Chapter 31.

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CHAPTER 31: the unfortunate tale of the diamonds

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There was definitely no recovering from the roasting my father gave to Liam when he last saw me. What we thought would be a celebratory reunion had become Liam's place of death after dad not quite literally obliterated him.

"Young man, you are awfully close to my daughter." he really tried to look all tough when I literally heard him crying to his sister that he hated how much men chose to think I was attractive. It was a joint effort to get to the position me and Liam were in during that day, "I've seen you're always around her. I'm watching you. You're lucky I love my daughter and I want to see her happy—"

"Dad!" I exclaimed at the time, my cheeks heating up in embarrassment from the thought of my father trying to act tough. It didn't help that when Liam stood up, he was nearly a whole head taller than my dad. The way they both squared up to each other had to have been one of the most entertaining things I've ever seen in my life.

Yet Liam simply held a hand out for him to shake, which made me cower over in amusement at the shocked look written all over my father's face. Even though Liam was about one hundred percent more intimidating than my dad, the effort and immediate retaliation was still there.

"It's very nice to see you again, sir. I wanted to see how your daughter was getting on with her dance and she's definitely as talented as she appears to be," he spoke as my father reached out to shake his hand. I watched as he turned his attention to me that afternoon, muttering something to me along the lines of 'how the fuck did you manage this, young lady?' However, I gave him a grin and shrugged happily, "I should probably get going, though. I wouldn't want to disturb her—"

"Oh no, come with me. I think we need to have a small chat about Cassidy—" I distinctly remember sprinting off of my place sat down and scolding my father. I knew if I let Liam go, my father would never stop with the interrogating about me. Maybe I should apologise to Liam for shoving him out of the estate that afternoon before my dad could get the last word in.

It's been a few days since that and I arrived at Harrington Cruises where there was a bustle around, which meant some sort of news was going around that none of us knew about quite yet. Well, everyone knew except me and quite frankly, I wanted to know because I felt awfully left out of the loop slightly. I asked Francine at the front desk, but she told me she didn't know either.

I went to Michael's office to give him his lunch that Tuesday afternoon as I always did every week when I could hear him yelling on the phone to someone. However, I remained in the doorway, listening in as his rage was beginning to sizzle out of the room like hot lava. It probably also didn't help that it was like the Sahara desert here already due to Summer.

"If she finds out, she'll be after her—what do you mean she'll get into trouble? Obviously, she will! That's why I want you to get that fucking necklace before she finds out because if she'll all pay for it." who's he talking about? My brows furrowed together as he suddenly stopped the shouting to make his voice more hushed. Whatever's going on, him finding out had definitely caused an uproar for his company, "I don't care. Get those diamonds back. They're incredibly valuable and they mean a lot to her. She had no right to take them in the first place—oh, also find out who took them and fire them."

Diamonds? My mind immediately went to the diamond necklace I had hidden away in my drawer and a sickly feeling began to settle deep in my gut. Last time I checked, they were there and I wasn't even gone for two weeks. Elaine was also on vacation with her family so someone was sent to take care of my house whilst I was gone.

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