Chapter 93

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Stephanie's POV 

Matt nudges me with his hand underneath the table and looks at me. Nash, Cam and Carter were all talking so they weren't paying attention to us. I look up at Matt, "Are you okay?" He whispers. He must've noticed how quiet I've became ever since we sat down at this table to eat. 

I nod my head, "Yeah." 

He sighs, obviously knowing that I'm not. Matt always hates it when I say I'm okay even though he can tell that I'm lying. 

After we finish eating, we all start walking back down the beach. The other boys go a little further ahead and me and Matt stay behind them, walking slower. He slips his fingers through mine and gets closer to me, hitting my shoulder with his. He's not looking straight ahead as we walk, instead he's staring down at me, but I keep my eyes on the sand.

"Babe, I can tell that something is wrong." He says, quietly.

"It's nothing, I just don't feel good." I shrug. He gives me the eye, but I say, "Trust me."

He stops walking and grips my hand tighter, pulling me into him. His hand slowly runs down my cheek, lifting my chin up. "You know you can tell me anything, right?" He whispers and leans his forehead against mine.

"I know." I whisper and close my eyes.

His lips softly touch mine and my insides seem to go crazy. I feel like everytime he touches me in a certain way, I get a big pit in my stomach. But for some reason, I love it. He slowly pulls away and then kisses me quick on my nose, making me smile. 

When we get back to our towels, everyone else is already packing up their stuff so me and Matt do as well. Nash looks over at me, but I look away. My mind is just so confused right now. I thought that everything was going so well and that me and Matt could finally have fun in LA and do what we want. But then Lily got involved, Alexis got involved, and Nash did too. I honestly don't even know what I want anymore. I've been so focused on my relationship with Matt that I never stopped to think about me and what I want for myself.

We make our way back to the boys' apartment and go up the elevator to their floor. Nash unlocks the door first and stops dead in his tracks. 

"Nash?" Matt asks and walks pass us to see what the hold up is. And all of a sudden, Matt freezes too.

"Oh my god." Cameron says.

I pull my eyebrows together, since I'm standing in the back and can't even see over them because I'm too short. 

"Where's Stephanie." I hear a voice say.

And just when I realize it, it's Alexis's voice. I quickly push through the guys and see Alexis standing in front of everyone. 

"What the hell?!" I loudly whisper to her. No one was supposed to know that she was here. 

"What's she doing here?" Matt asks, standing right next to me.

I look over at Nash on the other side of me and he doesn't say anything, he just clears his throat a couple times. Since he already knew about all of this.

"I'm sorry." Alexis mouths as a tear rolls down her cheek.

"What's going on?" Matt asks, looking around at everybody.

"Alexis ple-"

"I came to say goodbye." She says quickly.

"What?" Everyone says in unison. I'm pretty sure Cameron is still in shock of even seeing her in front of us, because he hasn't moved an inch. His eyes are just glaring into her but his mouth isn't moving.

Maybe Tonight 》Matt EspinosaWhere stories live. Discover now