Chapter 90

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Stephanie's POV

The next few days seem to go by really slow. Matt and I just layed around the house, watched movies and ate a bunch of junk food. 

But the only thing that I could think about was Lily. Everytime I tried to call Alexis, she never answered and it was really starting to worry me. It's been a week since I was hiding in a closet while overhearing Lily talk to Alexis. While I was listening, the only thing that ran through my mind was that Lily was giving Alexis two weeks. Two weeks. And now there's only one week left.

I couldn't handle it anymore.

"Babe?" Matt brings me out of my thoughts, "Are you alright?"

I quickly glance over at him on the other side of the couch. We're watching another movie but it's really boring, so I've been dozing off through it. 

"Yeah." I give him a small smile, "I'm fine." It was hard saying those words, because I really don't think I'm fine at all. 

"Come here." He holds out his arms.

I crawl across the couch and lay down on his chest, wrapping my arm around his waist. He slowly runs his fingers through my hair, causing me to close my eyes. 

Nash suddenly comes running down the stairs and into the kitchen right behind us. He's so loud.

"Did any of you guys get the mail yet?" He asks. Ever since Nash and Cam started doing this movie thing, Nash has been waiting to get their script in the mail. 

"Nope." Matt says.

Nash walks out the door and a few minutes later he comes back with a stack of mail in his hand and sets it down on the table. He begins to look through all of it and I can tell because he's reading the name that's on every envelope.

"Stephanie." He says.

Matt lifts his arm off of me as I sit up and turn around towards Nash, "There's mail for me?" 

"Yup." He says and sets it back down on the table. I stand up and walk behind the couch and into the kitchen while Matt stays seated. He's really enjoying the movie and I'm surprised because I hated it.

I stand next to Nash and see the envelope in front of him, so I grab it. When I open it, all I see is a picture with a piece of paper attached to it. I pull my eyebrows together as I try to look what the picture is of. 

"Nash." I whisper and nudge him with my elbow. I hold up the picture to him and he brings his face in closer to look at it. 

"Is... Is that you?" He says, quietly and I just nod my head.

Tears start to form in my eyes as I look at the picture, remembering what happened that night. The guy had me pulled up against him, with one arm wrapped around my neck and his hand covering my mouth, while the other hand was up the bottom of my dress. I remember trying so hard to get out of his grip but he was too strong. That was the club that Lily took me to. That was the night I met Jake.

"What the hell? When Was this?" Nash seems to be getting mad, but also worried.

"Over the summer." I say, barely a whisper. I just feel like there's a big lump in my throat and it's not going away. 

I rip the little piece of paper off the picture and read it.

Next time, Jake won't be there to save you. You're lucky. -L

I can tell Nash is reading it behind my shoulder, because I hear a slight gasp. But, it's true. If Jake was never there to punch the guy, I would've never been able to get out of his grip and it could've ended very badly. It just makes me wonder if that was all planned out. Did Lily plan to have a guy take control of me?

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