Chapter 63

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Stephanie's POV

"Matt!!!" I scream, just as he lifts me over his shoulder and runs into the water. He jumps under the water and I go along with him. It's cold on my body at first, but I eventually get used to it. We start laughing as we emerge from the water.

"I can't believe you did that!" I laugh, wiping off my face.

"You're the one who stripped right in front of me." He smiles and splashes at me.

I giggle and look up at the stars. Matt notices and looks up also. The way they all shine along with the moon, makes it a gorgeous night and I'm so glad to be here. I feel Matt's arms reach around my back, pulling me into him. I look back down into his eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck. My legs wrap around his waist in the water and luckily Matt can touch the bottom where we are. 

His face slowly gets closer to mine and finally our lips connect, sending a shock through my body. His warm tongue makes its way into my mouth as I run my fingers through the back of his hair. He pulls away from me and leans his forehead against mine.

"I love you Steph." He whispers, his lips centimeters from mine.

I smile and my heart beat picks up, "I love you Matt." I whisper back. The way the words come out of my mouth, I don't think I've ever meant it as much as I do right now. 

"I really mean it though." He whispers, wrapping his arms around me tighter. 

"Me too." I answer him. This moment is just so perfect, that there wouldn't have been a better time to say it. I really do love him, and I don't know how I'm gonna be once we have to go our seperate ways. I wish I could just live in this moment for the rest of my life.

He kisses me one more time, before getting out of the water. We are now soaking wet, with no towels. Matt throws me his shirt and tells me to dry off with that, so I do. I then throw my dry clothes back on, but they eventually get wet from my hair, my bra and underwear. Matt puts his shorts back on, but keeps his shirt off which makes me blush.

He holds my hand and we start heading down the beach. When we finally get back to the house we decide to just call it a night, since we were both really tired. He dragged me into his room as I climbed underneath the covers. Once all the lights were shut off, he climbed into bed next to me wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Goodnight." I whisper to him, slowly closing my eyes.

"Goodnight beautiful." He whispers back, making my heart flutter.


I wake up the next morning to the sound of my phone going off. I quickly grab it off the table, answer it, then lay my head back down next to Matt's.

"Stephanie?" My mom says on the other line.

"Yeah, what's up?" I ask, rubbing my eyes and yawning.

"How are you? Is everything going good?" She asks a lot of questions, which makes me roll my eyes.

"I'm good." I simply answer.

"I miss you so much. Can't wait till you get home!" I've been updating my mom on pretty much everything that's happened since I've been down here in Florida. Including Matt, Alexis, the beach house.. Nash. A lot of stuff. I was very close with my mom, we have a pretty solid relationship and I loved that.

I see Matt's eyes slowly open and he glances over at me, his head still laying on the pillow next to me. "Yeah." Is all I can manage to say to my mom, while I stare back at Matt.

"A lot of your friends from school have been asking where you are." She laughs, "Although they already know.." 

"Huh?" What does she mean by they already know? I notice how Matt closes his eyes again, he's so cute.

"Oh um." She hesitates, "It's nothing sweetie."

"Mom tell me." I force her, and Matt's eyes fling open to look at me.

"Just a lot of people now know how you're with Matt." She begins, "And how Matt is very big on social media, that's all honey."

I glance down and sigh, "Mom, I don't wanna go back to school." I barely whisper to her as a tear starts to fall down my cheek. Matt notices and reaches his hand over and gently wipes it away, cupping my cheek in his palm. I lean my head into his hand and close my eyes, listening to my mom talk.

"I'm sorry Steph, but you don't have a choice." She sighs, "I'll see you in a few days okay? I love you."

"You too." I mumble back and end the call. I throw my phone on the floor and cuddle into Matt's chest. His arm wraps around me, pulling me closer, "I can't do this Matt." I whisper into him.

"Yes you can." He says back, resting his head on me.

"I thought you didn't want me to go back though?" I lean back to look at him.

"I don't. I want you to come with me to LA." He sighs, "But maybe we can work this out somehow?"

I nod my head, "It's gonna be hard." 

"I know." He quietly says. But does he actually know? I'll be in New York and he'll be all the way across the country in LA. How the hell will we ever be able to work that out? We can't skype and text each other for a whole school year.. that just doesn't happen.

The rest of the day was spent chilling out at the house. Some of us went to the beach for a little bit, some went in the pool, and at night we all ended up in the movie room watching The Purge 2. I sat with Matt, while Cameron and Alexis sat on the other side of us and everyone else just spreaded out or next to each other. When the movie was over, all the guys started freaking out about The Purge and ended up running around the house, filming crazy snapchat videos.

Ever since Lily came back yesterday, I haven't seen her since. I figured that she left again. But why? She wasn't in her room and she's nowhere in the house. I chose to ignore it, because I didn't want anyone else to get involved. I probably should, but I'm getting ready to leave in a few days and I just want Lily to be the least of my worries. 

"IT'S THE PURGE!!" Matt and Taylor scream, running pass me while holding their phone out taking a video. I laugh at them and shake my head, just as Matt comes running back and picks me up from behind. I squeal as his arms tighten around my stomach, as he begins running down the hall.

"What are you doing!" I half laugh, half smile. 

"I'm saving you!" He continues running down the hall, holding me tight. He finally sets me down when we get to the end, and we both start laughing. All of a sudden, Hayes comes out of nowhere pointing his fingers at Matt in the shape of a gun.

"Bang!" He yells and laughs, "Matt you're dead!" I feel like I'm in a video game right now and I can't help but giggle.

"Dude that's not fair!" Matt whines.

Hayes begins laughing again, just as Nash pops up. "Got you!" He yells, pretending to shoot Hayes. He falls to the groud acting like he just got shot and Nash turns to us. I put my hands up in defense, trying to think of what people in movies do during this situation. Even though they're all just messing around right now, it's still fun to act it out.

"Don't worry, I won't shoot you." Nash smiles, putting his hands down.

Matt starts laughing and then grabs my hand, and runs pass Nash back down the hallway. I run along behind him as we turn the corner, "Hurry! Before anyone catches us." Matt loudly whispers and continues running, making sure that I'm right behind him.

We finally make it up the stairs and into my room. I shut the door behind me and plop on the bed, breathing heavily. That's probably the most running I've done all summer. It's fun playing games like this with the boys because they always get so into it, which makes it seem so real and so fun. Matt lays on top of me, as I roll on my back to look up at him as his body hovers over me. 

"That was fun." I giggle.

Without replying, he slowly leans in and touches his lips to mine making a shock of electricity run through my body. 


Make sure to go check out my other fanfiction about luke hemmings, I'll be adding a lot to that soon! There's also a trailer to go along with it, so go watch it :)


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