Chapter 67

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Stephanie's POV

'We'll see each other soon, I promise babe." Matt says into my hair, his voice shaking. Many fans were now surrounding us, but I just couldn't seem to let go of him. I didn't want to let go. I wanted to stay in his arms for the rest of my life.

I swallowed the big lump in my throat, as Cameron and Alexis were now standing next to us. I pulled away from Matt, but still hanging onto him. I looked at Alexis and she was crying also, Cameron's eyes were bloodshot. 

"You ready bro?" Cameron wipes his eyes with his sleeves, as Alexis was latched onto him. Matt nods his head and turns to me one last time. 

His hand touch my cheek, wiping away the tears. "I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I whisper back. He kisses my forehead long and hard, before finally pulling away. I stand next to Alexis as we watch both of the people we loved walk away. 

I couldn't take it. I need to kiss him one last time. I chase after Matt, grabbing his hand and turning him around to face me. Gripping his neck tight, I pull him into my face and connect our lips. He drops his bags on the floor and wraps his arms around me, lifting me up. Tears keeps running down my cheek, landing on our lips. 

Matt finally sets me back down on the ground, never pulling away from the kiss. "Matt, we have to go." Cameron interrupts us. Our lips disconnect and Matt gives me one last kiss to the forehead.

"Remember the promise." He whispers and I nod my head. I cover my hand with my mouth as I watch him turn around to board the plane. 

Alexis wraps her arm around me, crying just as hard as I am. We lean into each other as we watch our boyfriends walk through the gate to the plane. And that was it. It's now time to say goodbye to summer, because it was surely a great one. The best summer I've ever had. 

Me and Alexis stay silent as we walk to our gate. A couple fans followed us, asking what happened between the boys and us. But we weren't in the mood to talk. Our faces were blotchy and red and we just didn't feel like it. Unlike Matt, I decide not to speak to any of the girls.

We board our plane and take off, back home to New York. I put my headphones in and listen to music the entire flight home. When we arrive, we get our suitcases and head outside to meet our parents. Me and Alexis didn't talk much to each other, because we were still upset over leaving the boys.

My parents were so happy to see me that they practically ran into my arms when I first walked out of the airport. Alexis met her parents also and she balled her eyes out when she first saw her mom. This is the first time she's seen her since she's been in rehab. That was a hard time for all of them and I can understand why. It was hard for us too..

"How was your flight back?" My dad asks, giving me a hug also.

"It was good." I say, although it actually sucked because Matt wasn't next to me to entire time. But, I choose not to say that. He puts my suitcase and bags in the trunk and climbs in the drivers seat. 

"I'm gonna go say bye to Alexis." I tell them, before getting in the car also.

"Alright sweetie." My mom smiles, shutting the door.

I walk towards Alexis as her parents leave us two alone. We hug each other and quietly cry. "We'll be okay." She whispers, her voice shaking. I pull away to look at her.

"I hope so." I try to smile as the tears run down my face. I wipe my face with the end of my sleeve, "Did Cameron ask you to come to LA with him?" I ask.

She nods her head and looks down, "Yeah." She sighs, "But I told him I couldn't because of school. Did Matt ask you?"

"Yeah." I say, "I still have to ask my parents. I'm not sure how they'll react though." I shrug.

"My parents would never let me.." Tears fall down her cheeks again and I pull her in for another hug.

"We'll work something out." I whisper to her. "Cameron won't forget about you, don't worry." I say and she laughs.

Our parents honk the horn which makes us jump. We both laugh and wipe away the tears, "I'll see you later?" She asks.

"Mhmm." I nod my head, "Bye." I smile at her and walk to the car.


The second I walk into my bedroom, I cringe at everything. It all just reminds me of highschool and this plain old town. The teal walls, the decorations, and all the pictures of me and my friends that hang all over the wall. I scan over all the pictures and look at how big my smile is.. before I met Matt. I haven't talked to any of my friends this summer, besides Alexis of course. Will they think different of me now? Many girls in my school obsessed over Magcon along with Alexis, but then again I was never as crazy about them as they were. I secretly liked them, but never showed it. 

I drop all my bags to the floor and lay down on my bed, smelling the scent of perfume left on my pillows. I hated it. I hated being back and I hated being home.

"Stephanie?" My mom knocks on the door and slowly walks in, "Dinner's ready." She gives me a smile and walks back out leaving my door open.

I groan and lay my head back on my pillow. I'm not hungry at all. My stomach actually hurts, especially when I think about Matt. I guess that's what happens when you're in love. I roll my eyes and stand up, walking downstairs to the kitchen.

My mom made spaghetti and had the table all set and ready to go. I sit down in front of my plate, piled high with food. I wanted to puke. I took two bites, just to make my mom feel better. Then I set my fork down and looked up at both of them.

"Is something wrong?" My mom seems worried.

"I'm just not very hungry." I shrug. By the way my mom is looking at me, she knows it's not just that. There's a lot more to it, but she chooses not to ask right now.

"Actually, can I ask you guys something?" I start picking at my fingernails, getting nervous.

"Oh god." My dad says and I laugh. "I meant, of course hun." He looks up at me and smiles.

"Okay well, you guys know how Matt's going to LA right?" I start off with and they nod their heads as they continue eating. "Well, he's gonna be taking online school..." I don't make eye contact with them, "And he wants me to come with him." I quietly say.

"No way." My dad says, "You're not missing school."

"That's why I can take online classes with him." I'm officially nervous, hoping that my mom can agree with me.

"Honey, school starts in three days." My mom looks up at me, wiping her face with a napkin. "Plus, this is a big commitment. Moving to LA with Matt? You're way too young." She says and I start to get really angry.

"Mom you don't understand." I beg, "He means so much to me. And it's not just Matt! Cam, Nash, Hayes and Carter will all be there too." I add in. "Cam asked Alexis to go too."

My dad laughs, "And what did her parents say?" He asks.

"She hasn't asked them yet." I say, looking back at my mom, "Please mom." I pout.

"We're gonna have to talk about it." She says, standing up to clear the table. "But for now it's a no."

I get up from the table, with the chair almost falling behind me and run up to my room. My dad calls for me but I don't turn around. My eyes begin to water as I slam my bedroom door shut and slide down to the floor. I cry into my hands as I sit there. This can't be happening.


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