Chapter 64

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Stephanie's POV

I grab my suitcase out of my closet and begin putting my clothes inside. Matt just lays on my bed and watches me as I do it. I fold my clothes nicely, placing them on top of one another. 

"We still have two days." Matt says, resting his chin on his hands as he lays on his stomach. 

"I know." I answer him, but continue placing stuff in my bag.

"So, lets go do something fun." He pouts, "I'm so bored."

I stop and turn to look at him, "You haven't even started packing yet."

He shrugs his shoulders and laughs, "I'll just pack the night before we leave." 

I shake my head and turn back around. I hear him sigh loudly and roll over on the bed. He stands up and walks over to me, holding his hands out for me to grab them. I look up at him, back down at my suitcase, then up at him again. 

"Please." He pouts.

He looks so cute right now with his black sweatpants, white shirt and his hair spiked in the front with a red Magcon beanie. I look at his hands again and finally reach up to grab them. He smiles and lifts me off the ground, pulling me in to hug him. This time, I wrap both my arms around his waist as his wrap around my shoulders. I close my eyes as my head rests on his chest.

"Let's go get some lunch babe." He says, kissing the top of my head and then leading me out the door. Our fingers interlock as we make our way downstairs and into the kitchen. Nash and Cam are filming a video in the living room and it makes me laugh when I watch them acting out random things. I follow Matt to the fridge as he opens it and grabs out ham, turkey, cheese, mayo and mustard. I grab the rolls off the counter and grab two plates out of the cupboard. 

Matt hands me only the ham and cheese, obviously knowing that I don't like mayo or mustard. I then start making my sandwich as he begins making his. We both sit down at the stools on the other side of the counter and watch Nash and Cam messing around. Me and Matt start laughing really hard when they fight about how to do the ending of the video. Nash wanted to do it one way, while Cam wanted to do it the other way. Then Nash would complain about how they're wasting time and how his camera was about to die. 

When Matt and I finish eating, Nash and Cam were finally done with recording. "What are you guys doing today?" Matt asks them.

"We're thinking about getting a boat for the day and going out in the water." Cameron says, "You guys wanna come?"

Matt looks at me and I shake my head yes, "Yeah sure." He looks back at Cam.

"Sweet! We'll probably leave in about an hour." Cameron says as Nash nods his head. 

As I make eye contact with Nash, it makes me realize that we haven't talked in awhile. It was kind of awkward the last time we talked, and I actually feel really bad for using him to get Matt back. I know that he didn't mind, but still. We also haven't gone surfing yet since we've been here and now there's only two days left. 

"Okay." Matt says, interrupting my thoughts. He looks down at me as they walk away, "You alright?" He asks, noticing my expression.

I shake it off and smile up at him, "Yeah, just thinking." 

His hand slips through my arm and hooks around my waist, "You know I love you, right?" He smiles.

My smile widens as he pulls me closer. I nod my head and reply, "And I love you."

We're interrupted by the sound of Taylor and somebody else running around the house. They run past us through the living and down the hall. "Who was that?" I ask, referring to the person Taylor was just with.

"Dillon." Matt answers, "He's Taylor's bestfriend and he just got here last night."

Since summer's coming to an end, I start thinking about where the rest of the boys are going to end up. Are any of them going back to school? 

"Oh." I reply, not saying anything I'm thinking. I haven't even talked to Alexis about going back to school yet, hopefully she's coming with me..

Eventually, an hour passes by and all of us leave to go on the boat. When we got to the dock and the boat, I realized that it was actually pretty big and it looked really nice. It actually kind of reminds me of the first night Matt took me out on a date. We stayed the night in a giant boat, ate chicken fingers, and ended up sleeping in the same bed together for the first time. It was a fun night.

We all climb into the boat and the driver begins to take off. Most of the boys take their shirt off to get some sun, while me and Alexis have our bathing suits on underneath our clothes. Since it's a hot day today, I just have on a crop top and some shorts. I notice how insperable Cam and Lex are every time they're together. They always have to be touching one another and I think it's kind of cute actually. 

I stand up and walk around to the other side of the boat, since nobody else is over there. I lean against the bar and look down at the water as it splashes up the side of the boat. My hair blows in the wind and I seriously feel like I'm in a movie or something. It was calm and quiet and all you could hear were the sounds of the ocean. My eyes squint because the sun is so bright, so I just continue to look down at the water.

I feel arms wrap around me from behind and I could tell that it was Matt. I don't turn around to look at him, I just smile and close my eyes as he rests himself on my back and holds me tight. His head sits on my shoulder as he looks out at the water with me. 

"This is nice." He says quietly and smiles.

I agree by nodding my head and smiling also. I suddenly feel his lips touch my neck which makes me get chills. His hands reach down and grab the bottom of my shirt, pulling it over my head leaving just my bikini top. He turns me around so that I'm facing him, then pushes me against the side of the boat. 

"You're so gorgeous." He whispers, leaning back in to kiss my neck. My hands start to run down his back, slightly digging into his skin. He makes his way up, kissing along my jaw and then finally my lips. I open my mouth wider, letting him in as our breathing gets heavier. 

"We shouldn't do this here." I say, our mouths still connected. He pulls away to look at me and a smile appears on his face. He slowly runs his thumb along my bottom lip as our faces are inches apart. 

"Come with me." He smirks, grabbing my hand and pulling me with him. We walk down some steps and end up in the bottom floor of the boat. I stand there in shock, looking at everything and how big it is down here. Shawn is in the kitchen getting a snack and he smiles at us as we walk past him. I can tell that he wants to talk, but Matt just drags me along without saying anything to him.

We walk down a little hallway and end up at the end as Matt opens the door. A master bedroom, of course. I smile as Matt shuts/locks the door behind me, then grabs my waist pulling me on top of him as we fall onto the bed. I giggle as my hair falls in his face, while he laughs and pushes it away. 

"Nice boat, isn't it?" Matt smirks, then kisses the side of my lips. 

"It's amazing." I look up from him as my eyes travel around the room. His hand reaches up to cup my cheek, then down around my neck. I look back down at him and smile as I lean in to connect our lips. He pulls away after a second, which makes me think that something's wrong. He doesn't say anything, but instead he grabs my waist and flips me over so that I'm laying on the bed. He then crawls on top of me, holding himself up with his hands. He slowly leans in, kissing the tip of my nose as I smile. His forehead leans against mine as his fingertips travel along my stomach.

"Please don't go." He whispers.

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