Chapter 20

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Matt's POV

I moan and get up off the bed and pull Stephanie with me. Of course my mom would have to come home right when we were in the middle of something.

Stephanie follows behind me as we walk down the stairs and into the kitchen. "Heyyy mom." I say, as she comes up to me and gives me a hug since she hasn't seen me in awhile.

"I missed my baby so much!" She squeezes me tight. 

I laugh and lightly push her away, "Mom, meet Stephanie.." I pause. "My girlfriend." I say and turn to face her. 

"Aw nice to meet you Stephanie! I'm Matt's mom!" She says and goes over to hug her and I mouth 'sorry' to Steph and she laughs. 

"Nice to meet you too!" Stephanie says and smiles at me.

"Guys, the food is on the table so go enjoy. I'm gonna go take a shower. Behave!" My mom says and goes to her room.

Steph and I walk into the dining room and sit down to eat our McDonalds. Once we're done, we go back upstairs to my room. It was getting pretty late, so we decide to get ready for bed since we had a long day today. 

"Come say goodnight to me." Stephanie smiles and runs across the hall to the guest room. I laugh and walk over to the room and it was so dark.

"Steph?" I ask because I can't see anything. 

All of a sudden I feel someone jump on me from behind, "Gotcha!!" Steph yells and wraps her arms around me.

"Sneaky, aren't ya?!" I laugh and pull her off of me, then grab her waist and spin her around towards me.

"It's so dark, I can't see you!" She laughs. 

"I like it like that." I pull her onto the bed with me. I start to tickle her and she giggles like crazy. After that, it starts to get quiet and she connects her lips with mine and pulls away after about a minute.

"Night Matt." She says.

"Goodnight babe." I kiss her again before I stand up and walk to my room.

Stephanie's POV

After Matt kisses me goodnight and goes back to his room, I fall asleep. 


The next morning, I wake up and squint because oh how bright it was in the room. I cover my face with the covers and go on my phone to check my twitter. 

I gained a lot of followers from posts that Matt tagged me in yesterday. I scroll through my feed and I see a picture of Nash and his younger brother Hayes in North Carolina. It makes me smile because I miss all of them. 

I get up and go to the bathroom to get all cleaned up. After that, I open the door and look across the hall to see that Matt's door was shut. I quietly walk over to it and slowly start to open the door knob.

I peak my head inside and all the lights were off, but the sun was shining through the window. I notice Matt was still passed out in his bed and it made me giggle. I walk in and slowly close the door behind me. 

I walk over to the edge of his bed and quietly crawl underneath the covers with him. Once I do that, I hear him moan and turn over. His eyes slowly open and he smiles when he sees me. I pull the blankets up to my chin and move closer to him.

"Morning sleepy head." I laugh.

"Morning beautiful." He says in his sleepy voice, which is adorable. 

"What are we gonna do today?" I ask, as he puts his arm around my waist.

"Well my friends are having a summer party thing tonight, if you wanna go. It starts at 8." he says. "I can introduce you to some of them." 

"Yeah! That would be fun" I smile.

"And during the day, we can just go swimming or to the park or something. Whatever's cool with you." He says. 

"Oooh let's take a walk to the park." I say and cuddle up in Matt's arms.

"Sure thing babe" he says and kisses my forehead.


Matt and I get ready to go, eat breakfast, then head out the door. The neighborhood he lives in is really nice. We start walking down the sidewalk and within 2 seconds, Matt reachs for my hand and interlocks our fingers. I smile and look up at him as we keep walking. 

"Have you talked to any of the boys yet?" I ask.

"Nah. They're probably busy with other stuff. Shawn texted me yesterday, but that was it." He answers. 

"I wonder how Cameron's doing. You know, with the whole Alexis thing.." I say and Matt nods his head.

"Yeah I don't know. Hopefully he'll get over it though." He says, "Did he ever find out about Taylor?"

"I saw Taylor talking to him before we left, but I'm not sure what he said to him." I shrug, "Maybe I'll talk to Cam soon. Just to see how he's holding up." 

"Yeah. I will too." Matt smiles at me.

We keep walking and we finally get to the park. There were only a few people there, so it was nice and quiet. I let go of Matt's hand right when I see the swings. I quickly run over to them and Matt starts to laugh. "You really like swings, don't you?" He says, after he chases after me. 

I sit on one of the swings and Matt sits on the one next to me. I didn't swing that high because I just wanted to chill and talk to Matt. 

"So when and where is the next Magcon?" I ask.

"Umm, I think it's in San Diego in like 2 or 3 weeks." Matt says. "So we have lots of time to spare doing whatever we want." He smiles, "You're coming to the next Magcon, right?"

"I hope so!" I say, "Hopefully my parents will let me. Maybe in a few days we can go back to New York so I can see them."

"Yeah of course" Matt smiles. He leans across the swing and connects our lips. He then slowly pulls away and takes my hand in his.

We walk around the park, go down some slides and it felt like I was a kid again. I loved it because me and Matt were laughing so much and it was really fun. 

After that, we walked back to the house and started to get ready for the party...I was so excited.


Okay, boring chapter I know. :p

I'm trying to think of good things to add in, so it'll get better i promise!

Thank you guys for reading and commenting, ily :)

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