Chapter 18

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Stephanie's POV

I was left speechless just standing there in front of Matt. Are you sure this is what you really want? I thought. I lift my head up and look him in the eyes and he seemed kind of worried about my answer. 

"Yes." I say. "Yes I want to be your girlfriend!" I laugh and jump into his arms and he wraps them around my waist and holds me tight. Matt was smiling like crazy and so was I. 

The plane ends up leaving without me, but luckily I get my luggage before it leaves. Me and Matt sit down in some chairs while we're still at the airport. He reaches for my hand and slips his fingers through mine and I smile at him.

"I have to go back to the hotel and pack my things before we leave, okay?" He pauses. "We can leave tonight if you want, I just have to call my mom and tell her." he says. 

"Yeah that sounds good." I say and stand up along with Matt. Our fingers were still interlocked as we walk out of the airport. 

We get back to the hotel and Matt goes to his room and I go to mine, just to get one last look around. I sit down on the bed and just stare out the window and thought. Oh my god. I never told my parents about Matt!  "Shit." I say outloud. I quickly grab my phone and dial my mom.

"Hello?" My mom answers at the other end of the phone.

"Hi mom!" I say back.

"Are you on your way home?" She asks.

"Listen mom, we need to talk." I pause. "A lot of things happened while I was here in Florida.."

"What happened? Are you okay?" She asks, getting worried. 

"Yes mom, I'm fine." I say. "But I did meet a boy.. and we're kind of dating now." I hoped she would be okay with it because Matt is a great guy.

"What?? Who is he?" She asks.

"His name is Matt and he's in Magcon, you know, that thing Alexis always obsesses over." I say. holy shit, I forgot to tell her about Alexis too. I thought.

"Well, are you sure you know each other that well to date?" She asks. My mom was always very protective over me.

"Mom, I'm positive. You just have to trust me." I say. "He also asked me to come back home with him and I said yes. Please don't be mad." I say again.

"Honey, I'm not mad at you. I just want you to make the right decisions and if you're happy with Matt, then I have to let you go." She says. I sigh of relief and I'm so glad that she was cool with it. 

"Thank you so much mom. But there's also one more thing I need to tell you..." I hestitate.

"What is it?" She asks.

"Well.....Alexis is going to rehab. And before you start freaking out I just want to tell you that she is perfectly safe right now." I say.

"Oh my god Stephanie!! What happened?" She asks and it seems like she was starting to get mad.

"She kept sneaking around and for her birthday we threw her a surprise party and she never showed up. I ended up getting a call from her phone, but it was the police station telling me that they found her in possesion of a lot of drugs. Mom, she has an addiction." I say.

"That is absolutely terrible. This is the last time I'm letting you go somewhere alone with a friend." She says, sternly. 

"She just needs to be cured mom, she'll be fine and she'll be home in no time, so please don't worry about me. I have Matt to take care of me." I say.

"Ugh fine. But if I find out anything else that happened, you're coming straight home and you'll be grounded for ahwile. Have a safe flight to Matt's and call me when you get there. Love you." She says.

"I will. Love you too." I say and hang up the phone.

I get my suitcase and walk up to Matt's room. When I walk in Nash, Cam and Matt are all packing their bags. It was weird to see Cameron because I haven't seen him since the whole incident with Alexis. 

"Hey Matt's girlfriend!" Nash yells when he sees me walk in. I laugh and say hi.

I sit down on the bed and just watch the boys pack their suitcases. "So you guys ready to go home?" I ask them. 

"Yes." Cameron answers right away.

"Um kind of." Nash says.

"I am soooo ready." Matt says and winks at me which made me giggle. 

There's a knock on the door and it was the rest of the boys. They all walk in the door with all of their suitcases, ready to go home also. 

"Hey Cam, can we talk?" Taylor asks him. 

"Yeah sure bro." Cameron stands up and they both walk out of the room. 

I was really interested in what Taylor was gonna say to Cameron. Hopefully he'll tell him the truth about him and Alexis, that way I wouldn't have to do it. 

Matt quickly glances at me and I shrug my shoulders. The boys finish packing and we all stand up and walk towards the elevator.

"Where did Cameron and Taylor go?" I ask.

"They already went down to the lobby." Carter says.

When we got down to the lobby, I see Cam and Taylor sitting down talking and Cameron looks so pissed. But after about 10 minutes they both stand up and hug eachother and pat each other on the back. I'm surprised at how well Cameron was taking in all of this. I felt bad for him though.

We all get in a limo that took us to the airport. It was weird being back here because I was literally just here this morning. We were walking in a big group because there were so many of us. The only person missing was Alexis. The police officer told us that she had to stay here in Florida and go to rehab for a month or two before even flying on a plane. That's how bad she was.

All of us stop and look at each other before we go our seperate ways. Nash, Hayes, and Carter were all riding the same plane back to North Carolina. Cameron was going to California, Shawn was going to Canada, Jack and Jack were going to Omaha, Taylor was going to Indiana, Aaron was going to Louisiana and Matt and I were going to Virginia. 

It was sad to say goodbye to all of them because I really did have a fun time while I was down here. But good thing it's summer because I get to travel with Matt to all the Magcon's and see all the boys again. 

I hug everyone goodbye and when I hug Nash, he hugs me extra tight. It was weird, but I liked it. "I'll miss you." He says.

"I'll miss you too, Nash." I pull away and wave goodbye to them all. 

After Matt gets done saying goodbye to everyone he turns towards me. "Ready?" He asks and I smile.

"Yeah," I say and he grabs my hand and we walk to our gate.

We board our flight and take off to Virginia, Matt's home.


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