Chapter 13

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Stephanie's POV

After me and Matt get out of the pool, we dry off and just lay down on the beach chairs near the pool. 

"So, what's gonna happen after I have to leave?" I ask, turning my head to Matt who was laying on the chair next to me. 

"Let's just talk about that another day.. I don't really want to think about it now." He sighs.

"Well, I wanna have a lot of fun and do crazy stuff in these next couple days before I leave." I tell him. "Like... jump off a cliff into the ocean, have a campfire on the beach, get drunk at a crazy party, etc." I laugh.

Matt laughs also, "We're not old enough to get drunk." he says.

"Eh, who cares." I say, "Let's just have fun and go on an adventure or something!" 

"Alright. I'm up for that!" Matt says and stands up. "Let's start now." 

"What? Really?!" I stand up and get excited. "Where should we go first?" I ask.

"I'll surprise you." Matt smiles and holds my hand as we grab our stuff and go back to our rooms.

I quickly run into my room while Matt goes up to his. I start to pack a little bag with clothes and other important stuff in it. I figure I'll just keep my bathing suit on underneath my clothes. After I'm done I text Matt and tell him that I'll meet him in the lobby.

I walk down to the lobby and sit on one of the couches and wait for him. I hear the elevator door open and I turn around to see if it was Matt, but it wasn't. It was Cameron.

"Oh hey Steph!" Cam walks over to me and sits next to me on the couch.

"Hey" I smile.

"Matt should be down any second." He says and I nod my head.

"So we're still gonna plan that party for Alexis, right?" He asks. I have to act like nothing is wrong because Cam has no clue what is going on with her and Taylor and I feel bad for him, so I just agree.

"Yeah. Is Saturday okay?" I ask. "Because we're leaving Sunday.." I say and sigh. 

"What? Already?" He asks, seeming surprised.

"Mhmmm.." I frown.

"Well, yeah I guess Saturday is fine. I also have a surprise for Lex." He smiles.

"Aw, Cam that's sweet." I say and fake smile.

"Hey! Whatcha guys talking about?" Matt says from behind me which makes me jump. I turn around and smile as I stand up to walk over to him.

"Just planning Alexis's party.." I say and roll my eyes so Cameron didn't see and Matt just laughs. 

"I'll see you guys later, me and Nash are making a new challenge video in a little bit!" Cam says and starts to walk away.

"Have fun!" I say and wave to him.


Me and Matt were in a Taxi and he wouldn't tell me where he was taking me. It's okay though, because I like surprises. 

The Taxi stops at the end of a road and lets us out. It seriously looks like we are in the middle of nowhere. "Where are we?" I ask and look at Matt. He just smiles at me and grabs my hand.

"You'll see." he says.

We walk up a sandy path, through some palm trees. When we get to the top, I couldn't believe my eyes. We were at the top of a cliff, it was actually pretty high. The ocean was underneath us and the sun was shining so bright. It was gorgeous. 

I look at Matt and he pulls his shirt over his head. "What are you doing?!" I ask. 

"I thought you wanted to jump off a cliff?!" He laughs.

"I wasn't being serious!" I say, getting scared of being this high above water. 

"C'mon babe. I'll do it at the same time as you." Matt says trying to comfort me, which makes me smile. He walks closer to me and grabs the end of my shirt. He starts to lift it up slowly and eventually he pulls it over my head and takes it off, leaving the top of my bathing suit still on.

"Wow, that was so hot." I say and laugh. I unzipper my jean shorts and take them off also, getting ready to jump. 

Matt walks to the edge of the cliff and I follow him. We both stare down at the clear blue water and it gave me chills because it was so far. Matt notices that I'm nervous, so he locks his fingers with mine and squeezes tight. "On the count of three." He says slowly, looking at me for assurance. "One" He starts off. 

"Two." I say, quietly. Matt smiles and quickly kisses me on the cheek, while still holding my hand.

"Three!" He yells. We both jump at the same time and as we were falling Matt screamed, "Woooooooo!!!" and I was just screaming "AHHHHH". I feel my feet slam into the water and my hand comes loose from Matt's. Our heads both pop out of the water at the same time and we were just laughing so hard. 

"That was so much fun!!" I say, with the biggest smile on my face.

Matt starts laughing really hard, "You screamed so loud!" he says.

I laugh, "Because I was scared! Don't make fun of me!" I splash water into Matt's face. He splashes water back at me and smiles. "Ew it got in my mouth!!" I say and start spitting out the salt water.

Matt laughs even harder. It was funny because the harder he laughed, the more high pitched his voice would get. It was so cute.

"Aw I'm sorry babe, want me to fix that for you?" He says and swims closer to me. 

"Please do." I smile and lean into him. He grabs my neck and pulls me closer to kiss him. His wet lips brush against mine and I feel his tongue invade my mouth. I smile through the kiss because it just made me feel so much better. My fingers run through his wet hair, while his hands were on my waist holding me up against him. 

Matt pulls away and just smiles. "I like doing that." He laughs.

"Me too." I smile.


Yayyy they kissed again! Comment below what you think so far ;)

Thanks for 800+ reads!

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