Chapter 14

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Stephanie's POV

Me and Matt were now laying on the beach just soaking up the sun. After we jumped off the cliff we swam back to shore. It was a private beach so nobody else was there, just us. Matt and I just layed next to eachother and talked. I sat up and leaned on my elbows and just stared out at the gorgeous ocean and listened to the waves crash as my hair was airdrying in the breeze.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Matt sits up also and pust his arms around his legs. 

"Yeah, of course." I answer him and smile.

"Before you leave, I want to make a promise between us." He says. 

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well, it wouldn't make sense if I asked you to be my girlfriend right now because then we won't see each other for a long time.." he continues and I nod my head. "So I just want you to promise me something." He says, "Promise me that no matter what happens, we will always keep in contact. Because honestly, you're the only girl thats worth falling for and I don't wanna lose you." He looks at me.

"I promise." I say and smile. I can't help but blush at what Matt said, he is possibly the sweetest guy I've ever met. "Maybe someday I'll get to call you my boyfriend." I smile. 

"And maybe someday I'll get to call you my girlfriend." He smiles back at me and I giggle.


After the whole cliff diving and laying on the beach thing, Matt and I decide to get some ice cream at the boardwalk. 

I get Mint Chocolate Chip because it's my favorite kind and Matt gets Cookie Dough. Matt pays for both of our cones and I thank him. It was getting really late, so after we walked on the boardwalk we headed down the street to our hotel.

Matt slips his hand into mine and holds it tight while in his other hand he was still eating his ice cream. 

Before we get into the hotel we stop on the outside of the entrance and Matt turns towards me. "Why aren't you going in?" I ask and point to the revolving doors going into the hotel. 

"Because you've got something on your nose." Matt says.

"What?" Just as I ask that, Matt takes his ice cream cone and shoves it in my face and he starts laughing really hard.

"Oh my god Matt! It's sooo cold!!" I yell and try to wipe it off with my shirt. After Matt was laughing his ass off, he grabs his towel off of his shoulder and wipes all the ice cream off my face. While he was doing that, I take my cone and shove it right on his nose, "Payback's a bitch, huh?" I say and start laughing.

"Ohhhh, that's it." Matt pulls my face into his and starts kissing me really intensely. I pull away really quickly, feeling that I now also have ice cream on my face again. We both end up just laughing really hard and smiling like crazy as we wipe it all off.


"Goodnight babe, I had an awesome day today." Matt smiles and pulls me in for a tight hug.

"Goodnight." I blush after pulling away and walking into my room. 

When I walk in, Alexis isn't there. Of course. It's only 11:00 at night and I don't feel like going to bed yet, so I just turn on the TV and pick a good show to watch. I notice that there were no snacks in the room and no drinks. 

I get a few dollars out of my wallet and walk out of the room and down the hall to find a vending machine. After I turn a couple corners, I finally find one. "Yes!" I whisper to myself and put a dollar in the machine and get a Dr. Pepper. I put another dollar in the other vending machine and get a bag of chips. 

I start to make my way back to the room and just before I turn the corner, I hear something. I stop walking and just listen. After I listen closely to the noise, I think I know exactly what it is.

I walk slowly and peak my head around the corner. And there it is. Just what I thought. Alexis was leaned up against the wall right outside our room and Taylor was pushed up against her and they were making out like crazy.

I quickly turn my head back so they couldn't see me. Oh my god, this is terrible. I thought.

I wait till they're done, so that Alexis won't think I was spying or something. I hear Taylor say goodnight to her and she says it back. They kiss one last time, or should I say 'make out' one last time, then Taylor goes on the elevator and back up to his room while Alexis walks into our room. phew.

I walk down the hall and open the door to our room. Me and Lex make eye contact, but not one word is spoken. It's crazy how one day we were acting like bestfriends and having the time of our lives, and now we act like strangers all because of boys. Magcon boys. It was kind of sad actually and I hate that our friendship is now ruined. 


Should Stephanie tell Cameron about Alexis & Taylor, or nah? 

Almost 1k reads ahhh thank you :)

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