Chapter 53

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Stephanie's POV

I turn over on my side to face Matt as he's just opening his eyes. I smile and cuddle closer to him. "Hey babe." He says in his morning voice as he stretches his arms. 

"Hi." I giggle. I lean my face into him and slowly connect our lips. He kisses me back and moves his hand up to grab my neck. We start to get more into it and our tongues invade each others mouth. I pull away and lean my head back as Matt presses his lips against my neck. He starts sucking on it which makes me smile and groan. 

I pushes his head away and connects our lips again. Matt somehow gets on top of me as he holds himself up with his arms. His one hand grabs my waist, as both of my hands wrap around his neck. We're both out of breath from all this kissing, and eventually Matt rolls back over on his side.

I look over at him and smile at what just happened. "Wow." Matt says, "Haven't done that in awhile."

I laugh, "I know right." It was nice being able to kiss Matt like that again. It really has been awhie. 

He leans over and slowly touches my lips one more time and then lightly pulls away, which makes me get major butterflies in my stomach. I was probably blushing so bad right now. "Alright, I'm gonna go take a shower now." Matt says and then gets out of bed.

"Okay." I smile at him as he makes his way to the bathroom, shirtless. Which is so hot.

"Care to join?" He asks, before shutting the door.

I laugh and look over at him. "In your dreams!" 

He shrugs his shoulders, "Oh well, it was worth a try." 

I shake my head and smile really big. "Byyyeee." I say waving my fingers at him, as he was shutting the door. I walk to my dresser and change into my bikini, so I could go in the pool. I then walk out of the room and go downstairs into the living room and kitchen. 

I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and then open the sliding glass door to walk outside to the pool. I see Nash, Taylor, Aaron, Jack and Jack all in the pool. I walk out and sit on a chair near the pool and watch them.

"Hey Steph!" Jack G yells from in the pool. I wave and smile, as Nash and Jack J pull themselves out of the pool and run over to the diving board. Jack goes first and does a flip off of it. Nash glances over at me before he jumps in. I smirk and try not to make it obvious that I was staring. He turns around on the diving board, jumps up in the air and does a backflip into the pool.

"Wooo!" I yell and clap my hands when he makes a big splash. 

Taylor gets out of the pool, soaking wet and grabs a towel to dry himself off. He walks over to me and sit on the chair next to me. "Yo, that was a good prank yall tried to pull on me last night." He laughs. "It took me forever to get that sharpie off my face!"

I start to laugh, "How did you know it was us?!"

"Oh please. I could hear Matt laughing as he ran out of my room." Taylor says, "And then Nash told me this morning that you guys were pranking." 

"Ohhhhh." I laugh, "Yeah, we got Carter and Lily really bad. But I haven't seen them yet this morning."

"Really? That's so funny." Taylor laughs, then stands up. "Well I'm gonna go get something to eat, I'll see ya later!"

"Alright!" I say, and then continue to watch the boys mess around in the pool. I take off my shirt and shorts that were over my bathing suit and lay down on the chair to get some sun. I put my sunglasses on and headphones in my ear to listen to some music while I begin tanning. I close my eyes and start to soak up the sun. 

10 minutes go by and I switch sides, so I was now laying on my stomach. I close my eyes again and rest my head on the chair, but all of a sudden I feel water splash on my back. I quickly jump out of the chair because it's absolutely freezing. The headphones fall out of my ear and I'm standing there wet with my mouth wide open.

I look over and see Nash almost on the ground from laughing so hard. "Are you serious!!" I yell and walk over to him. 

He shakes his head, still laughing. "I'm serious." 

I start walking closer to him, and the closer I got he would take a step back. We eventually get to the edge of the pool, and I push my hands against his chest. He falls into the pool, making a splash, as I stand there and laugh. "Gotcha!" I say, as his head pops out of the water.

He runs his fingers through his hair, "Wow." He tries not to smile.

"That's what you get for pushing me off my surfboard!" I say and cross my arms. 

"Aw c'mon!" He says, "You know I didn't mean that." 

"Yeah, I know." I say, and stick my tongue out at him. My head turns to the side when I hear the door slide open. Cameron, Alexis and Matt come walking out with towels in their hands. 

I quickly walk away from the pool and back over to my chair, then smile as Matt walks up to me. Cameron runs and does a cannonball into the pool, as Alexis slowly walks in from the stairs. I look at Matt, as he grabs both of my hands, "Jump in with me." 

"Didn't you just take a shower?" I ask and laugh.

"Yeah, but oh well." He says with a cute smile on his face. He kisses my cheek and pulls me to the edge of the pool. "Ready?" He asks and I shake my head. We both bend our knees and get ready to jump. We then lift into the air and hit the water at the same time. 

We swim around for awhile and play a bunch of games with everyone. Nash, Cam and Matt keep jumping in as me and Alexis take pictures of them in the air doing funny poses. 

Matt swims up to me in the water after they're done jumping and wraps his arms around my waist. "I have an idea." He smiles. 

"What is it?" I ask, curiously.

"Let's take a picture of us kissing underwater." He says, "I have a lifeproof case for my phone." 

I nod my head and agree. "Sure." I smile.

"Yo Cam!" Matt yells. "Can you hand me my phone?" 

Cameron grabs Matt's phone off the chair and hands it to him in the pool. We look around the pool to see who was gonna take the picture for us. Alexis was just climbing out to go sit with Cameron, and that left Nash. Me and Matt look at each other in silence. "I'll ask him." He says, quietly.

Great. I thought. This is gonna be so awkward.. 

Nash agrees to take the picture so he comes over near us. "Okay, so go under the same time we go under and take the picture when we kiss." Matt tells Nash and he says okay.

Me and Matt were face to face and we smile at each other just as we hold our breaths to go under. Matt's hands were on my waist and I grab his face. We connect our lips as we're still holding our breaths. We both start laughing as we were still kissing and Nash takes the picture. 

When we come back above water, I let out a big breath. Nash hands Matt back his phone. "I think I got a good one." He says, "I took a couple."

"Thanks so much." Matt says, looking at the pictures. He shows me and I couldn't help but smile. We look so happy in the picture, and I just loved it. 

The rest of the day we all just kind of sat around the house watching tv, eating and played some games. Carter told us how him and Lily freaked out this morning when they saw their faces. It took them both an hour to entirely wash it off. Me and Matt just laughed really hard and Carter told us how it was a good prank. Lily didn't seem too amused about it though, but I couldn't care less. 

We all decide that tomorrow we would spend the day at the beach and boardwalk. "SURBORT." Nash yells, as we're all sitting in the living room talking. I just look at him and laugh.


I'm having writer's block right now and I can't think of what else to write about, ugh :/ any ideas? comment what you think! thanks for 33k :)


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