Chapter 75

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Stephanie's POV

"I'll miss you." I mumble into Matt's chest as he hugs me goodbye. 

It's now Christmas Eve and Matt's leaving on a train to go back home to Virginia for Christmas with his family. I really wish we could spend Christmas together, but I understand that his family would want him with them. But thankfully, the day after Christmas Matt is coming back to New York to pick me up. Then we're leaving on a flight to LA the next day. 

"I'll be back soon babe, don't worry." He kisses my forehead and pulls away to look at me, "Love you." He smiles, then quick kisses my lips.

"Love you too." I smile and lightly nudge him away as his train number was just called out loud on the speakers. 

"Are you sure about that? 'Cause you didn't seem too sure." He winks and stumbles back over to me and wraps his arms around my waist and lifts me off the ground. 

"You're gonna miss your train!" I squeal as he spins me around.

He finally sets me back down and leans down to my eye level, "Good." He whispers and smirks.

"Go!" I laugh and push him away, "I'll see you in a couple days." I smile.

"But I want to spend Christmas with you." He pouts as I try to push him to get to his train.

"Your family will be pissed if you don't get there tonight." I laugh. 

"Come with me." He pouts again.

"Matt, I can't." I sigh, "I have a family too."

"I'm gonna miss you too much!" He covers his face with his hands.

"You'll be gone for one day." I roll my eyes, "I'm sure you'll be fine."

"No I won't." He wraps his arms around me again, holding me tight.

"Your train!!" I yell and push my hands against his chest.

"I won't let go unless you tell me you love me." He mumbles into my hair while still holding me tight. 

"Matt." I whine.

"Stephanie." He whines back.

"Okay fine, I love you." I say quickly.

"Say it like you mean it." He mumbles.

I finally pull away from him and set my hands on his shoulders and look him directly in the eyes, "Matthew Espinosa, I love you soooooo much." I smile.

"I love you more." He smiles back and leans in to connect our lips one last time.

"Now go!" I laugh and push him away as he turns around and sprints to his train.

After Matt finally gets on his train, I leave the station and go back outside where my mom is waiting for me in the car. The rest of the day goes by kind of slow, and my family begins to arrive for our Christmas Eve party tonight. Earlier this week, I helped my mom set up lights around the house to make it seem more decorative. But, knowing my mom.. they'll be down the day after Christmas along with the tree. I put on a nice black dress for the party and greeted all of my family members that I haven't seen in awhile since they're from out of town. I normally loved family gatherings, but I just wasn't feeling like it today. I was too anxious to see Matt again and go back with him to LA. 

Everyone was now just chilling out in the living room and kitchen, talking, eating, and catching up on things. I was just on my phone the entire time, like always. 

The second I feel my phone vibrating and see the name pop up on the screen, I quickly stand up and excuse myself from the room. I sneak back upstairs into my room and shut the door, so none of my cousins would try to come in. 

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