Chapter 21

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Stephanie's POV

Matt tells me to dress up for the party. Even though it's at his friends house, all the girls there were probably gonna wear slutty dresses so I figured, why not? 

I put on a short, tight black dress and straighten my hair. I had a cute pair of black heels that I wore also. 

Matt tells me that his friend's parents were gone for the weekend, so that's why he decided to throw a huge party. Tons of people are coming, so it's gonna be really crowded. Great. 

I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I say and stand up, straightening out my dress.

Matt walks in and eyes me up and down. "Wow, you look gorgeous." he says and comes over to me.

"Aw thank you." I blush. 

Matt was wearing a dark blue collar shirt and shorts along with his vans, like always. "You look pretty handsome yourself." I reach over to fix his collar.

He laughs, "Thanks."  

"So you ready for this?" Matt smirks, "It's gonna be crazy." 

I take a deep breath, "I'm ready." 

We say bye to Matt's mom and head to the party. It wasn't that long of a walk, just down the street a little ways. It was dark outside and warm. Matt held my hand as we continued to walk. 

When we finally arrive, I notice that his friends house was huge. Almost like a mansion, with an in-ground pool in the backyard. I could hear the music playing from outside the house and there were sooo many people both inside and outside of the house.

Matt leads the way as he was still holding onto my hand. We walk inside through all the people and when we get to the kitchen, Matt sees some of his friends. "BROOOO!" One of them yells and runs over to Matt.

"Hey man whats up?!" Matt asks as they did that guy hug thing.

"Nothing much, how've you been?" he says and then looks over at me, "Who's this cutie?" 

Matt laughs, "This is my girlfriend, Stephanie." he says, "Steph, this is my friend Dylan."

"Awww Matt's got a girlfriend, so cute." Dylan laughs, "Well... welcome to my house! There are drinks in the fridge and pretty much everywhere else, pools out the backdoor, games outside, bedrooms upstairs... if you know what I mean." he lifts his eyebrows up and down. 

Matt and I laugh at the same time. "And there are lots of people here, so make some new friends." Dylan says. He leans towards us and whispers, "I don't even know half the people here." he says and Matt laughs. 

"Alright, thanks bro. See you around." Matt says and they hit their fists together. 

As we walk around the house, I notice that a lot of people were drunk. Some were making out in corners and others were dancing all up on eachother. 

Matt sits down on a couch in the living room and I sit next to him. He wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me against him. "Crazy party, huh?" he asks and I nod my head.

"Yeah.. really crazy." I say and look at everyone around me. I've actually never been to a real party like this. Pretty much just birthday parties that my friends had, but we would just sit in a room and talk about boys and.. girl things. So being surrounded by alcohol was pretty strange for me.

"If you don't like it, then we can go. It's fine." Matt says and looks at me.

"No! We should stay." I say and smile.

Matt smiled back at me, "Okay good." 

As we were sitting down, some random dude comes up to us with about 5 beers in his hand. "Yooooo have some drinks and stop sitting around, this is a party!" he sayd loudly and hands us a couple beers. He was definitely drunk because he couldn't even walk straight.

When he leaves, I turn towards Matt with the beer in my hand. "Um, I don't drink.." I say.

Matt laughs and looks at me, "Me either!" he opens his beer and takes a huge sip.

"Oh my god!!" I start laughing when Matt spills it all over himself. "Mmmm it's good." he says and whipes his face with his hand.

"I guess I'll try it then.." I shrug and open the can. I lift it up to my face and take a sip and swallow it. "Ewww that's nasty!" I say, while coughing.

Matt laughs so hard, "Your face was priceless!" I lift it to my face again and start chugging it. "Woah dude, you must like it if you're chugging it." Matt says and then starts to chug his can. 

After I finish it, I crunch it and throw it up in the air. "Wooooo! Let's get another one!" I say and pull Matt off the couch with me. We go to the kitchen and get 2 more.

We start drinking them as we walk out to the backyard to the pool. The music was still blasting and people were dancing all around the pool. I turn around to Matt and grab his hand and pull him closer to me. "Let's dance." I say quietly to him. He drops his beer on the ground and put his hands on my hips as I wrap my arms around his neck.

As the night goes on, it gets crazier and crazier. These 2 girls get in a fight, people start pushing each other in the pool, and some people were passed out on the floor. But, at this point pretty much everyone there was drunk... including me and Matt. 

"Matt lets go in the pool!!" I say and giggle, while running over to the pool.

"We don't have our swimsuits though!" he yells over to me.

As I get over to the pool I yell, "Who cares! Come here!" I wave over to Matt. 

"Wait Stephanie!!" he yells and starts to run over to me, just as my heel slips on the side of the pool. He reachess over to catch me before falling in the pool, but it was too late. We both fall into the pool with all of our clothes on and it was amazing. 

I come up out of the water and I've never laughed so hard in my life. When Matt comes up, he was laughing just as hard. "WOOOOOO!!!!" I scream and splash water onto Matt and he does the same back to me. 

We climb out of the pool because our clothes were weighing us down. "Let's go get dryed off, you crazy girl." Matt laughs and runs his fingers through his wet hair. 

We walk inside of the house and go upstairs. We search around all the hallways and after opening a couple doors and accidently walking in on a few makeout sessions, we finally find a bathroom. And may I say, a huge bathroom. It was like as big as a bedroom.

Matt shuts the door and grabs a few towels out of the closet and throws me one. Right away, Matt pulls his shirt off over his head and drops it on the floor. "I'm soaked." He says and looks down at his shorts.

"Can you unzipper my dress for me?" I ask and walk over to him. 

"Sure thing." He says and I move my hair out of the way and face my back towards him. He gets closer to me and starts to unzipper it. But as he's doing it, he starts to move slower.

I feel him start to kiss my neck and down my shoulder. I smile as he pulls the straps of my dress off. Eventually, he pulls the entire dress off of me and I step out of it, which leaves me standing there in my bra and underwear.

He grabs my waist and pulls me against him as we make our way up against the bathroom sink. Matt's head was buried in my neck and his hands were moving up and down my body. I grab his head and pull him up to my face and our lips attack each other. My hands move all around his bare back, which was still wet.

As we were still kissing, Matt lifts me up and sets me down on the sink. He unbuckles his belt and pulls his shorts off, leaving just his boxers on and I wrap my legs around his waist. I open my mouth a little bit more and his tongue makes its way in. I could taste the alcohol in his mouth, but it didn't bother me because he probably tasted the same thing in my mouth. 

He slowly pulls away his lips and leans his forehead against mine. "Do you want to?" He whispers, as we were both out of breath. I know exactly what he means, and I totally want too..


soooo that was kind of a long chapter, but oooh cliff hanger :)

should they "do it" or nah?

make sure you vote and comment!

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