Chapter 9

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Stephanie's POV

I wake up the next morning and when I see Matt sleeping next to me, I can't help but smile. I try to sneak out of the bed without waking him up but just as I get up, I feel him grab my arm. "Where are you going?" Matt asks in his morning voice, while he slowly opens his eyes.

I giggle and lay back down on the bed next to him. "I'm not going anywhere." I quickly kiss him on the cheek. 

We lay down for about 10 minutes, just talking. Soon, Matt's phone vibrates and it's a text from Cameron. He leans over to grab his phone to see what it says. "Oh god." Matt sighs.

I sit up and look at him, "What did Cam say?" 

"He said he needs to talk to me asap." Matt looks at me. I scrunch my eyebrows together and wonder what it could be about. 

"Let's go back to the hotel and then I'll talk to Cam." Matt stands up and puts his shirt on along with his jeans and shoes. I get up also and change into the clothes I was wearing last night. 

Me and Matt walk out of the boat, down the ramp, and make our way down the boardwalk.

"So what do you think Cam needs to talk to you about?" I ask curiously as we were walking. It was early in the morning, so the sun was starting to rise along the beach.

"I have no idea. Hopefully nothing bad." Matt answers me, "Have you talked to Alexis lately?" He asks.

"No, she's been busy hanging out with Cameron the past few days." I say and Matt just nods his head.

After we walk down the boardwalk and down the beach we finally get to the hotel. I go with Matt to his hotel room that he shares with Nash and Cam. When we walk in all the boys were laying on the bed watching some videos on Nash's laptop. 

"Yo Cam, what's up bro?" Matt asks as we walk over to him. Cameron looks up to see me and Matt. He stands up and starts walking towards the bathroom, so we follow him. 

"Did something happen?" I ask, wanting to know why he needed Matt.

"No, Nothing happened. I just want to talk to you guys privately." Cameron says as he shut the door to the bathroom. "So, Alexis and I are starting to become more and more serious." He starts off, "And I know that you, Stephanie, you're her bestfriend and you probably know everything about her." he says and I laugh.

"Well, of course!" I say.

Cameron continues, "Well I'm really starting to like her and I really want to take things further with her, so how do you think I should go about it?" he asks. "I know that her birthday is coming up soon and I want to surprise her."

"Why did you text me if you didn't even need to talk to me?" Matt asks and laughs realizing that he had no say in this conversation.

"Bro, I don't have Stephanie's number and I knew that you were with her." Cam laughs and Matt let out a big breath which made me giggle.

"Well first of all, Alexis likes big and over the top. If you're going to ask her, it has to be a perfect moment, ya know?" I tell Cameron.

"So how should I do it then?" He asks.

"Hmmmm.." I think for a moment, "A party!" 

"Perfect! You've figured it out! Ok, let's go now Steph." Matt seems to be getting anxious.

I laugh at how impatient he is, "We'll talk more about this later Cam, okay?" I smile and walke out of the bathroom. 

"What the hell were you guys doing in there? Having a threesome?" Carter yells from the bed as I walk out.

"Yes Carter, and it was amazing!" I say sarcasticly and laugh.

"Next time, I'm joining!!" Nash yells.

"Yeah, in your dreams Nash!" Matt grabs my hand and pulls me out of the hotel room and into the hallway. 

"Why were you in such a rush to get out?" I ask Matt and lean up against the wall.

Matt gets closer to me and starts to wrap his arms around my waist, "Because I want to spend the day with you, and only you." He says, making me blush.

"Sorry, can't!" I push him away from me, "I got a party to plan!" I start to walk away while trying not to laugh at Matt's reaction.

"Ok fine, I guess I'll just go back and hang out with the boys." Matt turns around.

"Wait Matt, no!!" I yell and turn back to run to him before he could open the door to his room. I wrap my arms around his back and pull him towards me, "I was just kidding!" I say as he turns to face me.

"I know." Matt smirks. "I just like to mess with you." He laughs and intertwines his fingers with mine.

We start to make our way to my hotel room. When we get there I open the door expecting Alexis to be inside, but she's not. Which is good, because that means more alone time for me and Matt. 

"How about we just watch movies all day." I say and jump on my bed and cuddle up with all the blankets and pillows. 

Matt follows me and crawls into the bed next to me, "Sounds good to me." He smiles and I grab the remote and look for movies to buy. As I search for a movie, I feel Matt's hand underneath the blanket rubbing my leg. It makes me want to just grab him and kiss him. 

I set the remote down before even picking a movie and I turn to face him on the bed. "Why didn't you pick a movie?" Matt asks. 

I don't even answer him because I just keep staring at his lips and think about what we did last night. I get closer to him and he figures out what I want to do. He grabs my waist and pulls me right up against him and starts to kiss my neck. I can feel him sucking on it then I grab his face and pull it up to mine and I press my lips against his. Everything is just so perfect and his lips feel so soft on mine. Matt deepens the kiss and a couple minutes later he pulls away.

"So, how bout that movie?" He smirks and I can't help but laugh.



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