Chapter 15

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Matt's POV

After I say goodnight to Steph, I go back up to my room.  When I walk in, Nash is laying on the floor while staring at his phone. As I walk farther in, I see Alexis. She's laying on the bed cuddled in Cameron's arms. 

I hop on the other bed and take my phone out of my pocket to go on twitter. 

"Alright, I'm gonna go back to my room now. Night Cam." Alexis smiles at him and quick kisses his lips. It actually kind of disgusts me how lovey dovey she is with him. She stands up, steps over Nash on the floor and walks out the door.

It was quiet in the room for a second then Nash speaks up. "You guys wanna go to Carter's room? The rest of the boys are all there." He says and gets up. I look over at Cam and he nods his head, so I do as well. 

We arrive at Carter's room and the whole group of guys were all in there. Everyone was laughing and smiling, making jokes. I actually missed having times like these with the boys. 

"Yoooo bro!" I yell and run over to Carter and jump on him as if I haven't seen him in forever.

Carter screams, "Matt!! I haven't seen you in like 2 days!!" I laugh and jump on the bed and sit down at the edge of it. 

I look around at everybody and I realize something. Taylor isn't here.

I nudge Shawn who's sitting next to me. "Bro, where's Taylor?" I ask.

"Oh, he said he was going to the lobby to get something." Shawn says. Yeah right. I thought. 

"Oh my god, I just thought of a really good vine!" Cameron yells, seeming really excited. He gathers up a few of the guys and they start to do their own thing.

"Yo, wanna go get some drinks in the other room?" Shawn asks me.

"Yeah sure." I agree and as we walk through the door connecting to the other room, Carter decides to come along.

From this room you could hear all the other boys laughing and being really loud. We walk over to the mini fridge and grab a couple of sodas. Last time I came into this room I was with Stephanie and that's when we saw Taylor with Alexis.

"Hey, can you guys keep a secret?" I ask Carter and Shawn. They were probably the boys that I got along most with out of the group, so I figured why not tell them?

"Ooooh I love secrets." Carter laughs.

"Yeah we can keep one, why?" Shawn asks.

"You know how Cameron and Alexis are pretty much dating?" I ask and they both nod their head. "Well, she's cheating on him." I pause. "With Taylor." I say and they look so shocked.

"Broooo, no way!" Carter's mouth drops open.

"And Cam doesn't know?" Shawn asks and I shake my head no. 

"But don't tell him, okay?" I say and they both agree and we walk back into the other room. 

"SMACK CAM!" I hear Nash yell and run up behind Aaron and smack him on the cheek. I laugh so hard that I fall onto the bed.

"Not cool bro, not cool!" Aaron says and wipes off his face with a hotel towel as Nash was almost crying of laughter. 

Stephanie's POV

I woke up to see that Alexis isn't here, like always. She probably got up really early and left. Who knows where. 

I get up and go to take a shower. After I'm done, I put on my swimsuit, just in case, and then I put on a cute pair of dark faded jean shorts along with a navy blue tank top that shows a little bit of my stomach. I blowdry my hair and decided to straighten it. It was getting really long and I loved it.

My phone vibrates and it's a text from Matt. 

M: come to my room :)

I write back and tell him that I'm on my way. When I arrive, I knock on the door and he opens it and when he sees me a smile lights up on his face.

"How was your night last night?" I ask and smile.

"It was good. All the boys just hung out and it was really fun." he says, "What about you?" 

"Oh you know, just decided I was hungry so I went to the vending machine, got some chips and on my way back I saw Taylor and Alexis making out in the hallway." I shrug, "So, nothing new!" I laugh.

"Oh wow." Matt says and closes the door to his room and grabs my hand as we walk to the elevator. 

"What are we doing today?" I ask, confused. 

"Hmmm, I'm thinking jetskiing." He smirks.

"Yes!!!" I get really excited.


So I won't be updating for about a week because I'll be in Florida! So yeahh I really hope you guys like it so far :)

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now