Chapter 57

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Stephanie's POV

After Lily and I were officially done getting ready, we walk downstairs to leave. She opens the front door and begins to walk outside, while still holding the door open for me. I look at the night sky and stop before I could walk outside.

"You coming?" Lily asks, turning around to look at me.

I hesitate for a moment before turning around and looking back into the house. "I forgot to say goodbye to Matt." I quickly say.

I see her roll her eyes and sigh, "Hurry up." She says and turns back around to continue walking outside.

I start to walk to the living room and practically run into Matt as he's walking towards the door. 

"Holy shit." He says, eyeing me up and down.

I tug at the bottom of my dress a little bit to pull it down. "Oh my god, is it bad?" I start to get embarrased. 

"No no, you look... wow." He says, stumbling over his words. 

"Thanks." I start to blush and then lean in to hug him. "I'll see you later, okay?" 

He squeezes his arms around my waist tightly, then pulls away to softly kiss me on the forehead. "Call me if you need anything." He says and I nod my head.

"Okay, bye." I say and smile as I finally walk out the door.

The taxi is already here and I hop in, sitting next to Lily. About 20 minutes later, we pull up to a place with the word Oasis lit up in lights on the front of the building. I swallow a lump in my throat as I slowly step out of the cab and realize that Lily has dragged me along with her to a night club. The music was so loud that you could hear it from outside and it kind of made me nervous because I've never been to a place like this. 

All the girls here looked like sluts and I'm pretty sure almost everyone was drunk. Great. Just Great.

"What the hell are we doing here?" I whisper loudly to Lily as she steps out of the cab behind me. 

"Geeeez Chill. It'll be fun don't worry!" She says, trying to calm me down. Even though it's not really working. I could be sitting with Matt right now, cuddled up in his arms watching a movie. But no, I'm at a night club with intoxicated people all around me.

I grab Lily's arm and pull her back before stepping in the line to get in. "What?" She asks in a harsh tone.

"We aren't even old enough to get in!" I start to say, but whisper so nobody can hear me.

"I got you covered." She says and then reaches in her purse, pulling out two fake ID's.

My eyes widen and I grab them out of her hand, analyzing them. I mean, they look legit but I can't even think what would happen if we got caught. "Are you sure about this?" I ask and look up at her.

"I've done this before Steph. Trust me." She says, grabbing her ID out of my hand, leaving me with mine. 

I take a deep breath and as we make it closer to the entrance, my heart starts beating faster and I actually start to sweat a little. Surprisingly, the guy at the entrance didn't even notice that the ID's were fake and in we went to the club.

Lily drags me over to the bar and orders us a couple of drinks. I nervously smile at the bartender as he hands me and Lily our drinks. We sit down on the stools and I look around the place to take everything in. It was dark with neon lights everywhere, a stage with music playing, a huge dancefloor with people grinding all over eachother, and giant lights hanging from the ceiling in different colors. 

"My friends are here!" I hear Lily say and stand up, while greeting a couple girls and guys. I slowly stand up and follow her over to them. I felt so out of place and I wanted to go back to the house.

I notice one of Lily's friends with dark hair and gorgeous green eyes look at me. "Hey, I'm Jake." He says to me, smiling.

I smile back and introduce myself. "I'm Stephanie." 

"Do you wanna go sit down somewhere?" He asks and I look over to see that Lily is too busy talking. 

"Sure." I say and follow him over to sit on a black leather couch. When I sit down, I take a sip of my drink and then set it on the table in front of me. Jake leans back against the couch and then looks up at me.

"So, how do you know Lily?" He asks me, as I sit there awkwardly.

"Um, she's friends with Carter Reynolds." I say, instead of oh, you know. She just practically dated my boyfriend even though he was using her to make me jealous, which made us get into a physical fight and almost beat each other up. But I knew I shouldn't of mentioned that.

"You know Carter?" He asks and pulls his eyebrows together, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees.

"Yeah. He's one of my friends." I say, with shaky words. Damn this conversation is so awkward.

I take another sip of my drink and I hear him laugh. "Oh, I see. I'm guessing that you're friends with all those lame ass Magcon boys or whatever the hell you call them."

I almost spit my drink back into the cup. "Excuse me?" I ask and turn to look at him. "And yes, I am friends with all of them. Why?"

"I've never met them, but Lily always talks about them." He says and laughs to himself.

"Oh." I manage to say, but I'm still curious as to what Lily says about them. "Um, what does she say about them?" I ask, hoping to get an answer.

"She says that they're all douchebags and that they don't give a shit about anyone but themselves." He begins. "Oh and I think she said that she hooked up with one of them one night at a party. I think his name was Matt. She's totally into him."

"What!" The words come flying out of my mouth. This can't be happening. I know it isn't true, because Matt told me he never kissed her. All this shit happened when I was hanging out with Nash and I truely don't know what to believe at the moment.

"Yeah, crazy right?" He says and laughs. 

I cover my face with my hands and my head starts pounding. I need more information. I look back over at Jake as he lifts a drink to his mouth, then puts it back down.

"Are you okay?" He asks, seeming worried.

"I'm fine." I say and roll my eyes. I move over to sit a little closer to him and cross my leg over the other. "What else do you know about Lily?" I fake a smile. 

"Woah woah woah. Enough about Lily, I wanna get to know you." He leans closer to me and smiles. I back away a little and reach for my drink, chugging the rest of it. 

"Well-" I begin before I'm cut off by the sound of Lily running over to me.

"Steph let's go dance!" She says, grabbing my hand and pulling me up off the couch. She's wasted. I look back over at Jake and he nods his head.

Lily drags me to the dancefloor and starts busting moves with her hands still grabbed onto mine. She reaks of alcohol. Her hips keep moving and I just want to push her away from me so bad. People keep moving in closer to us, and I pretty much bump every person next to me. I'm really not in the dancing mood. I feel hands grab on my waist from behind and I quickly turn around.


"Dance with me." He says and smiles. I have to admit, he is really cute. But not as cute as Matt. 

Oh my god. Matt.

I lightly push Jake away and shake my head. "I don't really dance, sorry." I say and start to walk away, before I feel a hand grab my wrist and pull me back.

"Just one dance, c'mon." He pouts.

"I have a boyfriend." I spit out.

His grip tightens and pulls me into him as I try to push away. "I don't care." He says and smiles, moving his hands down my waist.

No matter how hard I try to push him away, I couldn't get out of his grip. He's too strong. 


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