Chapter 42

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Stephanie's POV

"Steph can I talk to you for a sec." Matt says, quietly to me as Nash and Lily were talking. Since they were way into their conversation and not paying attention, me and Matt just kind of slip away. We end up kneeling down between bushes along the street.

"What do you want??" I whisper loudly to him.

He pulls his eyebrows together and looks at me. "What are you doing?" He whispers, "You're not dating Nash, are you?" 

"Well, are you dating Lily?" I ask, still whispering so they wouldn't hear. 

"No, I just said that!" He says, "I just met her at that party!"

"What party?" I ask, "The one you ditched me at?"

"Um.. yeah." He looks down, "She's friends with Carter.. that's why she's here in Florida."

"Oh.. that's nice." I say, rolling my eyes. "Well you go have fun with your girlfriend, I'll be with Nash." I say, getting ready to stand up.

"Wait no!" Matt says and grabs my arm to pull me back down.

"What??" I ask and look at him.

"I don't even have feelings for Lily.." He admits. 

After he says that, I want to just grab his neck and kiss him so hard. I want him so bad. But over the past few days so many things happened betweeen us and my heart was just broken now. "Well, it's too late now." I say and finally stand up to walk back over to Nash. Matt comes back over right after I do, and I don't even think Lily notices because her eyes were all over Nash. 

"Nash, can we please go?" I ask, and pout as I wrap my arms around his waist.

"Of course babe." He smiles. I look at Matt and he looks so disappointed and mad. "I'll see you guys tomorrow." Nash waves. 

"Bye!" Lily says and makes googly eyes at Nash. 

Once we walk away from them, I unwrap my arms from Nash. "Ugh." I say, "I'm so angry at myself."

"I noticed you and Matt disappeared for a little bit." Nash says. "What happened?" 

"Matt got mad that you said we were dating." I sigh. "And he ended up saying that he has no feelings for Lily."

"Really?" Nash smiles, "Sooo, I'd say we're doing a good job." He says, laughing.

"Yeah. I just wish I would've said something more.." I sigh.

"Don't worry." Nash says. "Something will happen sooner or later." 

I smile and try to believe him. Sometimes I wonder why I go after Matt instead of Nash. Nash is such a sweet guy and he's literally perfect boyfriend material. Having him around just makes my day and I love it. I really don't wanna lose him.

When we arrive back at our hotel rooms, we stop before going into separate rooms. "Thanks again for today." I say. "I had a lot of fun."

Nash smiles and looks at me. "No problem. We should do it again sometime." He says.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I say, smiling. 

"Well, I have to go see what the sleeping arrangements are because there is no way that Lily girl is sleeping in my room." Nash laughs. 

I laugh and look up at him. "Goodnight Nash." 

"Goodnight Steph." He kisses me on the cheek, then walks into his room as I go into mine. I set down the stuffed bear in the corner of the room, then climb into my bed. I wonder how Alexis's date went with Cameron today. I thought. Eh, I'll just talk to her tomorrow. I then close my eyes and fall asleep. 

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now