea." Matt says and then takes off his shirt before getting into bed. I try not to look at how hot he was, so I just turn off the light and the tv and crawl under the covers. 

"Goodnight." I say, wondering if he'll say anything back.

"Night." He mumbles.

For some reason, I actually fall asleep within a few minutes and I wasn't quite sure why. 


I wake up to the sound of Alexis bursting into the room and screaming really loud. I sit up and cover my ears at how loud she was. I look over at Matt in the other bed as he shoves a pillow in his face to block out the noise.

"What happened?" I ask, laughing as she was jumping up and down. 

"Cameron's taking me on a special date today!!!" She says and jumps on the bed and shakes me. 

"Wow, you are definitely back to the old Alexis." I say and rub my eyes, since I just woke up. "But anyways, that's great!" I laugh.

"I'm not sure where he's taking me yet because he said it was a surprise, but I'm kind of hoping it will be the beach or maybe out to eat or maybe on the boardwalk.." She says, talking really fast that I could barely keep up.

"Slow down there girl!" I hold my hand up. "I'm so happy for you Lex." I smile, giving her a hug. 

Matt removes the pillow from his face. "So this is what girls really talk about?" He asks. "Oh my god Cameron just asked me out on a date!" He says, mocking Alexis's high pitched voice. 

"Oh good morning Matt, nice to see you too!" Alexis says as we all laugh. 

"Well.. I gotta go get ready for my date today. So I'll see you guys later." He stands up and walks out the door. 

My face goes from a smile to a frown in just a second. Alexis pulls her eyebrows together and looks at me, "What was that all about?" 

"It's nothing.....really." I say, "I should probably get ready too." I stand up and walk to the bathroom. 


So Matt's got a date with another girl, hmmmm 

Haha some of you guys are team matt and others are team nash :p

comment what you think!

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